I am Not Seeking a Mandate, But a Revolution for the Nation

• Despite Being Labeled 'Ranil Rajapaksa,' I Stood Firm in Defending UNP Policies.

• True Members of the United National Party Should Join the Nation-Building Effort.

• Those Who Voted for Gotabaya Should Not Turn to the ‘Malimawa’; The Solution Is National Unity- President's Address in Ratnapura.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated that in this year's presidential election, he is not asking for just "change" but for a full-scale revolution in the country. He emphasized his vision for an economic revolution, focused on building a new export-driven economy, modernizing agriculture, and creating a digital, green, and knowledge-based economy. Alongside this, he outlined plans for a social revolution, which includes implementing Aswesuma, Urumaya program, women’s empowerment, and establishing the Social Justice Commission and an anti-corruption agenda.

Additionally, the President outlined a political revolution, aiming to increase the representation of women and indigenous communities through the creation of District Development Councils and People’s Councils, all of which he plans to implement over the next five years.

President Wickremesinghe made these remarks during the "Ranil ta Puluwan" (Ranil Can) rally in Ratnapura this afternoon (15), an event organized to affirm his support in the upcoming presidential election. The rally saw a large and enthusiastic crowd in attendance.

He noted that the United National Party (UNP) has always upheld the principle of working together during national crises, a policy he has followed based on the leadership training he received. The President also acknowledged the frustration felt by those who voted for Gotabaya Rajapaksa, but stressed that the solution is not to support the opposition symbolized by the ‘Malimawa’ (Compass), but to unite in the effort to rebuild the country. He pointed out that while former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa resigned, the majority of the party continues to contribute to the nation's development efforts.

Addressing the public rally, President Ranil Wickremesinghe further said:

Working together when the country is in crisis has always been the UNP’s core principle. I’ve been accused of being "Ranil Rajapaksa" for following these policies, but the majority of the Podujana Peramuna stood with me, while a minority, led by G.L. Peiris, went their own way. We didn’t call it "Sajith Peiris" back then; instead, we focused on the country’s well-being. I acted in accordance with the training I received from the leaders of the United National Party, and those who worked alongside me learned from that same leadership. Today, together, we have stabilized the country’s economy and created a foundation of economic stability.

Recovering a country whose economy has collapsed and that lacks foreign exchange to pay for imports is not something that can be achieved in just two years. This is why I am asking for your mandate—to continue implementing the economic program that will move the country forward and solidify the stability we’ve worked so hard to achieve.

If you are a true member of the UNP, I ask for your vote. If you choose to betray the party, then vote for Sajith Peiris. But I also invite all those who have left the UNP to return and join us once again. We worked to save the country, and for those who supported Gotabaya Rajapaksa, I understand your frustration. However, the solution is not to vote for the opposition represented by the compass. Even though Gotabhaya Rajapaksa resigned, we were able to unite the party members and stabilize the economy. Now, it’s your duty to help ensure the country’s success.

Our goal is to push the economy forward by transforming it into an export-driven one. We have laid out plans to modernize agriculture, develop tourism, create an international gem hub, and grow the gem industry. Together, we can achieve this and build a prosperous future for Sri Lanka.

We must move forward by upholding the agreements with the International Monetary Fund. The other candidates have no real plan; they are trying to win votes by promising to give everything to the people for free. This has never been possible, nor has it ever happened in history.

I was given a two-year mandate by Parliament to stabilize the economy, and now I am asking the people for a mandate to lead a revolution in this country.

I am leading this revolution to create a new economy—one that is export-driven, modernizes agriculture, and embraces digital, green, and knowledge-based industries. We are also driving a social revolution by implementing programs like Aswasuma and Urumaya, empowering women, and establishing the Social Justice Commission.

In addition, we are advancing a political revolution by implementing an anti-corruption agenda, establishing District Development Councils and People’s Assemblies (Jana Sabha), and increasing the representation of women and minorities in politics.

I ask the people for their mandate on September 21 to carry out this economic, political, and social revolution and move the country forward.

