Equal Privileges for All: Addressing the Needs of Plantation Workers and the Broader Population

• We Will Not Allow Leaders Who Make False Promises to Undermine the Nation's Economy.

• The Country Faces Major Economic, Political, and Social Transformations Over the Next Five Years.

• Sajith and Anura Call for Change, but I Seek the People's Mandate for a Revolutionary Shift.

• To Ensure Economic Stability, Sri Lanka Must Continue Upholding IMF Agreements - Says the President in Nuwara Eliya.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated that his goal is to extend full benefits to plantation workers, including the implementation of a program that grants them legal land rights. This initiative allows plantation workers to reside in villages rather than the traditional line rooms. He made these remarks during the "Ranil ta Puluwan" (Ranil Can) rally held this afternoon (15) in Nuwara Eliya, aimed at solidifying support for his upcoming presidential campaign. The event saw a large turnout, with attendees enthusiastically welcoming the President.

During his address, President Wickremesinghe urged citizens to reject leaders who make false promises to gain power, warning that such leaders could jeopardize the country's economic stability. He pledged that over the next five years, the nation would undergo significant economic, political, and social transformations, with a structured approach to delivering relief to the public.

Commenting on opposition leaders Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake, the President argued that their calls for change were superficial, stating that if they truly cared about the people, they would have joined the effort to alleviate hardships, such as the long queues faced by citizens. He also criticized them for falsely promising to negotiate with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to reduce taxes, noting that neither had initiated any discussions with the IMF. The President emphasized the importance of continuing Sri Lanka’s agreements with the IMF to maintain economic stability.

Prior to attending the public rally, President Ranil Wickremesinghe met with students from Nuwara Eliya Gamini Central College at the President's House in Nuwara Eliya. During the meeting, he handed over official documents to the school principal for the transfer of new land to the school, fulfilling a request made by the students.

In his address at the public rally, President Wickremesinghe further stated:

I first came to Nuwara Eliya in 1973. At that time, leaders like Gamini Dissanayake, J.R. Jayawardena, Ranasinghe Premadasa, and Lalith Athulathmudali, alongside myself, worked to reorganize the United National Party (UNP) and secure a victory in 1977. Today, I am the only one from that group who is still alive. This is why I am asking for the support of all members of the United National Party. There is only one UNP in Sri Lanka, and as its leader, I ask for your vote to continue leading it forward.

Mr. Soumyamoorthy Thondaman and I were sworn in as ministers on the same day. Together, we improved plantation schools, trained teachers, and, in January 1994, came to Nuwara Eliya to provide estate rights to the people here. Later, I had the opportunity to grant citizenship to the plantation workers. Working alongside Mr. Jeevan Thondaman, we also raised the wages of plantation workers, improved conditions for the elderly, and moved away from the old line-room system by creating villages and giving land rights to the people. My goal is to ensure that the estate workers enjoy the same privileges as everyone else.

I have not forgotten the Sinhalese people of Walapone either. Along with former Minister S.B. Dissanayake, we worked to uplift their communities, with S.B. continuing the efforts after I handed over some of the responsibilities to him.

I took over the leadership of this country at a time when no one else was willing to step up. When the people were struggling for food, medicine, fuel, and gas, it was our government that helped them survive. Meanwhile, Sajith and Anura did nothing to alleviate the suffering of the people; they only care about counting votes when elections come around. They lack the compassion to govern, and it is up to the people to decide if they want to support such leaders.

In the face of the economic crisis, I had to make tough decisions. However, as the economy strengthens, we have started to provide relief, and I am confident that we will be able to offer even more concessions next year.

When we made difficult decisions for the country, we were asked to step down. Then, they called for strikes, but never once did they step up to help the people. Today, we have resolved the economic crisis and established stability. However, this stability can be fragile, which is why we need to strengthen and secure the economy even further. I am asking for five more years to ensure that we build a future where the people of this country can move forward without fear.

We have already begun modernizing agriculture, increasing tea yields to generate better income, and introducing modern farming techniques as we transition from line rooms to villages. We are also improving dairy industry management and working to enhance education. Just today, I handed over land to Gamini Vidyalaya to support its development, and we are also bringing new industries to this province.

Tourism is another key sector we are developing here. We are bringing major hotels to this region, particularly in areas like Seetha Eliya and Maskeliya. We are also planning to introduce a new golf course to attract more visitors, creating an environment where people can thrive through tourism.

Our vision for tourism development extends beyond Nuwara Eliya; we are also planning similar growth in Galle. We must keep moving forward. Meanwhile, Sajith Premadasa talks about giving everything for free and promises a long list of unrealistic pledges. He claims they will reduce taxes, while I have stated clearly that we will engage with the IMF on these matters. Anura Kumara even challenged me to a debate, and I accepted, but I have yet to receive an invitation. Why hesitate? Sajith and Anura talk about negotiating with the IMF, but so far, no one has taken any steps toward that.

The IMF has reviewed the election manifestos of all the candidates, and in response, Julie Kozack, Director of the Communications Department of the IMF gave her views:

“On June 12th of 2024, our Executive Board completed the 2024 Article IV Consultation and the Second Review of the EFF program.  That provided the country with access of about $336 million U.S. dollars.  Program performance remains strong.  Reform efforts are bearing fruit.  Economic growth is starting to revive.  Inflation is coming down.  Reserves, international reserves are increasing, and revenue mobilization is improving.  Nonetheless, important vulnerabilities do remain, and sustaining reform momentum is going to be essential.

