"Puluwan Sri Lanka" National Program Gains Nationwide Support

• Focuses on Providing Relief to Citizens While Ensuring Economic Stability.

• Initiatives to Boost Chilaw Coconut Cultivation Through Agricultural Modernization.

• Madampe's Regional Economy is Advancing; Chilaw Harbour to be Developed into a Major Hub.

• Sajith and Anura Make Unrealistic Promises in Their Political Campaigns - President's Remarks in Chilaw.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated that the five-year national program "Puluwan Sri Lanka" has garnered the support of people and various groups across every province in the country. He emphasized that this program will be implemented with determination to safeguard the nation’s economic stability while providing relief to the public.

The President made these remarks while speaking at the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" victory rally held in Chilaw this afternoon (01). A large crowd attended this rally, which was organized to secure President Wickremesinghe's victory in the upcoming presidential election.

During his speech, the President also highlighted initiatives such as the development of the Chilaw coconut cultivation under the agricultural modernization program, the establishment of the Madampe economic zone, and the government’s plans to develop the Chilaw Harbour into a major port, integrating these economic hubs with the highway network.

Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe further elaborated, saying:

“We plan to enhance coconut cultivation in this region through the Agricultural Innovation Program. Simultaneously, I am working on establishing the Madampe Economic Zone. We have initiatives in place to develop the Iranavila tourism zone and create the Bingiriya Thousand Acre Investment Zone. Additionally, we have the potential to establish a digital zone in the central area.

We are also focused on developing the Chilaw Harbour into a major port, which will enable the direct transportation of products from the Chilaw fishermen to Katunayake. All these initiatives will be integrated with the Katunayake Expressway.

Significant improvements are planned for the Kuliyapitiya and Chilaw regions as well. Furthermore, we aim to transform Kalpitiya and Iranavila into tourist zones to attract more visitors and increase the annual tourist numbers from 2.5 million to 5 million.

While Sajith and Anura are making various promises on their political platforms today, I urge the people to consider whether they want to remain stuck in the same pitfalls of the past.

We are currently receiving support from every province and from all groups across the country. Therefore, I encourage each of you to start reaching out to people door-to-door and inform them about our plans and achievements.”

MP Jagath Priyankara,

For the first time, the JVP was given a platform of such strength to build national unity, maintain state stability, and rebuild the economy. However, it has become clear that the party's focus remains on social criticism and harbouring resentment from the past 75 years, rather than presenting a practical vision. It appears that the people are rejecting this approach.

The SJB is also aiming to set a record by signing the most contracts. In contrast, only President Ranil Wickremesinghe has demonstrated true leadership by guiding the country out of its crisis and proving that progress is possible. He stands apart from those politicians who seek power without making tangible contributions.

Former Minister Nimal Lanza;

Neither Sajith nor Anura stepped up when the country faced severe shortages of petrol and diesel, affecting fishermen, schoolchildren, and transport services. In contrast, President Ranil Wickremesinghe took on this challenge personally.

During those times, people endured long queues for medicine and petrol, with some losing their lives and others fleeing the country due to the dire conditions. Residents of Wennappuwa and Chillaw were among those who left. Two years ago, oil tankers waited at anchor because the treasury lacked the USD 10 million needed for payment. Some may have forgotten this difficult past, but it is important that we remember it.

Despite these challenges, President Wickremesinghe worked diligently to stabilize and improve the economy. Today, tourists are returning, a stark contrast to when the JVP discouraged foreigners from visiting and advised Sri Lankans abroad not to send money back home.

Today, tourist hotels are full, inflation has decreased, the dollar has decreased, and the rupee has strengthened. Prices for fuel, medicines, and goods are falling. Unlike what happened in Bangladesh and the Maldives, our country has avoided such outcomes thanks to President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

I urge everyone to support and elect the unparalleled leader, President Ranil Wickremesinghe, on September 21.

Former Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam;

Politics should be driven by a vision for the country’s future and the well-being of its children. When we consider the other two main candidates, does their approach reflect such forward-thinking?

Among the three main candidates, who has the ability to build a better future for this country? President Ranil Wickremesinghe stands out as a leader with a forward-looking vision. He plans for the next 10 to 20 years, develops strategic policies, and engages young leaders on topics like Artificial Intelligence (AI), modern agriculture, and educational reforms.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe views the world with a broad perspective, considering how our country can advance beyond its borders. In contrast, other leaders seem to focus on blame, dismantling institutions, or engaging in personal attacks.

The people of this country supported President Wickremesinghe during challenging times. He introduced Asia's strongest anti-corruption law, implemented nearly a hundred positive ordinances, provided a rice subsidy, and established the “Aswesuma” relief program. Additionally, the Urumaya program has begun delivering freehold land deeds to 2 million people who previously had no land rights.

Do we want to return to “Aragalaya” and financial instability? It's important to consider whether we want to revert to the chaos experienced in countries like the Maldives, despite having a strong economy at one point.

MP Chinthaka Amal Mayadunna;

Upcoming presidential election is pivotal. President Ranil Wickremesinghe is seeking a five-year term to empower the country economically.

With 17.1 million voters in the country, if 80% participate, that totals 13.68 million votes. The JVP received 350,000 votes in a previous election. Even if they manage to secure 200,000 votes across the 22 administrative districts, their total would be just 4.4 million. They cannot achieve a majority with such numbers.

The JVP criticizes everything but fails to offer a coherent vision for the country's economic future. They lack the knowledge and understanding to address these critical issues. I urge the people of the Puttalam district to demonstrate, by casting your vote for “Gas Cylinder” on September 21, that you are not willing to entrust this country to such a leader.

State Minister Arundika Fernando:

President Ranil Wickremesinghe doesn't become President through late-night TV shows or Facebook posts. He will once again become the President of this country through the genuine support and trust of the people who hold him in their hearts.

In 1994, when some leaders advised against giving Chandrika Bandaranaike a chance after 17 years out of power, Ranil Wickremesinghe, as a great statesman, gracefully stepped aside. In 2001, when we were defeated and Chandrika was President, there were calls from some within the United National Party (UNP) to surround her upon her return from Katunayake Airport and oust her. But Ranil Wickremesinghe rejected that idea, demonstrating his commitment to democracy and acting with statesmanship.

Although President Ranil Wickremesinghe was not credited for the military victory, it’s important to remember that it was he who played a key role in dividing the LTTE by separating Karuna Amman from the group.

Additionally, it was President Wickremesinghe who led the country out of the economic crisis. Therefore, in this upcoming Presidential Election, we must ensure that he secures victory.

Puttalam district UNP Chief Organizer J. Sudasan;

In 2022, the country faced severe shortages of gas, electricity, and fuel. How does the situation look today in 2024? We now have access to these essential resources. When the country was on the brink of bankruptcy and no other leaders stepped forward, President Ranil Wickremesinghe took charge and led us through the crisis. We must remember his decisive leadership and commitment to the country and its people. He is a leader who plans for future generations. On September 21, you have the chance to show your gratitude for his efforts.

State Minister Ali Sabri Raheem, former Minister Priyankara Jayaratne, a large number of regional political leaders from various parties, electorate organizers, district organizers, and a huge crowd attended the rally.

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