Minister Ali Sabry:

The year 2022 was a time when we faced daily power cuts of up to 13 hours, and people stood in long lines for essentials like fertilizer and gas. However, thanks to President Ranil Wickremesinghe's economic management, the economy has now stabilized. The peaceful environment within the country has allowed us to increase tourist arrivals to 2.5 million this year. We must ensure that the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who healed the nation, becomes a resounding one, teaching a lesson to those politicians who shout from platforms to defeat him.

Anura Dissanayake, who questions what has been done for this country over the last 76 years, should be reminded of a few things. The free education system, which allowed him to enter politics and become a Presidential candidate, is a result of the efforts made during those 76 years. Instead of the destructive uprisings led by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) in 1971 and 1989, it could have done much more for the country. I urge them not to drag the nation back into darkness (Rata Andurata).

Look at Greece, where a socialist government led to economic collapse. When the left-wing government of that time expelled the International Monetary Fund (IMF), it took Greece 13 years to recover. It is a miracle that President Ranil Wickremesinghe has been able to lead our country out of an economic crisis within just two years. This is not just my opinion—foreign nations, too, are astonished by this achievement. The IMF even advised Ethiopia to follow the policies of President Wickremesinghe if they want to overcome their economic crisis.

Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi:

In the next few days, we are heading into a critical Presidential Election. It's important to think not only with your heart but also with your mind when making a decision.

A small fraction of the 6.9 million whom once stood with the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna are now confused, saying they’ll vote for the NPP a chance, to see what happens. But I ask, do you want this country to become another Bangladesh? Do you want to see Sri Lanka turn into another Congo or Palestine? Do you want our country to become like the Gaza Strip?

Thanks to President Ranil Wickremesinghe, we are climbing from the depths of the well and getting closer to the top. But to those who say, "right or wrong, we’ll vote for the Malimawa," I tell you have no idea how deep the bottom of the well truly is. We were on the verge of falling to the very bottom, but now we are rising. And yet, those who can’t even see the bottom are now questioning what has been done in the past 75 years.

Many countries today are struggling to provide basic meals for their peopleDo you want to end up in that same situation? Anura Kumara Dissanayake, who now leads the third force ‘Malimawa’, was able to receive his education at Thambuttegama School, built after independence, then pursue higher education at the University of Kelaniya, and even benefit from the Mahapola scholarship. Today, he stands as a Presidential candidate—all thanks to the progress made by the country's leaders over the past 75 years. This is something worth reminding everyone.

They are driving on the roads we built, using the electricity we provided, the jobs we created, the water we supplied, and benefiting from the urban development we achieved. They ask, while talking on their cell phones and living an average lifespan of 80 years, "What has been done in the past 75 years?" This progress was achieved despite facing two uprisings led by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), during which they set fires, destroyed buses, timber stores, rice warehouses, government institutions, and vehicles. Yet, we’ve come this far in development.

Sri Lanka is a country with the highest literacy rate in the region and the lowest maternal mortality rate. This is the country we’ve built, and now people question our accomplishments.

In the next five days, you must go to your communities and explain the truth to those who have doubts among the 6.9 million. It is your national duty. You should become a leader in this national revival. Some say they will catch the thieves and throw them in jail. But let me tell you, there are no thieves on our platforms—our hands are clean. So, my friends, I ask you to help secure a victory for President Ranil Wickremesinghe and help us win this country back.

State Minister Janaka Wakkumbura:

By next Sunday, President Ranil Wickremesinghe will once again assume the presidency of this country. Had his candidacy been accepted when it was first offered, opposition candidates would not now be campaigning so vigorously. We faced uncertainty about our survival, particularly regarding essential resources like medicine. However, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has established a framework that ensures not only the availability of medicine but also the continuity of all vital services.

Despite this, it’s unlikely that President Wickremesinghe will win this election. Victory will not come through him or his party but through an independent candidate who is the only one capable of truly advancing the country.

Recently, we hosted a meeting with gem industry leaders from this district, where President Wickremesinghe assured that the demands of the business community, including pension provisions for miners, would be met. Additionally, until the Ratnapura Expressway is completed, the Panadura Road at Bend 119 will be widened in January to improve access.

