Those Seeking Judicial Intervention for Elections Aim to Consolidate Power, Not Alleviate the People from Oppression

• Genuine Concern for Public Welfare Would Involve Taking Responsibility for Governance.

• If Defending the Right to Life Is Considered a Violation of FRs, We Must Address This Issue.

• In July 2022, I Took on National Responsibility for the People; Today, I Stand as an Independent Presidential Candidate for Their Benefit.

• Handing Over Power to Visionless Leaders Risks Economic Collapse.

• Preserve Our Hard-Won Achievements and Continue Progress - Says the President in Dambulla.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe emphasized that, while he took on the responsibility of leading a country that no one else wanted and dedicated himself to protecting the people's right to live, that seeking court intervention for elections are driven not by a desire to liberate the people from oppression but by a quest to consolidate their own power.

The President also noted that if he had allocated funds for elections at that time, stabilizing the country’s economy would have been compromised. He emphasized that, if protecting the right to life is perceived as a violation of fundamental rights, he is prepared to confront this challenge.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe made these remarks during the 'Puluwan Sri Lanka' victory rally held at the Dambulla Bus Stand this afternoon (24).

A large crowd from the Dambulla attended the rally, where they warmly welcomed the President.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe further explained that he took on the responsibility of leading the country in July 2022 to benefit the people. The President highlighted his success in addressing the critical issues at that time and establishing economic stability.

The President emphasized that the country's destruction is inevitable if it is handed over to those without vision and plans for power. He urged the people to use their votes in this presidential election to protect the hard-earned progress of the past two years.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe further stressed that;

I am presenting myself as an independent candidate, running for the country without any party affiliation. I took on this role for the benefit of the people. My efforts have been focused on ending the crises of the past and restoring stability to the nation. I aimed to stop the violence of that time.

Had we failed to stop that violence, we might have faced a situation similar to what Bangladesh is experiencing today, with the loss of parliamentary control. Lawlessness prevailed then, with one group attacking its opponents while another struggled to maintain control of the country.

But I did not become the president of just one group—I stepped forward for the entire country. The young people who supported the “Aragalaya” demanded change, and I listened to them. Today, I have begun that change in our country. I ask for your support in continuing this progress.

The leader of the opposition is the country's alternative prime minister, and with that role comes the responsibility to protect the people. However, he failed to do so—he ran away. We faced an incredibly difficult time, and we had to make tough decisions. We had to stop printing money, reduce government spending, and reluctantly increase VAT to generate revenue. Some of these decisions were burdensome to you. They were not choices we made lightly. I want to thank everyone who shouldered that burden with us. However, if we had not taken those steps, we wouldn't have a country today.

Today, our country's economy has improved, and at the same time, we have implemented measures to provide relief to the people. We spent Rs.60 billion on “Samurdhi” and today, we are allocating Rs.183 billion for the “Aswesuma” program. While previously 1.6 million people benefited, we have now extended those benefits to 2.4 million individuals.

Additionally, allowances for kidney patients, the elderly, and disabled individuals have been increased. Government employees received an allowance of Rs.10, 000, and we have decided to provide Rs.25, 000 as an allowance of cost-of-living, using 2025 as the base year. We have also set a starting salary of Rs.55, 000, inclusive of the cost-of-living allowance, and granted an interim allowance of Rs.3, 000 to pensioners. These are just a few of the significant actions we've taken. We accomplished what even a non-bankrupt government couldn't, despite the country being declared bankrupt.

Today, tourists are returning to our country, and we are establishing investment zones across the country. We've also launched the agriculture modernization program, aiming to produce 8 metric tons of paddy harvest per hectare. In the meantime, we have worked diligently to reduce the cost of living for our people over the past two years.

We must not hand over our country to those lacking vision, as it would lead to its destruction. Instead, let's safeguard our progress. In a few more years, we will be able to move forward by fully addressing these issues.

No one from the opposition supported the initiatives we implemented for the people. Ranjith Madduma Bandara and Harini Amarasuriya went to court to push for the Local Government elections in 2023. However, because the people needed to live, I had to allocate funds to secure their right to life. Meanwhile, their actions sought to disrupt the country. Holding elections over the next three to four months would have prevented us from providing these vital concessions to the people.

They obtained a court decision claiming I violated fundamental rights. However, if the decision is to protect the fundamental rights of the people, I am prepared to face it.

Dambulla Chief Organiser of the United National Party, Priyan Wijerathne;

We gather today to celebrate the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, a leader who has revitalized the economy of our country four times through his political acumen, maturity, experience, and talent.

At this moment, I am reminding Mr. Mangala Samaraweera, a dedicated politician who passed away three years ago. He was committed to steering our country towards democracy, harmony, and development. He once said that if Sri Lanka were ever to become like Europe, President Ranil Wickremesinghe would be the leader to make it happen. He predicted that the people of this country would soon recognize this, and indeed, it was during such a realization that President Ranil Wickremesinghe was once again entrusted with the leadership of our nation.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has already demonstrated that democracy and harmony are crucial for a country's development. This is just the beginning. If we change our course now, we risk losing our way again. The next decade of our country is assuredly safe in the capable hands of President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Former Mayor of Matale, Sandanam Prakash;

In this election, we fully support President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who understood the hardships we faced when gas, medicines, and fuel were in short supply. He took charge of our country and brought it to its current stable state, and we have decided to support him to ensure the continued progress achieved.

