Sajith and Anura, once in hiding, are now running for president, reflecting the current era of Ranil Wickremesinghe

• Sajith Won't Win This Election: A Vote for Sajith Is a Vote for Anura.

• Building a New House Requires a Strong Foundation.

• I Am Seeking a Mandate to Build That House - Says the President in Kekirawa.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe highlighted that Sajith and Anura, who previously fled in fear of the economic crisis, now have the opportunity to run for the presidential election due to the economic stability established in the country under his leadership. He emphasized that this stability is a result of his governance. Addressing members of the United National Party (UNP), President Wickremesinghe expressed that Sajith cannot win this election and argued that a vote for Sajith would effectively be a vote for Anura, urging party members not to betray the UNP’s principles.

President Wickremesinghe made these remarks during the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" victory rally held at the Kekirawa Public Stadium earlier today (01). The rally, aimed at securing his victory in the upcoming presidential election, saw a large turnout of supporters.

He further stated that if his administration were to face challenges, a new government should be built on a solid foundation, learning from past experiences. The President called on the public for a mandate to construct this future foundation. He criticized Sajith and Anura's call for drastic changes, equating it to burning down a house, and concluded that his success in the upcoming presidential election would be a triumph for the entire country.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe further commented:

"I would like to explain why there are representatives from different parties on this stage today. Two years ago, this country was in chaos. We faced severe shortages of food, fuel, and gas, and long queues were everywhere. As the crisis worsened, former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa resigned on May 9th. Traditionally, when a Prime Minister steps down, the Leader of the Opposition should take over. I waited the entire day, but received no word from him.

By nightfall, we heard that the Leader of the Opposition had declined to accept the responsibility. There were also reports that Sarath Fonseka had gone to meet the President, but he too had refused to take on the role. After that, the former President sent me a message asking me to step in. I took on the responsibility alone. Following my decision, all these individuals came together to support me. It must be acknowledged that we all united to stabilize the country's economy. Without our collective effort, children would have gone hungry, and parents would have continued standing in long lines for basic necessities like milk.

At that time, there was violence across the country, but I managed to bring the situation under control. If I had not taken action, Sri Lanka might be facing a situation similar to Bangladesh today, where there is lawlessness, with people being killed and even the Chief Justice ousted from office. That is the state of affairs they are dealing with now.

However, I managed to form a government by bringing everyone together. I invited both Anura and Sajith to join the effort, but they refused. Now they say that if they had known the Rajapaksas would leave, they would have stayed.

Under our leadership, we brought inflation down from 70% to 2%. Prices for essential goods have also dropped significantly: red lentils are down by 40%, wheat flour by 29%, chicken by 11%, diesel by 28%, and gas by 31%. The gross domestic product reached $84 billion in 2023, and we need to continue building on this progress.

We provided a stipend of Rs. 10,000 to government employees. According to the R. Seneviratne report, wages will increase in the future. We also implemented the Aswasuma program, distributing funds three times greater than those provided by the Samurdhi program. Despite being a bankrupt country, we accomplished these initiatives.

Fertilizer was provided to farmers, and for the first time in history, hundreds of thousands of people in this area have been granted land rights. The stability we've established has made it possible to hold a presidential election today. Unlike in Bangladesh, where Parliament has been dissolved and elections cannot be held, our decisive actions have created an environment where Sajith Premadasa and Anura Dissanayake can run for president. They fled before, but now they seek votes. I want to remind them that this stability is due to my leadership.

We have rebuilt this country as a team, and we must increase our foreign exchange reserves by ensuring continued economic stability. To achieve this, we need to shift towards an export-driven economy. I am asking the people for a mandate in this presidential election to continue this work.

If a house collapses, you build a new one on a strong foundation. We examine the foundation and identify the necessary steps to rebuild. I am requesting the public’s mandate to construct this new house. Meanwhile, Sajith and Anura want to burn down the existing house.

We have presented a five-year plan to the people to move the country forward. Our goal is to ease the burdens of everyday life by strengthening the rupee, which in turn is achieved by increasing the country's gross domestic product.

However, Sajith and Anura suggest that taxes should be reduced, which would lead to a decrease in national revenue and cause the economy to collapse again. For example, when Gotabaya Rajapaksa reduced taxes in November 2019, it led to economic instability, forcing the people to endure high-interest rates by 2022.

Implementing such misguided economic policies would jeopardize our support from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and 17 other countries. I regret to say that if we change our economic course now, we could revert to the crisis conditions of 2022. It's crucial that we maintain the economic stability we have worked hard to create. We cannot afford to end up in a situation like Bangladesh.

I also want to address members of the United National Party (UNP) present here. The UNP is currently divided, with some contemplating joining the Samagi Jana Balawegaya. However, I want to make it clear that I represent the UNP that upholds the principles of former leaders like J.R. Jayawardene and Ranasinghe Premadasa.

Sajith cannot win this election, and I must emphasize that a vote for Sajith is effectively a vote for Anura. We should not compromise our principles or assist Anura by misleading the public. Let us unite to move the country forward. I firmly believe that the country’s success is tied to my electoral victory.