When Sajith is seen as a young child, he asks what he wants. If the child says he wants toffee, Sajith claims that a commission will be created to distribute toffees to all children. There’s also talk of presidential commissions being established for every issue and every district. But can a country truly advance by simply appointing commissions?

Late Gamini Athukorala, a senior politician from this district, was a leader poised to shape the future of our country. His sister, Thalatha Athukorala, who spent four and a half years in the opposition, is now on stage supporting the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe. If Sajith were to win, would she still be on this stage? She recognizes that Sajith is unlikely to succeed. Her historic speech in Parliament reflected this insight and led to a decisive choice. In Ratnapura, we are all united to uphold the pride of Ratnapura and secure President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s presidency with 200, 000 votes.

Former Minister W.D.J. Seneviratne:

I am deeply grateful to see so many people from this area rallying for President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s victory. Although I am unable to participate due to illness, I truly appreciate the dedication and support of everyone here.

In 2022, when the economy collapsed and the country faced immense suffering, political chaos rendered governance nearly impossible. At that time, Sajith Premadasa, Anura Dissanayake, and Sarath Fonseka, who claimed to be heroes, were asked to step up. They retreated, declaring, 'Oh, this cannot be done.'

Even Sajith Premadasa's economic advisors said that recovery was beyond reach. Yet, President Ranil Wickremesinghe took what was deemed 'impossible' and turned it into reality within just two years.

We were thrilled that he accepted this challenge, and we believe that President Wickremesinghe is the only leader capable of rebuilding our country. I urge you all to cast your vote on September 21 to re-elect President Ranil Wickramasinghe as the 9th executive President, so he can continue to lead us forward.

Former MP Thalatha Athukorala;

I feel a deep sense of relief and conviction about my decision to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s victory. It is clear that President Wickremesinghe will continue as the President of this country even after September 22.

I am proud to say that, throughout my 20 in politics, I have always regarded President Wickremesinghe as my leader. After working under his guidance for 16 years, I noticed a significant difference during the four years I was with another leader. I have come to dedicate my parliamentary seat to the SJB, much like Caesar's possessions were given to Caesar, ensuring that the people of this district will not suffer from this decision.

My brother, Late Gamini Athukorala, once noted that wise leaders had spoken from this very stage in 2000, and his words remain true today. He fought tirelessly within the party for the people, contending with the leader of the UNP. Even as General Secretary and Deputy Secretary, he worked hard to provide strong leadership in this district, and despite challenges, the party remained united. He believed that forming a government with our leader as soon as possible was crucial. Leadership of President Wickremesinghe gives him confidence that this country will move in the right direction.

Winning for President Wickremesinghe means that the people of this country are winning. We don’t need leaders who only focus on their own victories. We need leaders who work to win the support and trust of the people.

When challenges arose, some homes were destroyed, and many people faced shortages of essentials like milk powder and medicine. People were forced to wait in long queues for gas and fuel. The leadership at that time was far from adequate.

Critics from SJB predicted that the IMF talks would fail, that loans would be denied to Ranil Wickremesinghe, and that the government would collapse within months. They claimed Wickremesinghe would never run for president again and that the Rajapaksas would not be abandoned. They even suggested the presidential election would be postponed. Yet, President Wickremesinghe has proven them wrong, achieving what many claimed was impossible.

We should ask Sajith Premadasa two important questions. First, what agreement does he have with Namal Rajapaksa? This is important given the claims made by the SJB that the Rajapaksas protect thieves and spread misinformation about President Wickremesinghe. Second, what is his deal with the Hiru channel? These are pressing questions that need answers.

Today, we are united in our goal to advance the country, regardless of party affiliation. It is only hypocrites who divide themselves into parties and seek power through deceit while claiming to serve the people.

The event was attended by all religious leaders, including the Maha Sanghaa, MPs Akila Ellawala and Mudita de Soyza, and a significant number of political representatives from various parties.

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