Let’s Unite to Move the Country Forward, Not Back into Darkness

• President Extends Invitation to United National Party, SLPP, and Sri Lanka Freedom Party Members.

• We must not forget the dark period we endured just two years ago.

• For the first time in our history, citizens were granted free land rights—something socialist leaders, despite their rhetoric about the poor, never accomplished — President says in Kuliyapitiya.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe reiterated his call for members of the United National Party, as well as those from the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna and the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, to join him in the effort to move the country forward, rather than returning to darker times. He emphasized that no one should forget the hardships faced just two years ago and urged everyone to unite in carrying forward the programs designed to strengthen the nation’s economy for the benefit of all citizens.

The President made these remarks while addressing the "Ranil Can" rally held in Kuliyapitiya earlier today (17). The event, organized to affirm his victory in the upcoming presidential election, saw a large turnout of supporters.

During his speech, the President noted that the United National Party no longer plays a role in the Samagi Jana Balawegaya and expressed confidence that true members of the United National Party would rally behind his leadership ahead of the election on September 21.

He also highlighted his achievement as the first leader in the country's history to grant free land rights to the people, contrasting this with socialist leaders, who, despite their rhetoric about the plight of the poor, did not take action to address this critical issue.

President Wickremesinghe further added;

“Today is a special day for members of the United National Party, as we celebrate the birthday of former President J.R. Jayawardena. We honour him because of our deep connection to the United National Party. The Samagi Jana Balawegaya does not share this history, which is why they are not celebrating today. There is only one United National Party in this country, and I ask for the support of all its members.

We are not a fractured or divided party. Therefore, I call on everyone in the United National Party to stand with us and vote on September 21.

When I worked with President Jayawardena, we were entrusted with great responsibility. For 20 years, the country had seen no significant development. Together, we created the Mahaweli project, built a new capital, established two trade zones, launched the Udagama initiative, introduced the Mahapola scholarship program, and created Yovun Pura. I assure you that, upon assuming the presidency this time, I will deliver even greater achievements for the people.

We must build a better future for this country, and I am fully committed to that mission. That is why I say September 21 is a critical day for our nation. On that day, the people will decide whether to secure a prosperous future or return to the dark days of gas, fuel, and medicine shortages.

When this country was in crisis, and people were suffering, Sajith and Anura disappeared. But I stepped in, took responsibility, and began stabilizing the economy. We have systematically started to provide relief to the people, and I declare that by next year, as the rupee strengthens, the burden on the people will ease.

If you ask Sajith and Anura how they plan to improve the economy, they have no answer. They lack an understanding of economic principles. We, on the other hand, are focused on building an export-driven economy.

We have also worked to provide free land rights to the people, a first in our country's history. I ask my socialist friends: why didn’t they give this right to the people they claim to represent? For all their talk about the suffering of the public, they did nothing to improve their lives.

We are also driving industrial development in these regions. Today, we inaugurated South Asia’s largest vehicle assembly plant here, and we have set aside another thousand acres for an investment zone in Bingiriya. With this progress, Kuliyapitiya is on its way to becoming a new city.

Furthermore, we are establishing a new university in Kurunegala, which will bring significant educational advancements to these provinces. All of these initiatives are designed to improve the lives of our people, which is why our slogan is “Puluwan Sri Lanka.” I extend an invitation to United National Party members, as well as those from the SLPP and the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, to join us.

In May 2022, the people of this country were gripped by fear, and some still feel uncertain about their future. I urge everyone to set aside that fear, cast their votes on September 21 for the Gas Cylinder, and let’s move this country forward together.”

State Minister Chamara Sampath Dassanayake:

Kuliapitiya is known as a stronghold of the UNP. Will the people of Kuliapitiya secure a significant victory for the big elephant today? The question remains whether the baby elephant will prevail. We are all united on this stage with the goal of securing a win for the big elephant. Both the SLFP and SLPP are vying for the chance to achieve this victory. Just as Ranil Wickremesinghe won in Uva Province, it is now your responsibility to support his victory in Kurunegala.

Much like SLPP, the JVP and other parties have been able to engage in politics thanks to the peaceful environment fostered by President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

During the economic crisis, former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa invited Sajith Premadasa to lead the country. At that time, Sajith had eighty MPs, but he lacked the resolve to take on the responsibility. If Sajith had demonstrated the necessary resolve, we would have supported him.

Instead, Ranil Wickremesinghe, despite being a single MP, stepped up to lead. He was supported by 134 seats to become President, and today, we are witnessing the positive outcomes of that decision.

The only way to ensure these benefits continue is to secure them for the next generation. That means ensuring the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe. With only four days left until the election, the decision is in your hands.

