Sajith and Anura Set to Implement Gotabaya Rajapaksa's Economic Agenda

• 2022 Economic Collapse Blamed on Unplanned Tax Cuts.

• Why Support “Aragalaya” to Implement Policies That Led to the Crisis?

• Farmers to Receive Water Just Like Fertilizer, Boosting Yields and Strengthening the National Economy.

• Uma Oya Project Completion Accelerated.

• Fertilizer Subsidy Extended to Sugarcane Farmers - President Says at Monaragala.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has assessed Sajith and Anura, accusing them of planning to reintroduce the economic policies of former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, which led to the country’s economic collapse in 2022. He warned that the unplanned tax cuts under Rajapaksa's regime were a major factor in the crisis and urged the public not to forget the consequences.

The President also questioned why Sajith and Anura, who worked to remove the former President under the pretext of a struggle, are now attempting to revive his same failed policies. President Wickremesinghe emphasized that he is running in the upcoming presidential election to protect the hard-won economic progress of the past two years and to build a nation where people can live securely.

Speaking at the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" public rally in Monaragala today (29), President Wickremesinghe assured farmers that the remaining work on the Uma Oya project will be completed, reaffirming his commitment to bolstering the national economy. He pledged to ensure water access for farmers, similar to the fertilizer support they have received, and promised to extend the fertilizer subsidy to sugarcane farmers as well.

Addressing the gathering, President Ranil Wickremesinghe further elaborated;

In those days, people across the country, regardless of party, colour, caste, or religion, suffered together. We realized then that to save the country, we all had to move forward as one. I thank the people of this country for their support.

We worked hard to stabilize the economy within two years. I entered the upcoming presidential election to continue driving the country forward while maintaining that economic stability. My goal is to ease the burdens on people's lives.

Today, Sajith and Anura claim that reducing taxes will lower the cost of living. However, cutting taxes also reduces government revenue. They say prices will drop, but they need to explain how they plan to advance the economy when revenue falls and expenses rise. This approach risks returning the country to the state it was in 2022. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa tried this, and we all know the consequences.

I question why Sajith and Anura led the movement to remove President Gotabaya, only to propose implementing his same economic policies. We are working to steadily increase national production, and we are now seeing successful results.

Once these gains are realized, we can provide more relief to the people. Instead of "Samurdhi," we have introduced "Aswesuma," offering the people three times the benefits, including increased allowances for government employees. As the economy strengthens, even more relief can be provided.

In 2025, we will be able to offer even greater relief compared to 2024. Thanks to the economic progress and available funds, we’ve been able to provide a fertilizer subsidy for sugarcane cultivation. This is the path we must follow—developing the economy and providing genuine relief to the people without making false promises. Starting from the last quarter of 2025, we can further increase these benefits.

The people must decide whether to continue this progress or revert to the old ways. Reducing the tax burden is essential, but during tough times when we couldn’t print money, raising taxes was necessary. We are aware of the hardships this caused, but it was a step we had to take.

The income of the country is now on the rise, and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is increasing. With this growth, we will be able to provide tax relief to the people. Next year, we plan to create permanent sources of income for 100,000 young people.

Additionally, 50,000 more young people will receive financial support to undergo training at an institute of their choice.

Our goal is to boost the national economy and ensure development reaches rural areas as well. We have already resolved part of the land issues in this region, and a team is working to address the remaining challenges as quickly as possible.

We are also focused on restoring small tanks to enhance agriculture in this province, which will, in turn, strengthen the farmers. The remaining work on the Uma Oya project is being completed, and in addition to providing fertilizer, we are working to ensure a steady water supply.

If you give me five more years, we can achieve even more than we have in the past two years. Therefore, I ask for your vote for the “Gas Cylinder” on September 21.

Minister Prasanna Ranatunga:

Today, we see the emergence of a new political culture. The era of opposing one another and engaging in politics based solely on individual ideologies is over. Now, representatives from the United National Party (UNP), the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) and the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) have come together on a unified platform. This united front is being led by President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who has brought these diverse groups together for the greater good of the country.