Regarding some of the specific questions about the presidential elections, first, it's very important to note, of course, that for the upcoming elections, this is really for the people of Sri Lanka to decide, right.  Achieving the program's objectives is a key priority to give Sri Lanka a chance to emerge from one of its worst crises in history.  As I've already noted, a lot of progress has been made, but the country is not out of the woods yet, and it is important to safeguard those hard won gains.”

Minister Jeevan Thondaman,

The wage increase promised to estate workers by the current government has been confirmed. However, Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa is misleading estate workers by falsely claiming that they will receive a salary increase of Rs.2, 500 and be given the opportunity to become small tea plantation owners.

We never anticipated a division of our upcountry into political factions. Some politicians are falsely claiming credit for the creation of Pradeshiya Sabha in this province, which were actually established by President Ranil Wickremesinghe during his tenure as Prime Minister. These politicians are misleading voters by taking credit for the work done by others.

On this year's ballot paper, President Ranil Wickremesinghe's symbol—the “Gas Cylinder”—appears in third place from the bottom. I urge our people to confirm President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s victory by casting their votes in favour of the “Gas Cylinder” on September 21.

Over the past year, we have seen significant advancements for the upcountry people under the rule of President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Many assurances have been made, and President Wickremesinghe has demonstrated a strong commitment to addressing their needs.

Governor of Sabaragamuwa Province, Navin Disanayake:

Today, all the forces of Nuwara Eliya are present on this stage. What we need is to transform the Nuwara Eliya District into a developed tourism zone. The name Arumugam Thondaman is unforgettable when discussing Nuwara Eliya. It is due to the dedicated efforts of people like you that such heroes emerged. Today, Mr. Arumugam Thondaman’s son, Jeevan Thondaman, is here with us.

We have faced many challenges. This is more than just one Presidential Election. However, it is President Ranil Wickremesinghe alone who has faced the real challenges. It is thanks to him that we are able to bring together all political parties on this stage. President Wickremesinghe is contesting for Presidential Election after successfully winning the country's economic battle. His leadership qualities have been clearly demonstrated over the past two years. We are committed to supporting him fully for his victory.

Minister S.B. Disanayake:

Mr. Sajith Premadasa, who is currently running for President, served as the Minister of Housing in the Yahapalanaya government in 2015. However, he failed to build even a single house in those five years, proving his incompetence as a minister. Similarly, Mr. Anura Kumara Dissanayake, who served as the Minister of Agriculture in 2005, also demonstrated his failure as a minister.

Current President Ranil Wickremesinghe has increased the subsidies provided to farmers. This year, he has achieved a record harvest of 1.7 million metric tons of paddy.

The people of this country protested against President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. What was initially a peaceful protest was turned into violence by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP). Houses and vehicles were set on fire, but Ranil Wickremesinghe took charge of the country's future and ended the violence. He brought an end to the period of unrest, and today, he has succeeded in restoring law and order in the country.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has proven over the past two years that he is the only leader capable of rebuilding this country. He has taken steps to grant land ownership and increase wages for estate workers. I urge you to entrust President Ranil Wickremesinghe with the responsibility of leading this country for the next five years to secure a safe future for the country and its children.

Governor of the Eastern Province Senthil Thondaman;

In 2022, the people of this country awaited someone who could save the nation, and the only leader who stepped forward was President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Now, as the country stabilizes, there are other candidates available for consideration. However, our journey remains secure under a president who prioritizes national protection.

During President Wickremesinghe’s tenure, we never had to endure long queues, a testament to his effective governance. Others who failed to address critical issues such as the wages of estate workers, housing, and infrastructure have no right to seek votes. President Wickremesinghe was the only one actively working to increase estate workers' wages and tackle housing challenges.

While Anura kumara Dissanayake was in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Lands, no land was allocated to the people. Sajith Premadasa, who served as Minister of Housing from 2015-2019, did not build a single house without Indian aid. It raises the question: if these leaders neglected crucial issues while in office, how can they be trusted to address them as president?

President Wickremesinghe has provided a free and open environment for opposition candidates to campaign, highlighting his commitment to democratic processes. It is now our responsibility to support and ensure the victory of a president who has demonstrated true dedication to the nation's welfare.

Former Minister Manusha Nanayakkara;

For the past two years, the people of Nuwara Eliya have struggled without fertilizer for their crops. During the country's economic collapse, you played a crucial role in bringing dollars into the nation. In recognition of your contributions, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has increased estate workers' salaries to Rs.1, 700, with an additional Rs.350 promised after the election.

Various political rallies have been held across the country. The JVP, once known for generating funds by with tills, is now spending heavily. They have insured assets worth seven billion rupees out of concern for potential unrest following the presidential election. Meanwhile, the stock market is experiencing a downturn.

Despite these challenges, it is anticipated that President Ranil Wickremesinghe will be re-elected as President on September 22. There is no need for concern. Under his leadership, the safety and security of all citizens are safeguarded.

Look at Bangladesh today, where student protests have led to a severe crisis: fuel shortages, prolonged power cuts, and garment factory closures. We have moved beyond that period of turmoil, and we must be cautious not to risk a similar fate. Let us not jeopardize the progress we have made by destabilizing the country.

A large gathering attended the event, including Parliamentarian M. Rameshwaran, UNP Organizer of Nuwara Eliya District Nimal Piyathissa, National Organizer of the Ceylon Workers’ Congress (CWC) Palani Shaktiwell, Vice President B. Arulsamy, and Politburo members of CWC R. Rajathurai, K. Kanakaraj, Philip Kumar, Anusha Sivaraj, and Kanishka Michael, as well as numerous local political leaders.

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