President Calls for People's Power to Advance Nation-Building Revolution after Stabilizing Economy

• Practical Program Needed, Not Mere Change.

• Economic Revolution and New Economy Planned for Next 5 Years.

• I Will Not Resign or Abandon.

• Sajith Invited to Learn the Lesson of Perseverance He Has Yet to Grasp- President Says in Kandy.

"A coalition of key figures from the NPP and SJB has united to back the President."

President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated that when the country’s economy collapsed in 2022, he used his parliamentary power to stabilize it. Now, he is seeking the people's support to continue his efforts in the country-building revolution.

The President addressed claims made by Sajith, who are spreading false rumours that he is prepared to step down from the presidential race. He emphasized that unlike Sajith and Anura, he is not someone who will resign or run away. He also mentioned that he would invite Sajith to learn the lesson of perseverance that he failed to impart.

President Wickremesinghe made these remarks at the "Ranil ta Puluwan” victory rally in Kandy today (15), which was attended by a large crowd showing their support for his re-election.

While Sajith and Anura have spoken about change, the President argued that the country needs more than mere promises; it requires a practical program. He assured the people that, over the next five years, he will implement an economic revolution and build a new economy.

Additionally, notable figures such as Anusha Wimalaweera, executive member of the NPP, Sisira Kumara Sembuwatta, organizer of the Kundasale Constituency for the NPP & O.K. Nawaz, the Islamic Affairs Secretary of the SJB, joined to support the President’s victory.

Addressing the victorious rally, President Ranil Wickremesinghe further elaborated;

Two years ago, the idea of holding an election seemed almost impossible, and the people were not even thinking about voting. However, today the situation has changed, and people are seeing economic improvements. The large turnout in Kandy, Nuwara Eliya, and Bandarawela this long weekend is a testament to the progress we’ve made.

This year’s presidential election features 39 candidates. If any of them had stepped up to lead the government back then, my presence here might not have been necessary. As one of the main candidates, I have a long history in politics, beginning well before 1977. I worked with notable figures like J.R. Jayewardene, Ranasinghe Premadasa, Gamini Dissanayake, Lalith Athulathmudali, and Gamini Athukorala to make the United National Party (UNP) successful. I am the only one of that group still active, and thus, I bear the responsibility of safeguarding the party.

J.R. Jayewardene negotiated with the World Bank and the IMF, initiated the Mahaweli Development Project, and made Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte the capital. President Ranasinghe Premadasa played a crucial role in rebuilding the economy after JVP terrorism. We engaged with the IMF and implemented significant industrial strategies, a noteworthy achievement in Sri Lankan history.

I was instrumental in saving President Premadasa during his impeachment. Without my intervention, Sajith Premadasa might never have entered politics. Moreover, after President Premadasa's death, I assumed the responsibilities of the party. During the impeachment period, I remained loyal to the party, unlike Lalith and Gamini, who left. I regret that Sajith Premadasa, the son of the former president, has betrayed his father’s policies. I question what claim he has to the United National Party.

In the 2020 parliamentary elections, I warned about the economic damage the country was facing, but my concerns were dismissed. As predicted, the economy collapsed. When I took over in 2022, I sought support from all parties. Sajith did not support me; instead, he aligned himself with Dullas Alahapperuma and G.L. Peiris to pursue the Prime Minister’s position. Had Sajith requested the Prime Ministership from me, I would have been willing to offer it.

Today, former Agriculture Minister Anura Kumara Dissanayake is running against me. None of the current candidates were willing to assume government responsibility at the time when it was crucial to restore law and order and ensure the survival of the people. Why didn’t they step up then? Now, they promise free everything, but I ask why they didn’t make these promises back then.

Anura Kumara questions why politicians have neglected the unprivileged. If there was genuine concern for the working class, why didn’t they take charge during the economic crisis? Having rebuilt the country’s economy, I am now seeking to lead it forward.

Sajith Premadasa claims I am considering resigning from the presidential race. They need to understand that I am not the kind of person who resigns or runs away. I urge everyone in the UNP to join me, and I invite Sajith Premadasa to come as well, so I can teach him the value of perseverance—a lesson he has yet to learn.

I made tough decisions to keep the country going during challenging times, much like a doctor performing a critical surgery. As the economy improves, we are able to provide more relief to the people. My primary goal is to ease the burden on people’s lives by the end of 2025.

Now Sajith and Anura are promising lower prices and concessions. However, don’t expect reductions based on their unrealistic promises. Sajith's promises are limited to offering superficial benefits, which only increase the cost of government.

The IMF has reviewed the election statements of all candidates and issued a statement on September 13. The IMF emphasized, "Achieving the objectives of this program is crucial for Sri Lanka to overcome the worst crisis in its history." They stressed the importance of maintaining these targets and continuing with the necessary reforms, regardless of who comes into power. The IMF has made it clear that the approved agreements should be upheld, and these are their directives, not mine.

Today, Anura Kumara claims that I have failed to effectively lead and asks for a chance to do so. However, it was JVP, not me, that brought Maithripala Sirisena to the presidency by proposing his name. They are merely attempting to shift faces while avoiding responsibility.