Our fathers, mothers and those who have fought throughout history for political causes—have now united for a common purpose. We all witnessed the devastating effects of the economic crisis when people were queuing for fuel, gas, and medicine and hospitals struggled to provide essential treatments. The economic crisis pushed the country into bankruptcy. In such a state, no nation offered aid, and loans were unavailable. Our leaders were forced to leave the country, and even a member of our Parliament was tragically killed.

Today, however, the country has returned to a state of normalcy. We’ve made significant progress, but our journey is not yet complete. The crucial decisions ahead, particularly on September 21, will determine our future. In these challenging times, while many leaders make empty promises, President Ranil Wickremesinghe stands as the only leader who has presented a concrete plan for the country.

State Minister Jagath Pushpakumara:

In the past, we focused on winning elections for party-affiliated candidates. Today, our commitment is to support an independent candidate. President Ranil Wickremesinghe is running in the upcoming Presidential Election as an independent candidate. We all remember the state of the country two years ago. Parents had to pay exorbitant prices Rs. 2000 for fuel just to take their children to the hospital. Many families suffered due to shortages of gas, milk powder, and essential medicines.

At that critical time, we urged Sajith Premadasa to take on the responsibility of leading the country. However, Sajith Premadasa, who now boasts about his capabilities, refused, claiming that accepting such a challenge would hinder his chances of becoming President in two years. Now, after abandoning the people during their time of need, he is asking for their support to become President.

State Minister Vijitha Berugoda:

We are currently at a critical juncture. To move this country forward and strengthen the economy, we need a leader with substantial experience, both politically and internationally. President Ranil Wickremesinghe is the only leader who possesses the necessary expertise and political expertise.

The people should re-elect the leader who stood by them during the most challenging times.

Therefore, it is essential to empower President Ranil Wickremesinghe as the ninth Executive President for the next five years. The people of Uva Wellassa, who once sacrificed their lives in the struggle against British imperialism, will once again rise to defend this country. They will reject those who boast and spread fear through political campaigns, and they will re-elect Ranil Wickremesinghe as the President of Sri Lanka.

Former Minister Vijith Wijayamuni Soysa:

Sajith and Anura both refused to take on the responsibility of leading this country during its most difficult times. There was no fuel, gas, fertilizer, or even basic necessities like soap and milk powder for children. It was Ranil Wickremesinghe who courageously stepped up to rebuild the country. He did not rebuild the country by printing money or selling off resources, as others have done.

Ranil Wickremesinghe has been instrumental in restoring this country. If, by mistake, the JVP is given power, government employees may not even receive their salaries in January. Their involvement would likely disrupt the program with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and affect the Samurdhi Fund as well. In such a scenario, the only outcome might be winning nothing more than a ‘Gas Cylinder’.

Monaragala District Member of Parliament Dr. Gayashan Navananda:

When the country faced bankruptcy due to poor economic decisions, resulting in fuel and gas shortages, prolonged power cuts, and people dying in hospitals without medicine, there was no one willing to take responsibility.

When President Ranil Wickremesinghe entered Parliament as a single-seat member, I was among the first to seek his expertise and wisdom. His dedication to the people of Sri Lanka, especially when other leaders were failing and abandoning the public, was crucial. President Wickremesinghe stepped up to lead the country through its darkest hours, saving lives and stabilizing the economy amidst turmoil.

Ranil Wickremesinghe, who answered the call of the Sri Lankan people, took on the leadership of this country when others abandoned it, leaving the people to suffer. We are forever indebted to him for rescuing the economy and, in doing so, saving the lives of the Sri Lankan people.

Member of Parliament Kumarasiri Ratnayake:

President Ranil Wickremesinghe undertook a significant challenge, and with remarkable determination, he has led the country in the right direction. Alongside strong ministers from the SLPP, such as Prasanna Ranatunga, he has effectively managed the situation, bringing stability and progress to our nation.

This commitment is reflected in the support of four out of five Members of Parliament from the Monaragala District, as well as numerous representatives, including Provincial Council and Regional Council chairpersons. Our former supporters from the SLPP also stand with you in recognition of the crucial work you have done for the country.

The event was attended by the religious leaders led by the Maha Sangha, a large number of people, including political representatives from the province.

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