Anura Kumara Dissanayake Using JVP Tactics to Intimidate the Public

• He Must Apologize Immediately for His Threats to the People of the North.

• An Apology is Also Owed to the People of the South for Misrepresenting Their Views.

• Anura Will Not Win the Presidential Election.

• Sajith Who Failed in His Role Helped Create Anura.

• Provincial Councils to Receive Greater Development Powers for Regional Growth -President announced in Jaffna.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake is using the JVP's tactics to instill fear in both the people of the North and the South, President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated. He condemned Dissanayake's recent threat to the Northern people, warning them against opposing the changes supported by the South, implying potential consequences. President Wickremesinghe called on Dissanayake to apologize not only to the people of the North for the threat but also to the people of the South for misrepresenting them.

Speaking at the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" victory rally in Vaddukoddai, Jaffna, which was attended by a large crowd in support of his upcoming presidential campaign, President Wickremesinghe added that the JVP’s policies, under Anura Kumara Dissanayake, have no place in the country today and predicted that Dissanayake will not win the presidential election. He further stated that had Sajith Premadasa properly fulfilled his role as opposition leader, Anura Dissanayake's rise would not have occurred, and emphasized that the future of the country cannot be entrusted to leaders like Sajith.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe, while outlining the government's development plans for the North, announced that he is committed to granting significant development powers to all nine provincial councils to enhance regional growth.

The President  further stated:

"Two years ago, no one imagined a presidential election would be possible. At that time, we were facing long queues for gas, medicine, and fuel. People were struggling with their daily lives, and voting was the last thing on anyone’s mind. I assumed the presidency to stabilize the economy and ensure that a presidential election could be held within two years. Today, in 2024, I’ve made that possible by restoring economic stability and moving the country forward. This vision for the future is embodied in the 'Puluwan Sri Lanka' program.

Sajith and Anura were not willing to take on this responsibility; they both walked away. Had we done the same, would we even have a country where we could hold this election today? So, Sajith and Anura should thank me before they take to the stage for their election speeches.

The past two years have not been easy, and we are still facing challenges. However, there is real hope for the future, and it is to protect that hope that I am running in this presidential election.

In consultation with the International Monetary Fund, we successfully reduced the unsustainable debt burden on the country's economy. Although this initially led to increased challenges for the people, we are now gradually easing that burden. Government employees have received salary increases, and we plan to raise their salaries further in line with the Udaya R. Seneviratne Committee report.

Through the Aswasuma program, we have provided triple the benefits to citizens, increased pensions, and raised allowances for people with disabilities. This progress has been made possible by our efforts to strengthen the economy. Prices of goods have also decreased, but we recognize the need to provide more relief to the people, and we aim to implement these additional measures by 2025. As the rupee strengthens, we will be in a better position to offer further support.

We have introduced advanced agricultural technology to Sri Lanka, aiming to prepare the country to feed a growing global population. Paddy cultivation in the Northern Province, a key agricultural region, is a priority. We also plan to create new planning zones in the North, expand the tourism industry, and implement the "River for Jaffna" project, while establishing digital centers in the region.

However, the government cannot achieve all this alone. That is why I am empowering the nine provincial councils with significant development authority. To do this, we are creating institutions similar to provincial councils, and I am here to seek your mandate to move forward with these initiatives.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake has also asked for your vote, but he resorted to threats, warning that if the people of the North oppose the changes sought by the South, tensions will arise. I strongly condemn this intimidation. In the 2010 presidential election, the North voted for Sarath Fonseka, while the South supported Mahinda Rajapaksa. No harm came to the people of the North. The same was true in 2015 and 2019 when election results were peacefully accepted, regardless of regional differences in voting.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake has no right to threaten the people of Jaffna. He will not win—I guarantee it. His attempts to frighten both the North and the South follow the tactics of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), which we will not tolerate. I urge him to apologize to the people of the North and to the Sinhalese in the South for tarnishing their name. Then, he should take his place in the opposition. His scare tactics have no place here, and we will not succumb to them.

As for Sajith Premadasa, there’s little to say. If he had fulfilled his responsibilities as the opposition leader, Anura Kumara would not be in this position. Don't waste your vote on them. We must focus on developing this country. On September 21, I ask for your support to move forward with this vision.

Minister Susil Premajayantha,

This is not the first time you have cast your vote for Ranil Wickremesinghe. Back in 2005, you voted for the UNP symbol, the elephant, and at that time, over 85% of the votes from Jaffna were in his favour. However, this time, he is not contesting under the UNP elephant symbol but under the symbol of Gas Cylinder. We believe that just as you supported the elephant back then, you will support the Gas Cylinder symbol on the 21st of this month.

Back then, the biggest issue in both the North and South was the collapse of the economy. Within two years of being elected President, Ranil Wickremesinghe managed to rebuild the fallen nation.