State Minister Shantha Bandara:  

At present, the majority of MPs and local government representatives unanimously support Ranil Wickremesinghe. The country faced a major crisis two years ago, and recovery is essential. Sajith Premadasa was called upon for this task, but he did not even bring the matter to a parliamentary vote. Dullas was side-lined, and Anura Dissanayake turned off his phone. Although they claim to have sent a letter, there's no evidence of its receipt. Sarath Fonseka stated he would consider accepting a role only after assessing public reaction. The so-called leaders of that time displayed a similar lack of commitment.

In contrast, President Ranil Wickremesinghe took on the responsibility of leading the country with remarkable courage and leadership. We supported him wholeheartedly, and he has managed the nation's economic crisis effectively. Today, the country is making steady progress. It is crucial to continue this positive trajectory.

Sajith Premadasa has suggested altering the IMF agreement, while Anura Dissanayake, Lal Kantha, Sunil Handunnetthi, and Harini offer conflicting views. This is not the time for experimenting with new leaders. The current government has a clear and effective plan, and it is our duty to ensure these programs are not disrupted. Therefore, regardless of party affiliation, we support President Ranil Wickremesinghe. He is leading in both recent survey reports from last week and yesterday.

State Minister D.B.Herath:

We need a strong leader to guide us into the future. Reflect back to May 9, 2022, when a MP was tragically killed on the road. On that day, about 800 homes, including those of public representatives, were set on fire. There were severe shortages of fuel and gas, electricity was out for 14 hours, schools were closed, hospitals lacked medicine, and there was no fertilizer for the farmlands. The country was in turmoil, with farmers protesting in the streets and no leadership to steer us through the crisis. At that critical juncture, President Ranil Wickremesinghe, then a single MP, took on the responsibility of leading the country.

Today, two years later, the catastrophic situation has been transformed. We now have the opportunity to fulfil promises and continue progress. Maintaining this momentum is challenging, requiring good relations with the international community and responding to the will of the people.

Without the right leadership, our progress could falter. Therefore, it is crucial for all of us to unite in support of President Ranil Wickremesinghe to ensure our country's continued advancement.

MP Anura Priyadarshana Yapa:  

Listening to Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa and NPP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake on television, it becomes clear that their focus is solely on criticizing how President Ranil Wickremesinghe is managing the funds he has secured for the country. They fail to offer any insight into how they would generate income or address the nation’s economic challenges.

Currently, we have an experienced leader in President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who has successfully revived a country that was on the brink of collapse. Other candidates lack vision and are misleading the public with false promises. They do not offer truthful or constructive plans.

Over the past two years, President Wickremesinghe has diligently worked to rebuild the nation, garnering support from international financial institutions and the strength of the people of Sri Lanka. His leadership has been marked by significant progress and international recognition.

At this critical juncture, President Wickremesinghe stands out as the most qualified and experienced candidate to lead the country. We are making strides forward, and disrupting this progress would be a grave mistake. His effective governance is being discussed and praised across Asia.

Former MP Thalatha Athukorala:

The fact that President Ranil Wickremesinghe won the recent presidential election doesn’t benefit me personally. However, if he is victorious, I’ll be able to enjoy the freedom of staying home without the hassle of long queues. This advantage extends to everyone in the country, not just me.

The leader of my former party has promised to grant whatever is requested these days. Requests are being fulfilled along the way, and those who once criticized deal politics are now engaged in it themselves, like Namal Premadasa and Sajith Rajapaksa. Additionally, the Hiru channel's extensive promotion of Sajith Premadasa raises questions about possible deals. I challenge Sajith to clarify what these deals entail.

Consider carefully the consequences of entrusting the country to individuals without experience. It’s not just the nation at stake, but your future as well. Therefore, I urge you all to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe on September 21st and ensure his victory.

Former Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam:

The large turnout at today’s victory rally in Kuliapitiya strongly suggests that President Ranil Wickremesinghe is set to be re-elected as President on the 21st. Upcoming Presidential Election includes several candidates, with President Wickremesinghe standing out among them.

Sajith Premadasa, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, and Namal Rajapaksa—three of the main contenders—have all previously acknowledged Presidenr Wickremesinghe’s qualifications for the role of President or Prime Minister. This history makes it easier for voters to make an informed choice in this election.

Despite predictions from astrologers and surveys suggesting that President Wickremesinghe would not succeed, he has proven them wrong by serving as Prime Minister in 2001 and 2015, and as President in 2022. Today, in Kurunegala district, we have united to support this rally, which has attracted more attendees than any other candidate's event. We have not gained supporters from outside the district.

President Wickremesinghe is here today to inaugurate Western Automobile Assembly Private Limited (WAA). On the 21st, we urge everyone, regardless of political affiliation, to support this monumental development effort in Kurunegala district. Let’s join together to drive progress and make a significant impact.

The event was attended by a diverse group of notable figures, including Maha Sanghar and other religious leaders, Public Security Minister Tiran Alles, former Minister S. B. Nawinne, former Governor Amara Piyaseeli Ratnayake, MP Tharanath Basnayaka, UNP Kuliapitiya Zonal Organizer S. Samaraweera, as well as various political leaders in the area and electorate organizers.

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