Through his international relations, he has done a great deal to bring stability to our country. Therefore, the country should be entrusted to President Ranil Wickremesinghe for the next five years. While 90% of the people in the up country previously voted for Sajith Premadasa, it must be said that today, they are all eager to cast their votes for President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Parliamentarian, Duminda Dissanayake;

Today, our country stands united, setting aside all differences, to support the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who has uplifted this country after its downfall two years ago. This unity is evident in the thousands of people attending public rallies across the country.

When President Ranil Wickremesinghe was appointed President by Parliament, taking on the immense challenge of reviving a struggling country, some questioned his mandate. But if we had not constitutionally appointed him as President at that critical time, our country might have faced the same crisis that Bangladesh is experiencing today.

Mr. President, there is one thing we respect about you, even from an opposition party's perspective: your unwavering commitment to implementing the 'system change' demanded by the “Aragalaya”. Therefore, I want to express that the people of this country have placed their trust and hope in you to continue building this country in the years ahead, just as you have done in the face of immense challenges over the past two years.

Former Minister Harin Fernando:

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has held only five campaign meetings so far, yet he has already emerged as the leader in the current surveys. With ninety more rallies planned, it is clear that by the end of this campaign, President Ranil Wickremesinghe will be the definitive choice for the presidency.

Sajith Premadasa still thinks that his leader is President Ranil Wickremesinghe and seems to be following in the footsteps of the President. When the President announces plans to raise public servants' salaries, Sajith Premadasa echoes the same promise the next day. It appears he is closely mirroring the President's actions.

Furthermore, Premadasa has shown hesitancy in making bold decisions, such as being unable to allocate the vacant National List parliamentary seat to Hirunika, fearing potential of a famouse channel.

Do not trust leaders who avoid taking on challenges and only seek to govern after the economy has been stabilized.

Sajith Premadasa has criticized the IMF’s performance, but now is not the time for experimentation. We should focus on advancing the existing program that is helping to recover the country. Neither Malimawa nor the Samagi Jana Balawegaya has addressed the ‘Aswesuma’ or ‘Urumaya’ programs thus far. They have not indicated on any platform whether they will support or implement the programs that President Ranil Wickremesinghe is advancing.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe is the only leader who fully understands the suffering of our people. He has dedicated his efforts to strengthening the national economy and enhancing the tourism industry in this province. Just consider the influx of tourists to Sigiriya today.

The national crisis began with the gas cylinder shortage. Therefore, as you use your gas stove at home, remember the challenges faced and acknowledge the leader who worked to overcome them. Support and prioritize the efforts of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who played a crucial role in addressing this crisis.

State Minister, Premitha Bandara Tennakoon;

As we look at huge crowd gathered in historic Rangiri Dambulla, it is clear that the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe is inevitable. Dambulla is an area that has always demonstrated that the impossible can be made possible. History records Dambulla's significant role when King Dutugemunu rallied his forces to defeat King Elara. It also bears witness to the determination of the people of Dambulla, who transformed the area into an economic centre by farming vegetables, ending the era when only the highlands were believed capable of cultivating them. Dambulla has always been home to those who believe they can achieve anything.

Looking at this gathering today, we see leaders who never imagined they would come together. Political leaders who were once divided now sit united, declaring their strength and working towards building a better country. When the economy collapsed, everyone joined together to show the country that we can overcome any challenge with unity.

There was a time when people stood in queues for days—waiting to buy a gas cylinder, fertilizer, or just to get some fuel. During that period, there was no leader willing to take charge of the country. Only President Ranil Wickremesinghe stepped forward, declaring that he could rescue the oppressed from their suffering.

In the midst of this crisis, some groups protested, even urging foreign employees not to send money back to Sri Lanka, while their own families remained safe. A group of us accepted the challenge alongside President Ranil Wickremesinghe, believing that we could free the people from the burdens weighing them down. If President Ranil Wickremesinghe hadn’t made that decision, our country might have descended into chaos like Libya, Zimbabwe, or Bangladesh.

Now, some political groups are distributing T-shirts to retired army officers as part of their political agenda, effectively auctioning off the honour of our military on the political stage. During the protests, some leaders told the security forces that "Prabhakaran is better than you" and disparaged them for their education. But now, those who once mocked the military as heroes on political platforms are degrading themselves by wearing T-shirts.

It must be said that President Ranil Wickremesinghe is the only leader who commands respect from everyone. I urge you all to make him the ninth executive president on September 21.

State Minister Rohana Dissanayaka,

Previously, we have consistently opposed President Ranil Wickremesinghe. However, during the election for the Incumbent President in Parliament, we demonstrated that our decision to appoint you was correct by securing 134 votes in your favour. As we seek support from the public, it is evident that people from even the most remote villages have already decided to vote for you.

There are 10,126 schools in the country. If Sajith Premadasa were to visit each school and provide one smart board per day, it would take 27 years to complete the task. This is impractical. In contrast, the current President, Ranil Wickremesinghe, made significant contributions in the field of education. As a former Minister of Education and Minister of Youth Affairs, he initiated Bellwood Village and established the Youth Centre. President Wickremesinghe has consistently focused on improving education and supporting the youth, demonstrating his commitment through tangible actions.

Even if the election were held tomorrow morning rather than on September 21, it is certain that President Ranil Wickremesinghe would secure a victory. I assure you, Mr. President, that the people of the Matale district are fully committed to supporting you. I urge all voters to cast their valuable vote in favour of President Wickremesinghe on September 21, ensuring his victory.

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