Our Mission is to forge a New Sri Lanka

• We have demonstrated the Political Unity for National Progress.

• When the SJB goes to steal votes, the NPP has forgotten the past.

• Will never forget the SLFP's Support in nation- building- President Said at the 73rd Anniversary of the SLFP.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe emphasized the current government has proven that political parties can unite for the benefit of the country, and as a result, the effort to build a new Sri Lanka is underway.

He claimed that the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) has resorted to vote-stealing and remarked that the National People's Power (NPP) party has lost touch with its history, making it difficult for them to progress without acknowledging their past.

President Wickremesinghe made these remarks while addressing the 73rd anniversary celebration of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) at the Monarch Imperial Hotel, Battaramulla.

The President also stated that he will always remember the SLFP’s support in rebuilding the nation over the past two years.

The Central Committee, Executive Committee, and Politburo of the SLFP unanimously adopted a resolution to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is running as an independent candidate in the upcoming Presidential Election.

Addressing the gathering, President Ranil Wickremesinghe further elaborated;

For the first time, I have had the honour of addressing the SLFP summit. When the United National Party (UNP) was established, S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike was one of its founding members. Later, he left and founded the SLFP. At that time, I was only 10 years old, and I had the chance to meet S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike on several occasions.

Both parties have worked to advance the country from different perspectives, and while there has been division between us, both good and bad outcomes have resulted. Today, some question what we have accomplished over the past 75 years. We have a record of our achievements and actions, which I will address in due course. The governments of that era made significant improvements in health and education. We are prepared to acknowledge both our successes and shortcomings, and unlike some, we do not forget our past. Our history will not be left incomplete.

We had differing opinions, but our focus was always on the well-being of the country. In 2022, we had to prioritize the nation’s needs. Traditional politics saw leaders fall—Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa resigned. The Opposition Leader and Anura Dissanayake refused the role of Prime Minister, retreating from the situation. Despite these challenges, we managed to form a government together. On July 9, 2022, President Gotabaya stepped down, leaving the country without a leader and in a state of anarchy.

We united with the country's best interests in mind, and I am proud of that collective effort. By coming together, we saved both the country and its democracy. It is because of this preservation of democracy that we were able to hold a presidential election today. Despite initial doubts about our ability to rebuild and revitalize the economy, we achieved significant growth within just a month or two. At this moment, I want to express my gratitude to the members of the SLFP. Your dedication to saving and uniting the party, as well as supporting me, has been invaluable.

We don’t need to revisit the details of our past two years’ program at this moment. What’s important now is that we have managed to stabilize the economy. Our focus is on ensuring that this stability continues and on driving the country forward with strength. We are dedicated to providing a better future for our young people. While some may speak about the country but act out of self-interest, our commitment is solely to the nation. Our current goal is to build a new Sri Lanka.

We have demonstrated that political parties can unite for the greater good, and we are dedicated to that transformation and progress. Our mission is to create a future where Sri Lanka no longer relies on constant foreign aid. We must secure our own resources and build a robust economy that enhances the quality of life for all our citizens.

The agriculture modernization program has already reached rural areas, with Minister Mahinda Amaraweera initiating relevant experiments. We are also focusing on developing tourism in villages, leading to a doubling of tourist arrivals. These efforts are generating income for rural communities. Additionally, we are introducing solar energy to villages and creating new investment zones to drive the country forward.

We are working together to grant freehold land rights to 2 million people and provide housing solutions for low-income earners in Colombo, as well as estate workers and rural communities. These initiatives represent significant, ground-breaking changes in the country. I ask, is not the provision of peace itself a revolution?

What have the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) and National People’s Power (NPP) contributed to the country? The SJB was caught trying to steal votes from Tamil parties and now struggles to even enter Jaffna. Political parties should avoid such pitfalls. The NPP, too, has forgotten its past and cannot progress without acknowledging it. Their historical forgetfulness is evident, as they seem to have erased the year 1971 from their memory. We must contend with such a group.

Let’s work together to develop our villages. While some focus on party politics, we are dedicated to creating opportunities for 100,000 young people by providing jobs and fostering self-employment. We’re also introducing modern agriculture techniques in rural areas. Additionally, we are investing in vocational training for 50,000 more youths, allowing them to train in their chosen fields and explore job opportunities abroad, including in the health sector.

Our goal is to enhance people’s lives and advance the country. Today, there are no longer queues for gas, fuel, or medicine. However, I am creating one new queue: the line at the polling stations on September 21. I will ensure that this queue remains strong and active.

During this journey, I want to express my gratitude to the SLFP. Despite our political differences in the past, we maintained a friendship. I was familiar with Siyane Korale even before entering Parliament. Additionally, Nimal Siripala de Silva has proven to be a responsible leader, effectively advancing the development of the port and airport—a testament to his skill in progressing these institutions under challenging circumstances.

The SLFP has been a significant political force, and the political landscape has seen many changes over the past two years, with leaders moving in new directions. I will always remember your support. Let us move forward and demonstrate our achievements to the country. We have faced challenges head-on and will continue to do so. Together, let’s confront future challenges and unite to build a better nation. Let’s succeed.

Chairman of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party Nimal Siripala de Silva:

I first got to know Ranil Wickremesinghe in 1989. Despite our political differences, I was critical of him, following the traditional political views of the time. However, when the country was in crisis, I met him near the Parliament's elevator. We discussed the need to find a suitable leader to take charge during such a challenging period, and you humbly participated in the All-Party Conference. You are not someone who seeks positions for personal gain, nor are you a politician who builds dynasties.