I am not focused on differentiating myself but rather on stabilizing the country through parliamentary power. I am seeking the people's support to drive a significant transformation. Simply discussing change is insufficient; it requires a concrete plan. I assure you that within five years, we will revolutionize the country’s economy and establish a new economic framework.

In addition, I will spearhead a social revolution through the implementation of the Aswesuma program and Urumaya programs. We have established the Social Justice Commission, presented an anti-corruption agenda, and formed District Development Boards and Jana Sabhas. These are substantial reforms, and I invite everyone to be part of this transformative movement.

I call on the SLFP and SLPP to join forces with me in this revolution. I urge you all to vote for the “Gas Cylinder” and grant me the mandate to lead this new direction on September 21st .

Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena:

The people of the Up Country have always been grateful. They will undoubtedly ensure the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who has done an immense service to this country. Seeing the crowd gathered here today, despite the rain, confirms this.

Two years ago, the government collapsed for the first time in history, plunging Sri Lanka into a state where daily life became unmanageable. During that time, various groups attempted to seize power through violence. In response, we, the Parliamentarians, elected Ranil Wickremesinghe as President to restore peace and stability in the country.

Afterward, President Wickremesinghe initiated a structured economic recovery plan. Today, he has successfully created an environment where people can live again. While President Wickremesinghe was focused on securing the livelihoods of the people, individuals like Anura Dissanayake and Sajith Premadasa were pulling political stunts in Parliament. For the past two years, all they have done is work on election campaigns.

But President Wickremesinghe worked to protect the lives of the people. So, the question for this election is: Do we entrust the country to a responsible leader who safeguards the right to live, or to someone without that sense of responsibility? The public is no longer swayed by false promises. To lead a government, a majority in Parliament is essential. Anura Dissanayake only has three MPs; they cannot form or sustain a government. The opposition's attempts to create a constitutional or any other crisis to seize power will be rejected in this election.

State Minister Lohan Ratwatte:

My father was the National Organizer of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP). He helped elect Chandrika Bandaranaike as President and Mahinda Rajapaksa as well. My political life began with the left, and in 2019, we all worked together to elect Gotabaya Rajapaksa as President and establish a two-thirds majority government.

When Gotabaya Rajapaksa humbly resigned, he invited Sajith Premadasa to take over the presidency, but he refused. Numerous calls were made to invite Anura Dissanayake, but he didn't even answer. However, when Ranil Wickremesinghe was approached, he agreed without any conditions. Subsequently, Ranil Wickremesinghe was elected President with the majority support of Parliament. Today, we, in the Podujana Peramuna, are proud of the vote we gave to him. President Wickremesinghe worked to relieve the suffering of the people and stabilize the economy.

Sajith Premadasa has been in Parliament for 25 years, including serving as a Cabinet Minister during the Yahapalanaya government. Anura Dissanayake has also been in Parliament for 25 years. He was once the Minister of Agriculture under Chandrika Bandaranaike. However, neither of them did anything for Kandy.

Therefore, handing over the country to Anura or Sajith would be a disservice to the people. What happened at the University of Jayawardenapura is a reflection of what would happen to the entire country if they came to power. Anura Dissanayake is now asking for votes on September 25th, without even knowing the actual election date. If, by any chance, he were to become President, a cabinet would be needed to run the country until Parliamentary elections. But how would he form a cabinet with just three MPs? How would they pass a bill in Parliament? Therefore, on the 21st, the people must fulfil their duty, and we will do our duty for the people.

State Minister Anuradha Jayaratne;

There's nothing wrong with starting fresh in Kandy. Today, this crowd brought the good news that President Ranil Wickremesinghe will be appointed as the 9th Executive President. Meanwhile, the opposition leader, who declined the opportunity to become Prime Minister and abandoned the people in their time of need, now claims from the stage that he will make the country prosperous. The people have been waiting quietly to see what these leaders would do.

Anura Dissanayake's JVP caused severe damage to the country's entrepreneurs, leading to the closure of industries and a transformer fire. Despite their track record, they now claim they can repair the economy. Their speeches might be full of promises, but their past actions suggest they only know how to create chaos. Even if Anura or Sajith were to lead, Ranil Wickremesinghe would likely need to step in again within six months to restore order.

State Minister Dilum Amunugama:

This election is between those who say they can rebuild the economy and those who say it cannot be done.

Back then, when our Treasury had only US $ 20 million left, the country faced severe shortages, and the economy collapsed. In any country, when the government collapses, the opposition is ready to step in. During the economic collapse under Gotabaya Rajapaksa's Presidency, the opposition was invited to take over. However, after six hours of discussion, the Leader of the Opposition refused, saying they couldn't handle the burden. They even struggled to find a Prime Minister. Anura Dissanayake also declined to take responsibility.

We used to criticize Ranil Wickremesinghe for being a leader who couldn’t take responsibility, but when no one else was willing to step up for the country, he did. He took on that responsibility with courage and successfully managed it. He brought fuel, food, fertilizer and medicine to the country without causing shortages. He also managed to increase the daily wages for estate workers and raise public sector salaries.

