Over 75% of the wine bridge Journey Accomplished

• Grusha faced only one Natella; I have faced two.

• Though both demanded the child's rights, I will complete the journey across the vine bridge and lead the country to victory - President Ampara at the victory rally.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated that by stabilizing the economy, 75% of the Vine Bridge journey has been completed. To fully achieve this and build a resilient economy that will not collapse again, he urged all citizens to unite for the country on September 21, regardless of political affiliations.

He remarked that while Grusha had to face one Natella, he had to face two, and although both called for the child’s rights, he is determined to complete the Vine Bridge journey and lead the country to victory.

President Wickremesinghe made these remarks while speaking at the "Ranil Can" (Ranil ta Puluwan) victory rally in Ampara earlier today (16). The event saw a large turnout, celebrating his anticipated success in the upcoming presidential election.

Addressing the victorious rally, President Ranil Wickremesinghe further said:

“Today, we face a crucial election—one that will determine the future of our people. In this election, it’s up to the people to decide whether they want a nation with a prosperous, strong economy or to return to an era of queues and shortages. I urge everyone to come together as a country and not make the mistake of stepping back into a politically divisive past.

MP Wimalaweera has often criticized me on this platform. We have all criticized each other politically. But when the country needed us, we united and transformed it. None of us focused on politics; our goal was to ensure the well-being of the people.

When Sajith and Anura ignored the suffering of our citizens—when they struggled without food, medicine, and queued for fuel and gas—we could not stand by. We set aside our political views and came together to help our people survive and revive the economy.

Looking at other countries whose economies collapsed, very few have recovered as quickly as we have. We hold that record. Now, our goal isn’t just to restore the country to where it was in 2022, but to propel it forward. We are driving massive development in Ampara and Digamadulla, reviving abandoned Mahaweli areas for agriculture, strengthening the fishing industry, and building a vibrant tourism sector from Panama to Nilaveli.

I want to remind you of the Chalk Circle story. We’ve now completed about 75% of the journey across the Vine Bridge, and the rest must be finished without faltering. During her journey, Grusha faced only one Natella, but I am facing two. Both Natellas claim they want the child.

But I ask—where were these two Natellas when the people of this country were suffering? I assure the people that we will complete this journey across the Vine Bridge and overcome these challenges. Let’s unite to protect the economic progress we’ve achieved, putting aside any political or party differences. For that, I ask for your support on September 21—vote for the gas cylinder and secure our nation’s future.”

MP Wimalaweera Dissanayake;

Over the past 30 years, I have talked against President Ranil Wickremesinghe. However, during the turmoil of 2022, when the country was engulfed in “Aragalaya” with the burning of MPs' homes and properties, President Wickremesinghe was the only leader who stepped up to restore order and bring peace. He defended Parliament from rebellions that had previously attacked the President's House and Temple Trees. Under his leadership, the country was freed from the grip of lawless terrorist gangs, the economy was stabilized, and people were able to rebuild their lives. Therefore, it has been proven that "Ranil ta Puluwan" (Ranil Can).  

Today, we have moved past the days when a litre of diesel cost Rs. 2,500, and we have emerged from an era of scarcity in food and medicine. If we were to hand over the country to groups that seek to recover the economy through violent means, we risk becoming like Bangladesh. Therefore, the upcoming presidential election is crucial for both the country and its citizens. President Ranil Wickremesinghe is the guardian of democracy, and with your vote, he will lead our nation as President for the next five years.

Former Minister Daya Gamage:  

During the recent past, people lived without a little hope and faced an uncertain future. It was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who instilled hope and brought a vision for a better life.

He is transforming the Eastern Province into a major tourist destination, with significant developments underway in the Ampara district. President Wickremesinghe has devised a comprehensive plan to boost the local economy through both tourism and agriculture, aiming to double the income of the people in Ampara. Additionally, he is focused on creating an export-driven economy by advancing export agriculture.

These economic initiatives will continue to progress with President Wickremesinghe’s victory. Therefore, I urge the people of Ampara to support him in this presidential election.

Former Minister Sriyani Wijewickrama:

This presidential election is pivotal for determining the country’s future. Two years ago, amidst an economic collapse, some groups incited demonstrations and attempted to attack the President's House.

In contrast to other nations, where political parties and opposition groups typically unite during economic crises to work for the people's benefit, opposition groups in Sri Lanka fuelled unrest and chaos, worsening the situation. When President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa extended an invitation to the opposition to take charge, they refused and chose to exacerbate the crisis instead.

During this turbulent period, only President Ranil Wickremesinghe stepped up to lead the country. Leveraging his experience and international connections, he safeguarded the people's right to live and worked tirelessly to restore a nation facing bankruptcy and shortages.

Now, as President Wickremesinghe stands for re-election, it is clear that without his decisive leadership, Sri Lanka could have faced a fate similar to Bangladesh. The people remember his contributions, and we are confident that President Wickremesinghe will continue his dedicated service if elected once again.

Former MP for Digamadulla District, Shri Chandraneru, also expressed ideas.

The gathering was attended by a diverse group, including Maha Sangha, non-religious leaders, MP A.L.M.A. Athaullah, and numerous representatives from various political parties.

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