In 2022, finding a home that had not had to stand in queues was like Kisagotami's search for mustard seeds

• I took charge of a country that was sinking like the Titanic and guided the economy back on course.

• On September 21, I seek the people's mandate to steer the ship to port and bring victory to the nation.

• I have never made wrong decisions.

• My goal is to protect the pride of the Sinhalese people and build a developed country- President says while addressing the public in Galle.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe remarked that finding a household that has not experienced queues in 2022 was more challenging than Kisagotami's search for mustard seeds. He added that he took charge of a country that was sinking like the Titanic and is now steering it in the right direction, with the people on board. He emphasized that on September 21st, he will seek the people's mandate to guide the country to victory.

Speaking at the "Ranil Can" victory rally at the Galle Samanala Stadium, which saw a large turnout, Wickremesinghe highlighted that his decisions have always been made with the nation's future in mind, never making wrong choices. He vowed to protect the pride of the people and build a developed country.

He further elaborated during his speech at the rally;

“The people of this country endured great hardships having to stand for days in queues. Finding a home without its residents having had to experience such queues is more challenging than Kisagothami’s search for mustard seeds. I took over this country to strengthen the economy and eliminate its bankruptcy. I am proud to announce that I have now completed the final stage of this effort. I have negotiated with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the countries that provided us loans to reach an agreement on debt sustainability suitable for Sri Lanka.

Out of the 18 creditor countries, we have finalized negotiations with 17 countries and China separately. Tomorrow, we will complete the agreement with the private bondholders. With these foundational tasks accomplished, I am running for the presidential election, having fulfilled my primary responsibilities and brought the country to the point where bankruptcy is officially ended.

However, we must confirm this economic stability. Without creating a new economy, we risk collapsing again under future loans. I ask for your mandate on September 21 to support the creation of this new economy.

Political life is filled with challenges. I accepted the task of rebuilding our economy when the country was sinking like the Titanic. The ship had numerous holes, and there were no captains. I gathered those on board and steered the ship in the right direction, but we have not yet reached the port. On September 21, I urge you to help us bring the ship to port.

I have always made decisions with the future of the country in mind, even when they were difficult and unpopular. Despite the challenges, we have stabilized the economy and provided relief to the people.

Today, we have the support of foreign countries, but to move forward, we need a new economic framework. Without it, our economy risks collapsing again. The choice before us is whether we become a nation of beggars or continue to uphold the pride of the people of this country.

Sajith and Anura have claimed they will cancel existing agreements and renegotiate with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). However, the IMF has stated that these agreements cannot be altered. After the elections, IMF representatives will arrive to finalize these agreements. If we attempt to change them then, we risk losing their support and will see the value of the rupee plummet to 500 per dollar.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake has acknowledged that the economy grew under my leadership and suggested that our system is effective. If this is the case, why hand over the country to someone who admits they cannot continue the work? Anura Dissanayake's claim that he will abandon the country if he fails in a year and a half shows he is not equipped to lead us forward. Sajith and Anura have only exacerbated the economic issues without offering solutions. Sajith Premadasa even declined to appear on a TV program to discuss his plans.

Leaders who cannot present their programs or guide the country effectively should not be entrusted with its future. Reflect on your future and ensure we do not return to past failures.

I have fulfilled the responsibilities entrusted to me, and now I invite everyone to join me in creating a new, prosperous country. Please vote for the gas cylinder on September 21 to support this vision.”

Minister Ali Sabry:

The country’s economy is gradually recovering. I ask the public whether it is wise to change doctors when a patient is in recovery. Those who once plotted to seize power failed. Now, they say we need change. But before considering change, I ask the people reflect on whether it might lead us from one crisis to another. In Bangladesh, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who ruled for 20 years and developed the country, was ousted by socialist revolutionaries. Today, Bangladesh is experiencing 19-hour power cuts. Do we want such a change here as well? Therefore, I urge everyone to make the right decision in the upcoming election.

The Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) believes they can win people’s hearts by making false promises. However, in countries where so-called change was attempted, they only fell further behind. Look at Greece – after a socialist revolution, a country that once hosted the Olympics has spent 13 years in economic despair.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has served this country as an MP, a Minister, and six times as Prime Minister. His service is invaluable to the nation. When he assumed the Presidency, he immediately spoke with Samantha Power from the US to secure fertilizer, ensuring successful harvests in this country. It is due to his efforts that the economy is being strengthened. Within two years, he has brought significant progress to Sri Lanka. Therefore, I request that he be given the mandate for another five years.

