Sajith and Anura Owe the Nation an Apology for Fleeing During the Economic Crisis

• I’m the one who rebuilt a country where people can thrive.

• This election is not the time to gamble your future on politicians merely asking for a "chance."

• Anura must respond to my questions on solving the economic crisis.

• On September 21, vote for progress and stability—vote for the gas cylinder symbol to secure the country’s future- President’s address at the Kegalle victory rally.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe called for Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake to apologize to the public for abandoning them during the recent economic crisis, instead of merely expressing false sympathy on the political stage. He made these remarks during the "Ranil Can" (Ranil ta Puluwan ) rally in Kegalle this afternoon (14).

Addressing a large and enthusiastic crowd, President Wickremesinghe emphasized that he has worked to resolve the country's economic issues and create a livable environment for its citizens. He urged voters to reject the idea of giving their future to politicians seeking "a chance" and to instead vote to support the advancement of the country's economy.

As the presidential election campaign enters its final week, President Wickremesinghe noted that out of the 38 candidates, none had witnessed or addressed the severe hardships faced by the people, including shortages of food, medicine, fuel, and gas. He criticized Sajith and Anura for their absence during the crisis and stressed that they should face the public and seek forgiveness for their inaction.

Addressing the public rally, President Ranil Wickremesinghe said:

I am the one who tackled the country’s economic crisis, provided relief, and restored hope for our people. Today, our economy is stable, and we are working to gradually ease the burden on everyone’s lives. We implemented various programs, including seasonal relief, increased pensions allowances, and reduced the price of goods. My commitment is to continue lightening the burden on people’s lives, aiming for further relief by next year.

I do not make empty promises on stage; I fulfill my responsibilities and communicate directly with you. We must consider our future carefully. You need to decide whether to entrust the country to someone who offers real solutions or gamble on uncertain alternatives. Their budget has violated all IMF conditions, and without IMF support, the economy risks collapsing again. They must answer how they plan to address these economic issues.

They remain silent because they lack a concrete plan. Instead of addressing the issues, they only blame others. I am ready to answer your questions. Therefore, I urge Sajith and Anura to speak the truth and avoid spreading hatred.

We have outlined a clear path forward. On September 21, I ask you to vote for the gas cylinder to ensure we continue on this path and secure a brighter future for our country.

Minister Ali Sabry:

Today, we are facing a highly critical election. The outcome of this presidential race will shape the direction of our country for the next five years. Therefore, I urge you to make your decision with careful thought rather than emotion.

Reflect on the year 2022, when we endured severe shortages of electricity, fertilizer, and gas, and faced 13-hour blackouts. During that period, the Presidential Secretariat and the President’s House were seized by protesters, and there were attempts to storm Parliament. It was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who thwarted these attempts and restored law and order. Without his intervention, we could have faced a situation similar to what Bangladesh is experiencing today.

Under President Wickremesinghe’s economic management, the economy has shown signs of recovery. His efforts have also created a stable environment, leading to an increase in foreign tourists to 2.5 million this year. If we want to build a better future, we need a stable country. We should support for the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe as a triumph over those who criticize him despite his successful efforts to heal and advance the nation.

It should be noted that although Hakeem and Rishad are aligned with Sajith, the members of their parties are still supporting the President.

Anura Dissanayake questions what has been achieved over the past 76 years. I would remind him that his current opportunity to enter politics and run as a presidential candidate is a result of the political landscape shaped over those 76 years. The 71 and 89 uprisings were significant, but they also highlighted the need for progress and reform. We cannot afford to return to those dark times.

A socialist government was once established in Greece; a country that was considered developed and sought socialism. However, this led to economic collapse. The left-wing government at the time expelled the International Monetary Fund, and it took Greece 13 years to rebuild its economy.

During this period, government employees only received half their salaries. So, we must consider whether we want to face a similar situation with a drastically devalued currency.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe is the only candidate capable of revitalizing our economy. His track record over the past two years demonstrates his capability. Therefore, I urge you to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe with a decisive vote in Kegalle in this presidential election.

Governor of Sabaragamuwa Province, Navin Dissanayake;

We are a group that has faced greater challenges than this. This presidential election is just one of many hurdles we have encountered. However, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has tackled real challenges on his own.

