President Calls on True United National Party Followers to Support His Vision for the Country

• Sajith Lacks UNP Values and Economic Knowledge.

• Claims of Tax Reductions and Relief by Sajith and Anura Are Misleading.

• A Practical Plan to Be Implemented from September 22, Not Just Promises.

• Aswasuma Program Aims to Enhance, Not Replace, the Samurdhi Initiative.

• Commitment to Safeguarding the Future of Samurdhi Officers- Assures President.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe emphasized that it is a tradition of the United National Party (UNP) to unite and restore the country's economy during times of crisis. He stated that, like Mr. J.R. Jayawardena, he has also worked to recover the country from the recent economic crisis and urged all true UNP members who are dedicated to the nation to support him in continuing this effort.

Reflecting on past events, he recalled that he was the one who defended Ranasinghe Premadasa during the attempted impeachment against him. He accused Sajith Premadasa of destroying the UNP, the party that had protected him, and argued that Sajith Premadasa is incapable of leading the UNP towards growth.

President Wickremesinghe made these remarks while speaking at the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" victory rally held in Bandarawela this morning (31).  A large crowd attended this public rally, which was organized to confirm the President's victory in the upcoming presidential election.

Addressing the rally President Ranil Wickremesinghe said that he had decided to contest the upcoming Presidential Election as an independent candidate because everyone had united to work towards saving the country forsaking all party politics.  

Highlighting that his election manifesto is a practical program that can be implemented starting from September 22, President Ranil Wickremesinghe outlined his goals to alleviate the burden on people's lives, create jobs, reduce the tax burden, establish an affordable tax system, and promote economic growth by fostering an export-driven economy. This initiative will be carried out under the primary objective of preserving social welfare programs and ensuring they reach all eligible recipients.

The President also clarified that the Aswasuma program was not designed to dismantle the Samurdhi program but to enhance its efficiency. He assured that all Samurdhi officers could continue their work without any hindrance and reiterated his commitment to safeguarding their future.

Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe further elaborated on his vision by stating:

"I am contesting the presidential election as an independent candidate because it was essential for everyone to unite beyond party lines to save our country. After announcing my candidacy, I outlined the steps we had taken previously and highlighted the economic progress we have achieved to date. Compared to the situation in 2022, we have managed to reduce the prices of essential goods and alleviate the financial burden on the public. Additionally, the salaries of government employees have been increased, and relief has been provided to low-income earners. There are still 500,000 more people who need assistance, and we are committed to ensuring they receive it as well.

Looking ahead, I have set five primary goals: to reduce the cost of living, create jobs, lower the tax burden and establish a fair tax system, stimulate economic growth by fostering an export-driven economy, and safeguard social welfare programs, ensuring they reach all eligible beneficiaries. These are not just promises; we are actively working towards achieving these objectives.

My election manifesto is not just another set of promises but a practical and actionable plan that can be implemented starting September 22. While we have already made progress by reducing the cost of living compared to 2022, I am not satisfied with the current state. Our goal is to further alleviate the financial burden on the people and continue reducing the prices of essential goods.

Although other parties also promise to lower the cost of goods, our approach is to strengthen the rupee. As the rupee strengthens, the prices of goods will decrease, providing tangible relief to the people.

We have focused on efficiency rather than simply maintaining the status quo. The changes were not made to dismantle the Samurdhi program but to enhance it by integrating it with the Aswasuma program. This allows the Samurdhi initiative to operate more effectively, and Samurdhi officers can continue their work without any disruption. We are committed to securing their future.

We have already implemented measures to strengthen the economy, which has resulted in an increase in the country's gross domestic product. However, Sajith and Anura claim they will reduce taxes. It is not feasible to lower taxes while simultaneously providing relief to the public. Each year, we collaborate with the International Monetary Fund to meet specific revenue targets. To safeguard the nation's economy, we must continue this program.

We aim to provide relief by boosting domestic production. For instance, we have launched an initiative to allocate land to people living on estate line rooms, transforming them into villages. As promised, we have increased the wages of plantation workers and will continue to fulfill our commitments.

Unlike other candidates, who have not addressed the issue of youth employment, our government is committed to creating jobs for the youth. With increased revenue, we are striving to develop 100 million new income opportunities in the future.

Additionally, we are providing financial support to another 50,000 individuals to pursue professional training of their choice. It is important to note that many more new job opportunities will be created next year.

We are implementing programs to modernize agriculture, create jobs, and develop the tourism industry. For example, recognizing Bandarawela as a key vegetable collection center, we are planning to provide a large cold storage facility in this province under the Agriculture Modernization Program.