Minister Ramesh Pathirana:

Just as the sun will rise on September 22, I am confident in President Ranil Wickremesinghe's victory. Mahinda Rajapaksa, a leader from the South, ended the war in this country. After the economic crisis began, the leaders of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) invited President Ranil Wickremesinghe to take charge. He has successfully overcome the economic challenges, and today, the people are experiencing the results. There are no power cuts, no fuel or gas shortages, and the economy has been strengthened to create a liveable environment. Yet, opposition parties are now asking for the Presidency. The people of Galle are not prepared to hand it over.

Look at what happened in countries like Greece, Lebanon and Bangladesh after socialist revolutions. Sri Lankans used to go to Lebanon for employment, but now even tourists cannot visit there. No country in the world has prospered through socialism.

During his two years in office, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has inaugurated the maternity hospital here, opened the judicial complex, equipped 200 smart classrooms, and launched the biodiversity environment park. Despite his busy schedule, he has never forgotten his duties to Galle. On September 21, the people of Galle will fulfil their responsibility by supporting President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

MP Wajira Abeywardana;

When the country encountered its downfall, the leaders abandoned it. However, the main factions represented by Ramesh Pathirana and Prasanna Ranatunga collaborated with the President to revitalize the nation. The residents of Galle are known for their resilience in facing challenges. President Ranil Wickremesinghe has taken control of the nation, which was engulfed in turmoil, and has brought stability to it today.

Following independence, many of our leaders faced tragic ends. D. S. Senanayake met a premature demise, and S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike, along with other leaders such as late Mr. Vijaya Kumaratunga and late President R. Premadasa, were also assassinated. Late President JR Jayawardena survived an assassination attempt, while both Lalith Athulathmudali and Gamini Dissanayake lost their lives as well.

Before the political leaders are wielded to destruction, the character meets their end as a thief. Following our fight for independence, 125 political leaders were assassinated. As citizens, I urge you to reflect on this and make your vote count.

Major global powers may not favor President Ranil Wickramasinghe’s efforts to transform Sri Lanka into the premier nation in South Asia. Therefore, vigilance is essential. This time, I call upon all political factions to unite in support of President Ranil Wickramasinghe, ensuring he secures a significant victory in the Galle district.

Former MP Thalatha Athukorala;

Currently, the JVP is deploying its last strategic move to secure victory. They aim to hinder President Ranil Wickremesinghe's success by sowing confusion among the people. However, we are determined to ensure that he achieves his victory. The people of Galle are resilient; just two years ago, they were lining up to purchase a gas cylinder, and on the 21st, they will be lining up to cast their votes to the “Gas Cylinder” for his victory.

Former President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa did not receive votes from the northern or eastern provinces and estate workers, winning instead with a majority from the Sinhalese populace. This time around, though, no one will be able to prevent President Ranil Wickremesinghe from securing votes not just from the Sinhalese majority but also from the north, east, and estate community.

Former Minister Manusha Nanayakkara;

Today, the people of Galle are coming together to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe in his quest for victory. Once rich in shades of green, blue, and maroon, Galle now stands united in a vibrant display of rainbow colours for the success of President Wickremesinghe. Some proclaim that the north favours the President, the east supports him, and the estate communities are on his side—what then of the south? The individuals gathered here today have demonstrated their determination to ensure that President Ranil Wickremesinghe secures a win from the Galle district in the Southern Province. Certain media outlets appear reluctant to confront a seasoned politician, yet they scurry like rodents when confronted by Sajith. However, Sajith has avoided live discussions on other platforms, suggesting he may not possess the ability to face a challenge.

It is now apparent that Ranil Wickramasinghe is stepping forward, having broken away from his previous commitments made prior to the presidential election. Nalin Hewage from the JVP states that if the Almighty had taken refuge at the root of a jackfruit tree instead of a Bo tree, we would have missed the chance for a flourishing jackfruit period. Sri Lanka cannot envision a positive future with the JVP, which is undermining the nation's secular fabric. The JVP, which previously failed to meet the challenges of the time, is now requesting the opportunity to be tried again. Their rallies attract attendees from remote areas. I urge you not to betray the pride of UNP members who oppose Sajith Premadasa's flawed leadership.

Their aspirations for the country, especially post-recovery from bankruptcy, reflect their true leadership qualities.

Thus, I appeal to the people of Galle to unite and support Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe in his leadership over the next five years.

The event was attended by the Maha Sangha, other-religious clergy, Professor Maithree Wickramasinghe, Former MP Thalatha Athukorala eewa, along with political representatives of the Galle District and a large gathering of people.

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