State Minister Shehan Semasinghe,

The only leader capable of building a hopeful nation is President Ranil Wickremesinghe. At a time when previous leaders abandoned their responsibilities and failed to provide leadership to the 22 million people of this country, President Wickremesinghe has commendably taken charge, focusing on economic stability and strengthening the financial resilience of the people.

By initiating efforts to return farmers to their fields, he provided the necessary facilities to ensure the success of both the Yala and Maha seasons' cultivation. Additionally, arrangements were made to allocate Rs. 25,000 for fertilizers.

Three months ago, the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) led a wave of strikes in the public sector. Despite the economic crisis, President Wickremesinghe’s administration managed to provide ‘Aswesuma’, ‘Urumaya’ freehold land deeds, and rice aid. All of these were achieved through the economic management policies of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who rose from a single parliamentary seat to the presidency.

In contrast, the JVP’s policy statements are merely wishful thinking and would result in a poor country. Only President Wickremesinghe has provided a realistic policy framework capable of transforming the country. There are no viable alternatives for rebuilding the nation.

The President's policies are set to significantly enhance the nation's financial strength, paving the way for the establishment of a prosperous country. In contrast, the policy statements of the National People's Power (NPP) led by JVP are merely wishful thinking and would result in nothing more than a poor country.

Globally, every country now places its trust in President Ranil Wickremesinghe. No other leader on the presidential candidate list has earned such trust.

State Minister Premitha Bandara Tennakoon,

Just 27 months ago, the people of this country were suffering through an era of long queues and 13-hour power cuts. The former President invited every leader to take charge of the country, but the interest in upcoming Presidential Election was absent back then when it came to relieving the people's suffering. Amidst the chaos, with the Presidential Secretariat under siege and the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (SLRC) forcibly occupied, President Ranil Wickremesinghe accepted the challenge. He is the best example of a leader rising to meet a challenge. After taking charge, he relieved the people’s suffering and worked to restore the country’s economy.

Under his leadership, the country was rescued from crisis, and efforts were made to restore the economy. Since last March, the employees of the Survey Department have been engaged in a strike. They have been disturbed by the President's implementation of the "Urumaya" program. This strike is being led by the Survey Department's head in the Polonnaruwa District, who is also politically aligned with the NPP.

The wise people of this country should carefully reconsider the statements made by Sajith Premadasa, Anura Dissanayake, and others on stage today, especially when they did not step up to take on the presidency during the country's time of crisis. Let us instead support President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who has already proven his ability to revive the country's economy, and continue to strengthen his correct policies for the future.

MP Duminda Dissanayake;

President Ranil Wickremesinghe is the only leader who has successfully guided the country towards economic recovery, transforming a fragile economy into one that is resilient and stable. That is why he was able to form this broad alliance.

While Anura Kumara chants 'Rata Anurata,' President Ranil Wickremesinghe declares 'Puluwan Sri Lanka.' His manifesto is straightforward, focusing only on what is achievable and presented in clear, simple language that resonates with the people. On September 21, the country must be entrusted to a capable leader, not someone who has never even held the position of Provincial Council Chairman. The people of Anuradhapura have already shown that there is no room for Anura or Sajith in this country.

MP S.M. Chandrasena;

Other presidential candidates spent two years campaigning, while President Ranil Wickremesinghe dedicated those two years to alleviating the suffering of the people and restoring Sri Lanka's economy. Now, as the country's collapsed economy is being revitalized, the people are experiencing the impact of the President's efforts.

Meanwhile, Anura Dissanayake and Sajith Premadasa are chasing the presidency with empty promises. If they deceive the people and gain power by making promises they can't keep, the country will only face further destruction. Stopping the economic program initiated by the President would make it impossible to rebuild the economy of Sri Lanka.

Former Minister, P. Harrison;

This election will determine the future of our nation, Sri Lanka. If the right choice is not made, the country risks following a path similar to Bangladesh. After the JVP terrorism, Anura Kumara Dissanayake was the one who reignited violence in 2022, hoping to gain power by instilling fear and fostering a culture of unrest. However, once President Ranil Wickremesinghe assumed the presidency, their plans were thwarted.

The JVP claims that MPs, doctors, and lecturers are denied car permits, and Anura Kumara Dissanayake is publicly stating that many government officials are effectively unemployed. He even suggests that, under the JVP, these redundant workers will be dismissed. Do the people agree with these ideas?

Remember the suffering of the people in the North Central Province in the past due to the shortage of fertilizer. Anura Kumara Dissanayake promises in his policy statement to provide a bundle of fertilizer for Rs.5, 000. In contrast, President Ranil Wickremesinghe continues to offer an allowance of Rs.25, 000 directly to farmers' bank accounts to support fertilizer purchases. The JVP policy statement is full of unrealistic promises, while President Wickremesinghe has presented a practical manifesto in reality. Let's commit to supporting this effective plan.

North Central Provincial Governor Maheepala Herath, Minister Ali Sabry, MPs S.C. Muthukumarana, Ishak Rahuman, Weerasena Gamage, Former North Central Provincial Minister S.M. Ranjith, Kekirawa UNP Organizer S.B. Abeysinghe, large number of regional politicians,Electorate Organizers and District Organizers were also present.

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