Shaping a Prosperous Future for All Sri Lankans Uniting Sinhala, Tamil, and Muslim Communities

• Swift justice is being delivered to those affected by the recent economic crisis.

• While the public showed patience, Sajith and Anura focused on election campaigns, driven by power.

• The nation cannot progress by breaching IMF agreements as suggested by Sajith and Anura - President highlights in Mannar.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe addressed the public today at the "Ranil Can" (Ranil ta Puluwan) victory rally in Mannar, presenting a program aimed at ensuring a prosperous future for all Sri Lankans, including the Sinhalese, Tamil, and Muslim communities. He assured that swift justice would be delivered to those impacted by the recent economic crisis.

Reflecting on the challenging decisions necessary to revive the country's broken economy, President Wickremesinghe noted that while citizens remained patient, opposition figures focused solely on election campaigns in their pursuit of power.

Speaking to a large crowd gathered in front of the Mannar bus station, the President emphasized that Sri Lanka must continue to honour its agreements with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He countered claims by opposition leaders Sajith Pemadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake, asserting that breaking these agreements would not allow the country to move forward. He urged the public to remain informed and to understand the complexities of the current economic situation.

Additionally, the President shared details of the government's development plans for Mannar, reinforcing his commitment to leading the nation toward long-term growth and stability.

Addressing the victory rally in Mannar, President Wickremesinghe said;

“Today, I stand before you to talk about your future. On September 21st, you will make a critical choice: whether to embrace a better future or return to a time of long queues and scarcity. This election isn’t about my future—it’s about the future of the people and the future of this country.

When I took over two years ago, there was no food, medicine, fuel, or gas. Neither Sajith nor Anura stepped forward to address these crises. They claimed they couldn't take responsibility while the people were suffering. But I accepted that responsibility. Today, gas, fuel, medicines, and fertilizer are available again. The economy has restarted. Farmers are back in their fields, the fishing industry is moving, and children are once again getting an education.

Now, those who avoided responsibility are demanding to take charge. They were absent when the country needed them most—should we hand the country over to them now?

I made difficult decisions to rebuild the economy, and I know it meant hardship for the people. But you stood strong and did your part. While Sajith and Anura sought votes, I focused on securing food, medicine, fuel, and gas for the people. I solved those problems. The rupee has strengthened, the prices of goods have come down, and government employees have received salary increases. While we still face challenges, I promise to ease the burden on people’s lives by 2025.

We must continue to honour our commitments to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Only by doing so can we truly succeed as a nation. As Sajith and Anura suggest, breaking these agreements won’t help us move forward. It’s by staying the course that we will win together as a country.

We are modernizing agriculture in these provinces by bringing water from Malwatu Oya to Yodha Wewa and raising the Yodha Wewa by another two feet to ensure enough water for farming. In addition, we have discussed plans to modernize the fishing industry in this region, and I will ensure Minister Kader Masthan receives the necessary funds to support these initiatives.

Our goal is also to develop this area into a solar energy hub. I am presenting a program for all the Sinhalese, Tamil, and Muslim communities in this region. We are taking action to release more individuals currently in custody for their involvement with the LTTE, and I want to reassure the Sinhalese families in Mannar—there is no need to be afraid. Additionally, we are committed to rebuilding the five temples that were destroyed.

Mannar is advancing, and we are constructing a new road from Mannar to Trincomalee. This is the kind of progress we are making in these provinces. We can achieve this together. On September 21st, I ask for your support—vote for the gas cylinder and give me the mandate to continue this important work.”

State Minister Kader Masthan;

Despite numerous crises and challenges, a substantial number of people have turned out to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe at this event. This show of solidarity comes even in the face of attempts by some politicians to disrupt the gathering, including offering bribes to deter attendees. I’m delighted to see a larger turnout today compared to previous opposition meetings. This strong attendance clearly indicates broad support for President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s program.

The President is clearly committed to the country’s development, which is why we stand by him. In 2022, the country faced severe shortages of fuel, gas, and food, leading to a significant crisis. In contrast, neighbouring Bangladesh experienced extreme measures during similar crises, with ministers being killed. However, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has safeguarded democracy by ensuring the protection of everyone.

MP S.M.M. Musharraf;

Although President Ranil Wickremesinghe was initially the only one willing to take responsibility for the country's instability, today many candidates are vying for leadership in a more stable environment. However, like their Parliamentarians in the south and the upcountry, over 70% of the people in the north have expressed their intention to vote for President Wickremesinghe this time. According to the latest survey reports, President Ranil Wickremesinghe is currently in the lead, while Sajith is in third place.

Former Northern PC member Ali Khan, the former Chairman of the Musali Pradeshiya Sabha, along with former members of the Mantai West Pradeshiya Sabha and several local council representatives, have united to express their support for President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Today, several MPs from the Tamil Alliance group led by Charles Nirmalanathan also joined in backing the President. It is now evident that President Wickremesinghe’s influence is spreading nationwide. Recent survey reports show President Wickremesinghe in the lead, with Sajith in third place.

Former Member of Parliament, Premarathna Sumathipala,

The outcome of the Presidential Election on September 21 can be determined by those gathered here today. Two years ago, when this country faced a severe economic crisis, the people of this area felt its effects more than anyone else. At a time when no one was willing to take responsibility for the nation, President Ranil Wickremesinghe fearlessly took charge. Since then, he has provided tremendous service to all citizens, regardless of ethnicity, religion, party or colour. Without his efforts, it would not even be possible to hold this Presidential Election or have gatherings like this in the country today.

Before casting your vote on September 21, take a moment to reflect on the two years we’ve just lived through and consider the next five years. I urge all of you to stand alongside President Ranil Wickremesinghe in securing victory, symbolized by striking the vote in front of the Gas Cylinder.

Former Governor Azath Salley;

Anura Kumara claims that terrorism originates in the wombs of Muslim mothers. I would like to ask our Muslim brothers and sisters whether they are going to hell by supporting such people?

At this point, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has not only secured the support of 125 Members of Parliament but also the backing of many political parties. Gotabaya Rajapaksa received 6.9 million votes in the last election, but I am confident that President Ranil Wickremesinghe will win the upcoming Presidential Election with an even larger number of votes, as the people gathered here today can attest.

This event was attended by the Maha Sangha, other religious leaders, State Minister Suren Raghavan, Members of Parliament including Kulasingham Thileepan, former Provincial Council leaders, and many others.

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