Today, I am speaking on behalf of all members of the United National Party (UNP), Podu Jana Peramuna, and Sri Lanka Freedom Party. However, as the leader who succeeded D.S. Senanayake, J.R. Jayawardene, Ranasinghe Premadasa, and D.B. Wijetunga in leading the UNP, I want to address the members of our party specifically.

The people of Bandarawela do not need to be reminded of the UNP’s performance in this region. During a meeting held here, J.R. Jayawardene announced that he would entrust the management of the economy to me. Later, under President Premadasa, when I initiated the industrial program, he committed to establishing 200 garment factories. I was then given the responsibility of setting up an additional 300 factories. I defended him when an impeachment was brought against him, and I have always stood by the United National Party.

Sajith Premadasa dismantled the UNP that we worked so hard to protect. We must come together again as members of the UNP. Like J.R. Jayawardene, I took control of the nation's finances and improved them within two years. This is the tradition of the United National Party. Therefore, we must unite as the UNP and move forward. We cannot afford to turn back. Sajith Premadasa cannot lead the UNP to growth.

He lacks the vision to develop the country and cannot competently discuss economic matters. He relies on Harsha de Silva and Kabir Hashim for guidance, and when they are at a loss, they look to Nalaka Godahewa. Can we entrust the leadership of our country to someone like this? The party has lost its direction and no longer adheres to the core policies of the UNP. If you are true members of the UNP who love your country, I urge all of you to support me on September 21st.

Minister Bandula Gunawardana;

As we approach the most pivotal presidential election of our lifetimes on September 21, it’s important to reflect on the challenges we've faced. During the worst economic crisis since independence, neither the JVP nor the SJB, despite their current boasts, stepped up to lead. It was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who took on the enormous responsibility of steering the country through these turbulent times. He successfully negotiated with the IMF, engaged with international leaders, restructured our debt, and brought Sri Lanka to a point where it can finally breathe again.

Moreover, President Ranil Wickremesinghe is the only head of state that not only made crucial agreements with the international community but also ensured they were presented to Parliament and enshrined into law. Regardless of who comes to power, these agreements and the laws enacted under his leadership must be honoured. Any attempt to disregard these agreements or reverse the progress made would likely lead to a government collapse within one or two weeks, leaving no viable path forward.

For these reasons, we urge you to carefully consider your future and support President Ranil Wickremesinghe by voting for the "Gas Cylinder" on September 21.

Minister Ali Sabry;  

The upcoming presidential election is one of the most critical in this country's history. While someone always wins an election, the real challenge this time is finding a leader who can sustain the nation after their victory. Consider how much effort we put into finding the right doctor when we fall ill—we ask around to see if they have successfully treated patients before. Similarly, when appointing a principal to a school, we thoroughly research their background because if a doctor makes a mistake, the patient suffers; if a principal errs, the children suffer.

So, when it comes to selecting our leader in this crucial presidential election, how carefully should we examine their qualifications and past actions?

Take a moment to review the ministries managed by Sajith Premadasa. He doesn't even know how he can fulfil his election promises. Anura Kumara Dissanayake served as the Minister of Agriculture for nearly two years—can anyone point to a significant achievement during his tenure? However, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has shouldered the burden of this country not just once, but three times when it was on the brink of collapse. We cannot afford to regress to our troubled past. Reflect on the last two years—you’ve likely faced unprecedented challenges. It was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who stepped up to lead the nation during that time.

If a doctor prescribes a treatment that leads to a patient's recovery, would anyone consider changing that doctor? For the past two years, Sri Lanka has been on the mend. If you want the country to fully recover, will you stick with the proven leader, or are you willing to risk another experiment?

Former Minister Harin Fernando:

I urge all of you here today to recall the situation just two years ago. Back then, people were waking up each morning searching for gas, struggling to find a little kerosene to light their wood stove. As the people of this country faced unimaginable hardships, it was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who stepped forward to save them. In this Presidential election, there are three main candidates. Among them, two failed to address the people's suffering when it was most critical; they fled from the challenge. But it was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who took on the responsibility on behalf of the people.

