MP Wimalaweera Dissanayake and Several Local Government Representatives Rally to Support President Wickremesinghe

• Sri Lanka Risks Becoming a Failed State Without Wickremesinghe's Continued Leadership - MP for Digamadulla District Wimalaweera Dissanayake.

Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna MP for Digamadulla District Wimalaweera Dissanayake warned that if President Ranil Wickremesinghe is not reappointed for the next five years, Sri Lanka could experience severe repercussions akin to those in Bangladesh. He cited potential outcomes such as increased street violence, attacks on religious sites, court closures, and the dismantling of the constitution.

He has expressed his commitment to support President Wickremesinghe's re-election, setting aside his personal opinions for the greater good of the country.

MP Wimalaweera Dissanayake met with President Ranil Wickremesinghe along with several local government representatives including former Chairman of Uhana Pradesdhiya Sabha Upul Priyantha, former Vice Chairman Jagath Deshapriya, former Chairman of Dehiattakandiya Pradeshiya Sabha Sugath Jathungaarachchi, former Chairman of Mahaoya Pradeshiya Sabha Indika Nilantha on Flower Road, Colombo, this afternoon (26) and pledged his unwavering support for the President's re-election.

In a subsequent media discussion, MP Dissanayake emphasized that his support does not represent a departure from his party but is a strategic decision made in the interest of the country and its people.

MP Wimalaweera Dissanayake further explained;

President Ranil Wickremesinghe played a crucial role in preserving democracy, national stability, the economy, and the rule of law at a time when these values were under severe threat. Despite a history of political rivalry, I endorsed his appointment as President in 2022, acknowledging his exceptional ability to lead during that pivotal period. Today, all MPs from the SLPP voted in support of his victory, confident that only President Wickremesinghe had the capacity to uphold democracy amidst such a critical crisis.

If President Ranil Wickremesinghe had not been in office at that critical moment, within 24 hours, the Supreme Council of Sri Lanka would have burned down Parliament—the very symbol of our democracy. Sri Lanka would have faced a crisis similar to what Bangladesh is experiencing today. However, within 24 hours, President Wickremesinghe effectively contained the situation, safeguarding both democracy and the rule of law.

It was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who saved this country at a pivotal time. We must acknowledge and respect that. Without his leadership, none of us, including myself, would be here today. Our homes were targeted, set on fire, and destroyed. There were threats to my life. President Wickremesinghe intervened and prevented that brutality from escalating.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe also defended this country during the second riots and played a crucial role in resolving the economic crises, eliminating fuel, gas, and medicine shortages.

As a nation, we must prioritize the welfare of our country and its people. If President Ranil Wickremesinghe can save the country, we should set aside our political differences and support him.

Without President Wickremesinghe's leadership, Sri Lanka could face a fate similar to Bangladesh's—bloodshed on the streets, attacks on Hindu kovils and Buddhist temples, the collapse of the judiciary, and the destruction of the constitution. Sri Lanka could join the ranks of failed states.

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