It must be acknowledged that the current transformation occurred because we were ousted from the party back then. However, today, the political future of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) members is secure. We will provide opportunities to everyone in the upcoming local government elections. Our party is open to young generation capable of significant political contributions. As members of the SLFP, you have made great sacrifices. We all share a common goal: to serve our people. The SLFP has always followed a course of action free from personal agendas.

We must make decisions for the country’s sake. During the Central Committee meeting, it was suggested that Maithripala Sirisena should be our Presidential candidate. However, we made a practical decision to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe instead. Some proposed that I should run for the Presidency, but we decided to be realistic and support a candidate already in the race. We have no alliance with Anura Kumara Dissanayake, as he has no plans for the country's progress. His supporters seem more interested in burning down others' houses, which we cannot allow. Sajith is just like a parrot, making empty promises and deceiving people.

General Secretary of the United People's Freedom Alliance and Senior Vice President of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party Mahinda Amaraweera :

The Sri Lanka Freedom Party has always faced challenges, but it has always stood up for the country. Even during the recent crisis two years ago, we stood by the nation. Our priority was to protect the country and its people and move forward.

The economists who are shouting now were the same ones who said back then that the country couldn't survive without dollars. At that critical moment, the opposition did not take responsibility. Our team, however, invited Ranil Wickremesinghe, who was alone in Parliament, to take on the role of Prime Minister. Several parties joined us in supporting him.

The President entrusted me with the challenge of getting farmers back to their fields after they protested over the shortage of fertilizer. The opposition tried to disrupt these efforts, but we succeeded in providing fertilizer as the first step. Today, farmers, believing in the government's programs, have contributed to the country by providing a surplus of rice, for which they deserve credit.

The era of fuel and gas queues is over, and the country has returned to normal. If President Ranil Wickremesinghe had not made that decision at the time, today, the people of this country would be dying due to a lack of medicine. Children could have faced death due to the lack of milk powder.

Those who once sold fuel at high prices during the queues are now supporting the National People’s Power (NPP) which is led by Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP). They favour these leaders, not for any other reason. If the opposition comes to power, another ‘Aragalaya’ will arise, and the fuel queues will return, giving them the opportunity to sell fuel at high prices again. We can no longer afford to experiment. It’s the LTTE and the JVP that caused the destruction of this country, not making it a developed one. The country had to borrow because of the devastation they caused.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake was once part of the Cabinet. He was given the project to build ten thousand tanks but didn't even manage to build ten. Yet, he ran a large campaign with posters and banners, but it was all show—nothing was done. Those who travelled in double cabs back then now ride in luxury vehicles. They do not understand the responsibilities of a minister. If you look at what was done back then, Anura Dissanayake would be considered the most unsuccessful Minister of Agriculture. Should we hand over the country to such an unsuccessful former Minister of Housing to destroy it again? We should acknowledge that it was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who created an environment where our people can live, and our people are not so ungrateful as to forget that.

Treasurer of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, Secretary General of the Podujana Peramuna, and State Minister Lasantha Alagiyawanna:

Today, we proudly celebrate the 73rd anniversary of the SLFP. From its inception, the Sri Lanka Freedom Party has faced many challenges. Its founder, S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, was assassinated, and Sirimavo Bandaranaike’s civic rights were stripped away. Despite these obstacles, the Sri Lanka Freedom Party has successfully overcome every challenge.

Even in recent times, the SLFP faced a crisis. But today, the SLFP has managed to overcome all these difficulties, and those who left us are now rallying around the party again. The Sri Lanka Freedom Party has always responded to the needs of the times throughout history. Even though there are different opinions within the party, the Central Committee decided to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe for the sake of the country's recovery. Today, the country's situation shows that our decision was correct. We provide this support while safeguarding the policies of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party.

General Secretary of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and Member of Parliament Duminda Dissanayake:

There is no need to reiterate the contribution the Sri Lanka Freedom Party has made to the people of this country. I take this moment to honour the great service rendered to this country by the party's leaders, including S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, Sirimavo Bandaranaike, Chandrika Bandaranaike, Mahinda Rajapaksa, and Maithripala Sirisena. We take pride in the role the Sri Lanka Freedom Party has played in shaping the country's future over the last 73 years.

Today, the Sri Lanka Freedom Party has made another historic decision by forming a government with President Ranil Wickremesinghe during the critical period of the economic crisis two years ago. We were not acting on behalf of a party or an individual. The Sri Lanka Freedom Party, which has always stood for truth, must be recognized as making decisions for the country's people.

Politics isn't about asking, "Where are the fuel, fertilizer, and medicine?" when they're in short supply. What the SLFP members needed was to rebuild the country. During that time, some groups tried to break apart and sell off the Sri Lanka Freedom Party. But thanks to the SLFP members who love their country, the party was saved. The credit for that goes to all the members of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party across the nation.

A large gathering attended the event, including the Maha Sangha and other religious leaders, Senior Vice President Leslie Devendra, Deputy Secretary Jagath Pushpakumara, former Secretary Dushmantha Mithrapala, Politburo member Weerakumara Dissanayake, former Member of Parliament Jeevan Kumaratunga, as well as members of the Politburo, Executive Committee members, Central Committee members, electoral organizers, district organizers, members of various trade unions, and representatives of the new alliance led by the Sri Lanka Freedom Party.

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