Sri Lanka Recognized Globally as the Fastest to Recover from Economic Collapse

• President Confident the Country Will Overcome Challenges and Achieve Progress in the Next 5 Years.

• Don't risk the future by entrusting the country to politicians who simply ask for a chance.

• Votes for Sajith and Namal ultimately end up benefiting Anura— President says in Minuwangoda.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated that the international community now acknowledges Sri Lanka as the fastest country to recover from an economic collapse. Having achieved this remarkable turnaround, he expressed confidence in leading the nation toward progress over the next five years.

The President urged the public to support this vision and cautioned against entrusting the country’s future to politicians who simply ask for a "chance," warning that doing so could jeopardize the nation’s progress.

These remarks were made during the "Ranil Can" victory rally in Minuwangoda earlier today (17), which saw a large turnout in support of his bid for the upcoming presidential election.

During his speech, President Wickremesinghe also highlighted a historic moment in the country’s politics, where three major political parties have united for the nation’s future. He told United National Party members that a vote for Sajith is essentially a vote for Anura, and reminded those in the Podujana Peramuna that a vote for Namal similarly benefits Anura.

Addressing the victory rally President Wickremesinghe further said;

“September 21 is a crucial day for all of you. In 2022, this country fell into a deep crisis. I don't need to remind you—everyone experienced it. People stood in long queues for food, medicine, gas, and fuel. There was no fertilizer for crops, and the economy completely collapsed. At that time, politics crumbled too. The Prime Minister and the government resigned.

No one stepped up to take over the government. The leader of the opposition ran away. Harsha de Silva openly said they wouldn’t take responsibility for the government. Former Agriculture Minister Anura Dissanayake was nowhere to be found. Where were they when you were suffering? Did they even think about finding a solution when the country was in chaos? No—they ran.

I took on the responsibility and, together with the team that supported me, put the economy back on track. Now, some are asking for another chance. On September 21, you need to ask yourselves: should we really entrust our future to them?

Some say we should give the "Malimawa" a chance. But should you gamble with your future? The people of this country suffered greatly during the last economic crisis. Yes, we had to make difficult decisions to stabilize the economy. But we made those decisions with the goal of providing relief to the people, even though it was tough. The people of this country bore that hardship. They didn’t take to the streets in protest—they stood strong. And for that, I have deep respect for all of you.

Where were Sajith and Anura during that time? They asked for help to rebuild the economy but didn’t contribute. Instead, they called for protests and filed cases in court. I ask you, can we really trust such a group to lead this country?

We have identified the program that can restore our country's economy, and it is now time to implement it. Our goal is to build a robust economy that will not collapse again in the next five years and to alleviate the burden on people’s lives.

For the first time in history, three major parties have come together for the benefit of the nation. However, Sajith and Anura chose not to participate—they are not equipped to solve these issues.

To United National Party members, I say that a vote for Sajith effectively supports Anura. Similarly, I tell the SLPP party members that a vote for Namal also benefits Anura.

The future of our country is at stake. We have the opportunity to move this nation forward. The world acknowledges that Sri Lanka is the fastest-growing country emerging from economic collapse. Let us all work together to further develop our economy over the next five years. I ask for your mandate on September 21 to lead this effort.

Prime Minister Dinesh Gunarawdena:  

Anura Kumara Dissanayake entered the presidential election in Parliament but secured only three votes. Sajith Premadasa proposed Dullas Alahapperuma as a presidential candidate, but ultimately, President Ranil Wickremesinghe was elected President with the support of 134 members of Parliament.

Sajith Premadasa has introduced three no-confidence motions against the government, all of which were successfully defeated. In contrast, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has focused on meeting the needs of the people and restoring peace in the country.

I urge you all to show your appreciation for President Wickremesinghe, who has championed the people's right to a better life and achieved significant progress for the nation.

Minister Ali Sabry:

During the crisis when our country was on the brink of collapse, no other leader stepped up to address the situation. At that critical moment, President Ranil Wickremesinghe took the initiative, negotiating with the IMF to improve our economic conditions. He also reached out to Samantha Power in America to secure essential support for Sri Lanka. None of the current presidential candidates have such extensive international connections. President Wickremesinghe's presidency was made possible by the people of Sri Lanka, and today we are reaping the benefits of his leadership.

There are no longer long queues for fuel or gas, and power cuts have ceased. While those who failed to manage the presidency during difficult times are now seeking positions of power, the international community is noting Sri Lanka’s recovery. Even global powers are suggesting that Bangladesh could benefit from the kind of leadership President Wickremesinghe has provided.