Now, they are spreading a new narrative: that if President Ranil Wickremesinghe wins, he will protect the thief. But this election is not about catching thieves; it’s about deciding who can safeguard your future. If you believe we are corrupt, you can defeat us in the Parliamentary Election. I also ask: if Anura Dissanayake becomes President, who will be his ministers? Who will be his Foreign Minister, Finance Minister, and Tourism Minister? This is not the time for experiments. This election is about voting for a leader who has shown results. If you want the 2 million land deeds initiative or the daily wage of RS. 1,700 for plantation workers, you don’t need to vote for anyone else. You should vote for President Ranil Wickremesinghe. With the overwhelming support we see, it is certain that on September 21, President Ranil Wickremesinghe will secure victory in the Badulla District.

Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva:

Today, on this stage, we have representatives from all parties, including the people of the up country plantations. This is a platform for unity and justice, as well as the platform for gratitude. The people of this district are not ones to be easily fooled; they are people who understand and value gratitude. This district has no ethnic or religious divisions. The results of this presidential election will once again confirm that this is a district that supports those who are working to rebuild the nation.

I have worked with many Presidents, but I have never found it as easy to work with any of them as it has been with President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Due to his visionary wisdom, understanding, experience, and international relations, as well as his maturity in steering the country out of an economic crisis over the past two years, the Sri Lanka Freedom Party has unanimously decided that he should continue to serve as the President of this country for the next five years. Especially under his agricultural modernization program, this area stands to gain the most benefits. He does not need to ask for votes; it is we who need his service—for this country.

Governor of the Eastern Province, Senthil Thondaman:

Sri Lanka has not yet fully recovered from the critical situation it faced. We must continue to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe because of this. Although the country has reached a certain level of economic stability, the issue has not been fully resolved. We are merely beginning to address the problem. To solve the economic crisis, we must continue on this path, and for that, President Ranil Wickremesinghe must remain the leader of this country. We do not need someone who will take us back to the starting point.

State Minister Chamara Sampath Dasanayake,

Both Sudarshana Denipitiya and I represent the Bandarawela electorate, so there’s no doubt about President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s victory here. Back in 2022, the country was facing a massive economic crisis. It wasn’t a situation where the government could give you relief; instead, you were in a position where you had to give relief to the government. The government couldn't provide you with rice; instead, you had to give rice to the government. But now, under President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s leadership, the country has reached a point where the government is able to provide relief to you.

Something curious happened during the rice distribution program. The Hali Ela Divisional Secretariat distributed 2,000 kilos of rice to our people. Out of those 2,000 kilos, there were no complaints about 1,997 of them. However, complaints arose about just three kilos, claiming they were infested with weevils. I looked into the matter and found that it was the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna’s (JVP) Samantha Vidyaratne who created this fuss about the three kilos of rice, bringing the media to the Divisional Secretariat to stage a protest. Their goal that day was to halt the rice distribution program. Out of 2,000 about 1,997 kilos, no weevils were found, but JVP found weevils in just three bags they received. This is the kind of disruptive activity the JVP engages in.

Sajith Premadasa, standing on stage with G.L. Peiris by his side, claims that they have heroes on their side. G.L. Peiris is a man who can’t even find his home if he was drop in Borella. He’s not worth a cent. During the protests, when people were coming at him with poles, Sajith ran faster than Susanthika. Can someone who ran like that really be called a hero?

As for Anura Kumara, he seems to be having second thoughts these days, saying he can't handle it. When asked why, he explains that the last time he was given responsibility; he had to hand it over to Ranil Wickremesinghe to get out of the situation. So now, even if the role is forced upon him, he says he won't take it. Anura is having nightmares about it these days, and even if he were given the responsibility, he wouldn’t take it. And even if he did, he wouldn’t be able to manage it. None of those around him would be able to handle it either.

MP (Major) Sudarshana Denipitiya,

The president we appointed that day had to step down swiftly. Subsequently, President Ranil Wickremesinghe, a seasoned and experienced leader, assumed leadership of the country. Despite lacking party support and facing considerable challenges in Parliament, he courageously took on the task of steering the nation through a period of crisis.

Through his adept use of international relations, the country's economy improved rapidly. Fuel and gas became available to the people, efforts were made to send workers abroad, and agricultural modernization projects were introduced to our province, which are now in progress. Tourism has strengthened, and Sri Lanka is now a top destination.

We are rallying to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe, believing that his leadership will continue to drive progress if he serves another term. With such mature leadership, the country is poised for further development over the next five years.

The event was attended by religious leaders led by Maha Sangha, State Ministers Jagath Pushpakumara, Aravindh Kumar, former Minister Vijith Vijithamuni Soysa, Bandarawela UNP Organizer Ravi Gunawardena, the President’s Counsel Jayantha Weerasinghe, regional political leaders, electorate organizers, district organizers, and massive crowd.

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