On the 21st, we are not voting for a reality show star. This is about electing a President for 22 million people. Therefore, I urge the public to make the right decision on the 21st.

Parliamentarian Mahindananda Aluthgamage:

By the 22nd, the victory symbolized by the gas cylinder will be certain. Party leaders set aside their differences and stood with Ranil Wickremesinghe because he was the only leader who stepped forward to save the collapsing economy. Thanks to the President's international connections, the country's economy was managed properly, relieving the people's hardships. No other presidential candidate has such global relationships. He also managed to restructure the US $10 billion debt we owed. A leader who can manage the economy and turn around a country that others thought was beyond saving is what the nation needs for the next five years. It's certain that the people of Senkadagala will overwhelmingly support him. We are working to ensure all votes, including those that once supported the Pohottuwa party, now come to Ranil Wickremesinghe.

The Sri Lanka Freedom Party, the Labour Congress, and all other parties are united in their commitment to securing the President's victory. If asked to gather again tomorrow, we can bring just as large a crowd. The people of Senkadagala, under the blessings of the Sacred Tooth Relic, are determined to make the President's victory a reality.

Former Minister Thalatha Athukorala;

If President Ranil Wickremesinghe hadn’t stepped in to lead the country in 2022, Sri Lanka might have been in a situation similar to Bangladesh today. He took charge, engaged with the IMF, and developed a program to stabilize the economy. Thanks to his efforts, the economy has begun to recover. Despite this, opposition groups initially claimed Ranil wouldn’t be able to fix the economy and doubted the effectiveness of working with the IMF. They even predicted that the presidential election wouldn’t happen. President Wickremesinghe has proven these predictions wrong; demonstrating that what was deemed impossible is, in fact, achievable.

On the 21st, voters will face a crucial choice: whether to trust a leader who says “Cannot” or support one who says “Can”. Meanwhile, the SJB, led by Sajith Premadasa, resembles a disorganized marketplace, with Premadasa handing out positions to any political opportunist who joins the alliance. Sajith Premadasa is skilled at creating divisions, but he lacks the capability to rebuild the economy. President Ranil Wickremesinghe remains the only leader with the proven ability to restore economic stability.

Governor of the Eastern Province, Senthil Thondaman;

This election represents a choice between progress and stagnation, between economic growth and recession. Among the candidates, President Ranil Wickremesinghe stands out as the only leader capable of driving our country's economic development. Thanks to his efforts, we are seeing tangible economic progress today. While others may make grand promises from their stages, they failed to step up during times of crisis when their leadership was most needed. Many of these candidates offer impractical solutions, but President Wickremesinghe is the only one who delivers on his commitments.

As the sole leader who has shown genuine concern for the needs of the estate communities, President Wickremesinghe has previously allocated funds to address issues related to the EPF and ETF for estate workers. He has also acted promptly to address challenges in education, land, and housing.

In this election, your vote is not just for a party or an individual; it is a vote for the future success of our country. Therefore, it is our responsibility to support the “Gas Cylinder” and ensure the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, turning it into a victory for all of us.

MP Gunathilaka Rajapaksha;

The JVP has initiated a series of protests against private universities in our country, yet their leader, Anura Dissanayake, sends his own children to study abroad. This exemplifies a troubling double standard. Additionally, some members of the party have even suggested the legalization of prostitution—an idea that may not sit well with the people of Kandy.

Moreover, Lalkanta’s proposal to transfer police powers to villages raises serious concerns. If our country were to fall into the hands of such inconsistent and misguided leaders, we risk turning our nation into a wasteland.

MP Udayana Kirindigoda;

Today, regardless of political affiliation or colour, we have reached a crucial moment of possibility. The group standing here is the one that embraced this possibility when taking over the country.

In contrast, those on other platforms are the same ones who turned their backs and said "No" during times of hardship. We have seen that the people here today are resilient, capable of enduring both sunshine and rain. We know that everyone present, both on this stage and in the crowd, is "Can." Together, they will ensure that President Ranil Wickremesinghe is elected on September 21.

MP Velu Kumar;

People have often been preoccupied with party colours and swayed by social media issues. It was only when the country was in crisis that the true leader emerged. While opposition leaders who avoided taking responsibility during our times of suffering now speak as if they hold economic solutions, it was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who stepped up to address the people’s pain.

To safeguard our country's economy, we must avoid falling for distractions. Making the wrong choice now could prevent us from rebuilding our economy. I urge you to make the right decision on September 21.

Former PC Member Shanthini Kongahage;

Anura Dissanayake is trying to win this election by instilling fear. JVP groups are visiting homes and questioning residents about their voting choices. Anura, such intimidation tactics will not secure votes from the people of the Kandy district.

The people have experienced the economic improvements brought about by President Ranil Wickremesinghe over the past two years. Thanks to this economic progress, there has been a noticeable enhancement in the standard of living. Consequently, professionals, including doctors, lawyers, and university professors, are supporting Presidernt Wickremesinghe’s victory

A large gathering, including members of the Maha Sangha, other religious leaders and local political leaders, participated in this event.

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