Consider Greece, a developed country that once hosted the Olympics. A government promising socialism led a referendum to withdraw from the IMF, which resulted in economic collapse. Greece's economy faltered for thirteen years, with government employees receiving only half their salaries. This history serves as a warning against making changes that could lead to similar suffering.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe will be remembered as a pivotal leader in our history. This election is not just about his future; it’s about the future of our country. As he has worked to provide crucial support, such as fertilizer subsidies, during our recovery from bankruptcy, it is essential that we unite in support of his continued leadership.

Let's all commit to ensuring President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s victory for the sake of our nation’s progress.

Minister Prasanna Prasanna Ranatunga;

The people believe that President Ranil Wickremesinghe is the leader capable of reviving our country's economy. This is why our SLPP team is dedicated to supporting him. Today, the President has left his party and is running as an independent candidate for the presidential election. On the 22nd, we anticipate that President Ranil Wickremesinghe will be confirmed as the 9th Executive President of Sri Lanka.

Throughout my political career, I have always acted according to my conscience, prioritizing the country's well-being over party interests. We previously secured a victory for former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in the Gampaha district with a majority of 350,000 votes. Our goal now is to achieve a similar success for President Ranil Wickremesinghe in this district, aiming for a majority of 350,000 votes.

No other presidential candidate matches President Wickremesinghe’s qualifications. We are prepared to make any necessary sacrifices to support his efforts and ensure continued progress for our country during his upcoming five-year term.

State Minister Sisira Jayakody:

We in the left-wing nationalist political camp have chosen to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe due to his exemplary service to the people over the past two years. Under his leadership, President Wickremesinghe has successfully united all communities in the country. While Sajith Premadasa and Anura Dissanayake spent two years on their presidential campaigns, President Wickremesinghe focused on sustaining the well-being of the people.

Anura Dissanayake, who once mocked the presence of a doctor with the President, now appears at every election event with a doctor by his side. If those who engage in deceptive politics were to gain power, the country could face the same challenges that Bangladesh has experienced. Therefore, I urge everyone to fully support President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s victory to ensure continued progress and stability for our nation.

Member of Parliament Nimal Lanza:

In just four days, we will be selecting the next President of this country. We stand before you today in support of President Ranil Wickremesinghe because he protected the people's right to live. The Rajapaksas destroyed the country, leading to a situation where we couldn't even import fuel and food, forcing the people into the streets. At that critical time, Sajith and Anura did not step forward to take responsibility for the country.

Gotabaya, Basil, Mahinda, and Namal Rajapaksa brought the country to its knees. Now, Namal Rajapaksa and Sajith Premadasa are making deals, with the Pohottuwa votes being promised to Sajith. Therefore, the people have a responsibility. When there was no fuel, gas, or medicine, it was Ranil Wickremesinghe who stepped forward and provided these essentials. We must acknowledge his contributions. That’s why we are all committed to ensuring his victory.

Member of Parliament Kokila Gunawardena:

On the 21st, we are not just choosing a President; we are deciding the future of this nation. The country collapsed after the COVID 19 crisis, and the resulting food, fuel, and gas shortages led people to protest. The JVP turned these protests into a violent struggle. At that critical moment, the then-President invited the opposition to take charge of the country, but no leader stepped forward. Even Anura wasn’t willing to accept the presidency when it was offered to him.

Amid this uncertainty, the only leader who took on the responsibility of safeguarding the people's right to live was President Ranil Wickremesinghe. He took over a bankrupt nation and worked to rebuild the economy while ensuring meals for the Primary School children. He restored hope, and gave relief to the people through ‘Aswesuma’  distributed land ownership through the ‘Urumaya’ program, and brought peace to the country. We don’t need leaders who experiment with the future of the nation. Now is not the time to take chances.

Former Minister Ruwan Wijewardene:

The competition between Anura Dissanayake and Sajith Premadasa is only for second place. When the country faced a crisis, all political leaders abandoned the responsibility. The only person who took on the challenge was Ranil Wickremesinghe, and it was the people of this country who gave him the strength to face that challenge.

In 2022, when the people faced many problems, Ranil Wickremesinghe worked to resolve them, even after protesters set fire to his house. Despite losing his property, he prioritized solving the people's issues. He has always focused on protecting the people's right to live. Thanks to his knowledge of the economy, he was able to rescue the country from bankruptcy quickly.

Looking at the current situation in Bangladesh, we see the impact of socialist activities. If there had been true leadership in socialism, they should have taken charge of the country in 2022. However, neither Anura Dissanayake nor Sajith Premadasa did. Now, they claim to have the best team, but it’s the same team that was around back then. This time, the people must make the right choice in the election.

The Maha Sangha, other religious leaders, Minister Nalin Fernando, State Ministers Chamara Sampath Dasanayake, Lasantha Alagiyawanna, Members of Parliament Milan Jayatilleke, Sahan Pradeep, Professor Ashu Marasinghe, and many political leaders of the area were present at the event.

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