He appointed me as Minister of Education and gave me guidance to uplift the education system in the Jaffna region. He knew that for the people of Jaffna, education was their number one, two, and three priority. When President Wickremesinghe took over the country, there was no fuel for school buses, no lunch for students, and there were shortages of teachers and principals.

Despite the severe economic difficulties, President Ranil Wickremesinghe managed to provide school uniforms and textbooks for students. He also implemented a program to provide midday meals for 1.7 million primary school students, recruited teachers and principals, and ensured that exams were conducted. Preparations are in place for the G.C.E. (O/L) exams to be held in December and the (A/L) exams in August, as scheduled from next year.

Meanwhile, in the South, some teachers pretended to be ill, closing schools. They weren't truly sick but were taking trade union action to demand the elimination of salary discrepancies. This was arranged by the National Peoples’ Power (NPP) led by Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), whose goal was not to ensure your child’s education but to seize power.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has already taken steps to address salary discrepancies in the public sector, following the recommendations of the committee he appointed. As a result, from January 1, 2025, the minimum salary in the public sector will be Rs. 55,000, with salary increases for all public employees. This increase is not an election-driven promise. The necessary funds have already been secured. No other presidential candidate has proposed such a detailed plan. These proposals will only be implemented if President Wickremesinghe is re-elected.

If the NPP led by JVP comes to power, they claim they will dissolve Parliament, which means no budget or salary increases will be implemented.

Additionally, starting January 1, education reforms will be introduced, modelled on the systems of developed nations. All of this is being done under the guidance of former Education Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva,

This moment is deeply significant for me. In 1996, as Minister of Housing Construction and Public Utilities, I attended the inauguration of the Building Materials Corporation, Jaffna. Tragically, 26 lives were lost in a bomb explosion that day, a memory I still carry with me. I bear no resentment towards the people of Jaffna because of that tragic event. Both Jaffna and the Uva province, which I represent, continue to face similar challenges. Our President and the government are diligently addressing these issues with sensitivity and care.

While some political leaders have viewed the people of Jaffna with suspicion, President Ranil Wickremesinghe has always approached the area differently. Throughout his career, he has worked tirelessly to advance both the North and the South. His “Urumaya” program, which granted land rights to the people of Jaffna, is a clear example of his commitment. This initiative was launched under President Wickremesinghe's leadership.

Moreover, he has prioritized providing essential fertilizers to the agricultural sector, placing it on par with gas, fuel, and food supplies. His consistent concern for the North is evident. Unlike some politicians who may exaggerate to gain votes, President Wickremesinghe seeks to address your problems through economic strengthening, rather than engaging in divisive or racially charged politics.

In the upcoming presidential election, President Wickremesinghe is poised to secure support from both the North and the South. It is crucial for the president of this country to represent and unite the entire nation, rather than focusing on one area. I urge you to support this vision of national unity and reject divisive rhetoric. The Thirty Years' War has taught us the importance of living in harmony. We must ensure that such conflict does not recur. President Wickremesinghe is a leader who prioritizes the country over party politics, and his platform is that of the alliance.

Governor of the Eastern Province, Senthil Thondaman;

Had President Ranil Wickremesinghe not assumed leadership, this country could have faced significant devastation. Thankfully, he stepped in and took decisive actions to safeguard our future.

Under his leadership, we have avoided the long queues that plagued us over the past two years. However, if you do not make the right choice on the 21st and elect him as president again, we may very well face a return to those challenging times.

Former State Minister, Vijayakala Maheswaran;

Today, the votes of the Tamil people hold the key to determining the next President. It is crucial to secure the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe; otherwise, we risk returning to the challenges that plagued the country in 2022.

President Wickremesinghe was instrumental in rescuing the nation from severe difficulties. Many may have forgotten the struggles we faced, but he stood alone in confronting the economic crisis and has demonstrated that he possesses the right solutions to our economic problems.

This is why President Wickremesinghe is the most qualified candidate for this presidential election. We have suffered under Gotabaya Rajapaksa's rule, which was marked by the choice of an inexperienced leader. While others, including Sajith Premadasa, failed to step up and address the economic crisis, President Wickremesinghe took on the challenge single-handedly, leading the country to recovery and improving the quality of life for its people.

The other candidates in this year's presidential race lack the capability and vision to advance the country. The same advisors who once guided former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa are now advising Sajith Premadasa. It is important to remember that only President Ranil Wickremesinghe has the solutions to the problems faced by the people of the North. He has already taken steps to address the land issues affecting the North.

The people of the North should not repeat the mistake of 2005 by failing to support President Wickremesinghe. If that error had not been made, our country could have already achieved significant development by now.

Religious leaders led by Maha Sangha, former Jaffna Municipal Council member and Nallur Organizer Sinnathurai Kajenthiran, M. Nageswaran, Udupidi Organizer S. Mohandas, and a large number of politicians in the relevant area, constituency organizers, and district organizers were also present at the rally.

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