President Wickremesinghe is a unique figure in political history, having successfully united both left and right factions. He enters this presidential race having already triumphed in the country's economic struggles. His leadership, demonstrated through his interactions with political figures such as JR Jayawardene, Ranasinghe Premadasa, Gamini Dissanayake, and Lalith Athulathmudali, has been evident over the past two years. Therefore, I urge everyone to dedicate their utmost effort to ensure his victory.

North Central Province Governor Maheepala Herath;

Today, the leader of the NPP speaks as if the JVP has had no negative impact on this country. It’s important to remind them that their rebellions have severely damaged the nation's economy, setting it back beyond recovery.

During the economic crisis, they had a chance to have state power. Even though the presidency was offered to them, they declined. Instead, they exacerbated the situation by burning down homes and properties to further destabilize the country. They ignored the suffering of the people two years ago and continue to do so now. Yet, they are now promising dreams and calling for state power from the stage. The people of Kegalle are not deceived by these tactics.

State Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya;

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has dedicated himself to rebuilding the country’s economy. It’s accurate to say that he has successfully stabilized a nation that was in critical condition.

Under his leadership, the import of two thousand goods, which had been halted, has resumed. Additionally, the approval has been granted for vehicle imports starting next year.

While other political parties were focused on their own narrow interests, the President spent two years working to stabilize the country. His election campaign has been conducted with great precision and organization. The process has accelerated significantly, and it is certain that he will secure a victory by September 21st.

State Minister Kanaka Herath:

Only the people of this electorate have gathered here today. This large crowd is a sign of the good news of President Ranil Wickremesinghe's victory. The Bloomberg report mentions that Sri Lanka's economy has grown. Under the leadership of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, it is certain that the era of long queues will not return to this country. Therefore, it is certain that Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe will be re-elected as President.

Anura Dissanayake came to Kegalle and claimed that the Parliamentarians of the Kegalle district have obtained bar permits. I challenge him to publicly show those report files. It must be said that Anura Dissanayake is someone who tries to deceive the people to fulfil his own dreams. He may be a leader, but his entire act was only until the postal votes were counted. Now, Anura Kumara knows that his defeat is certain. It is also certain that the people of Kegalle will elect President Ranil Wickremesinghe with a larger majority.

State Minister Tharaka Balasuriya:

Since 1977, Kegalle has been a stronghold for left-leaning political camps led by the Sri Lanka Freedom Party. Today, all those camps are united for President Ranil Wickremesinghe's victory in this Presidential Election. The Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, the United National Party, the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, and the Ceylon Workers Congress are all on the same platform.

In the last seven Presidential Elections, Kegalle has consistently backed the incumbent President. Therefore, President Ranil Wickremesinghe's victory in Kegalle is guaranteed.

Member of Parliament Mrs. Rajika Wickramasinghe:

Everyone remembers the difficult situation the country was in two years ago. President Ranil Wickremesinghe ended the era of long queues, giving people a chance to live more comfortably. No one who recognizes his achievements will vote against him in this election. Today, the people are fully committed to ensuring President Wickremesinghe's victory.

Member of Parliament Dushmantha Mitrapala:

While Sajith Premadasa may be the President of Hiru TV and Anura Kumara of social media, the true President of this nation and this soil is Ranil Wickremesinghe.  

All groups, regardless of party affiliation, have come together on President Ranil Wickremesinghe's election platform to strengthen the country's economy. In the coming days, we in Kegalle are fully committed to intensifying the election campaign for President Ranil Wickremesinghe and ensuring his victory.

Former Minister Mrs. Talatha Athukorala:

I gave up my position as a Member of Parliament to stand with the leader who stepped forward to ease the suffering of the people. However, some in the opposition lack the backbone to make the right decisions. I express my regret over the lack of courage shown by Mr. Kabir Hashim of Kegalle.

In 2022, the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) claimed that going to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was not an option. Later, they said that even with the IMF's assistance, the country couldn’t be saved. However, now that we have engaged with the IMF, the country has made economic progress. If the National People's Power pushes forward the budget of their so-called economic experts, the country will fall back into chaos, and the economy will inevitably collapse. Therefore, we must dedicate ourselves to ensuring President Ranil Wickremesinghe's victory.

The event was attended by the Maha Sangha, other religious leaders, former Member of Parliament Sandeep Samarasinghe, former Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council Member Ananda Millangoda, and many local political leaders.

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