Proposal for Strengthening the 13th Amendment to the Constitution

1. (i) Subject to (b), full implementation of the powers under List I of the Provincial Councils. All powers under List I retained by the Central Government will be transferred to the Provincial Councils.
(ii) Police Powers will require further discussion and agreement in the new Parliament.
(iii) List III Functions approved by the Party Leaders will be assigned to the Provincial Councils.
(iv) The Provincial Councils will be responsible (within the national policy framework formulated and implemented by the Central Government) for,
(i school education
(ii) vocational training
(iii) establishment of degree awarding institutions which may be upgraded as universities according to law
(iv) provincial tourist promotion
(v) agriculture modernisation and delivery of farm services. These are far reaching changes.

The connected legislations will include
a. Education Act in line with List I including the establishment of Provincial Boards of Education;
b. An Act to establish Provincial Boards for Vocational Education;
c. An Act to empower Provincial Councils to establish degree awarding Institutes;
d. An Act to empower Provincial Councils to undertake agricultural modernisation and farmer oriented agricultural grassroot services;
e. An Act to establish Provincial Tourism Promotion Boards with the power to appoint local tourist committees.

(v) The Provincial Councils will be responsible for the beneficiary oriented service delivery.

(vi) Discussion and agreement on implementing the Report of the 7 Chief Ministers of the Southern Provinces.

(vii Amend the First Schedule of the Industrial Promotion Act No.46 of 1990 as follows
(i) Delete item (2)
(ii) Delete Item (3)
(iii) Delete item (8) and substitute with
“(8) Any industry where the annual turnover exceeds One Billion Rupees.”

(viii) Establishment of Provincial Economic Development Boards by an Act of Parliament.

(ix) Implementation of the 13th Amendment has resulted in two parallel administrations at district level with unnecessary overheads. Hence there is a need to simplify this structure. The District Development Council will be established by Act of Parliament to
a. coordinate Government and Provincial Development programmes in the District;
b. reduction of multi dimensional poverty;
c. achievement of Net Zero targets and
d. such other specified subjects.

2. The Parliament and Provincial Council may vest more powers and functions in the Local Authorities.

3. The new Parliament to enact National Land Commission Act and the National Land Policy Act.

4. Enacting the Jana Sabha Act.

5. Establishment of a 2nd Chamber with representatives from the Provincial Councils. This Chamber will have oversight over the full implementation of the powers vested by the Constitution and by law in the Provincial Councils.

6. 2025 Elections to the Provincial Councils to be held under the original electoral system contained in Provincial Council Election Act 2 of 1988 with
(i) provision for Women and Youth representation and
(ii) enabling Members of Parliament to contest the Provincial Council elections.

Proposals for Reconciliation:

1. Enacting the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act.

2. Implementing Nawaz Commission Report Recommendation regarding Missing Persons Office.

3. A programme to provide economic assistance for rehabilitated ex-LTTE cadres engaged in self-employment.

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