Is Anura's Economic Policy Focused on Imports or Exports? Three Days Have Passed Without a Response from Anura

• If Anura Assumes the Presidency, Will the Dollar Soar to Rs. 500?

• Anura trying to outdo Gotabaya Rajapaksa in collapsing  the Economy.

• We Will Not Allow the Hard-Won Economy to Collapse Again.

• Just as I Present Facts with Figures, Malimawa Must Also Provide Detailed Budgetary Information.

• Let's Discuss Strategies for Economic Protection Without Resorting to Accusations of Theft.

• Only the United States Can Afford What Sajith Promises for Free-  Says the President in Beruwela.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated that even after three days, he has yet to receive a response to his inquiry about whether the economic policy of the Malimawa, led by Anura Kumara Dissanayake, promotes an import or export-driven economy. The President also criticized former Agriculture Minister Anura Kumara, accusing him of working towards destabilizing the country’s economy by ousting former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. He emphasized that he will not allow anyone to undermine the hard-earned economic progress of the nation.

President Wickremesinghe made these remarks during the "Ranil ta Puluwan" (Ranil Can) victory rally held this afternoon (13) at Beruwala Beach Stadium. The rally, which drew a large crowd, was organized in support of his candidacy in the upcoming presidential election.

During the event, a proposal to provide pensions and social security benefits for pre-school teachers was also submitted to the President.

He further stressed that, just as he presents factual statistics, the Malimawa must also present a clear, data-backed explanation of its budget to the public. The President remarked that only the U.S. government could afford to give away what Sajith Premadasa promises for free. He urged citizens not to be misled, encouraging them to support the government’s on-going efforts to rebuild the nation based on a genuine understanding of the country’s economic situation.

Addressing the public rally, President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated:

"When the people of this country were without food, medicine, fuel, and gas, I stepped in to meet those needs. When your workplaces were closed, I made sure they reopened. I restored hope when there seemed to be none. I never backed down, nor did I refuse to take responsibility for the people. Even when my own house was burned, I continued to work for the country. My genuine aim was to end the suffering of the people and to restore their hopes. I have successfully completed this program over the past two years.

Looking ahead, we will implement further measures to rebuild the economy and provide more relief to the public. By next year, the burden on people's lives will be significantly reduced. Today, we made two important decisions. With the improvement in the country's foreign exchange reserves, we have lifted the ban on vehicle imports. Starting next year, vehicles can once again be imported into Sri Lanka. Additionally, we raised the basic income tax threshold from 500,000 to 720,000 rupees, reducing the tax burden for many as their incomes rise. This will provide relief to everyone.

We have made real progress, and I will not allow this success to be undone. We have begun the journey to develop this country, and we must safeguard this program for the future.

Today, Malimawa is making promises to the public that cannot be fulfilled. Their proposed budget is one that will bring the country’s economy to its knees. They are attempting to destabilize the economy just as they did by ousting former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. If their economic policies are implemented, we will lose the support of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the dollar could rise to 500 rupees, further increasing the cost of living for the people.

If the proposals of Malimawa are implemented, I must say that the country will face an even worse situation than in May 2022. When I point this out, I am often accused of slandering them. This is not slander; it is a matter of the people's survival. My goal is to bring the dollar exchange rate down to Rs. 275. If former Agriculture Minister Anura Kumara can do that, I have no objections. However, just as I present facts and figures, they too must present a plan to the public on how they will protect the rupee.

Recently, a group of young people came to meet with me, including some who said they supported the Malimawa. I asked them why they supported Malimawa, and they said, "Sir, we gave the UNP a chance, we gave Mahinda Rajapaksa a chance, and now we feel we should give Malimawa a chance too."

I then asked them if they were willing to gamble their own future on giving Malimawa a chance. They replied, "No, Sir, we want a stable future." I told them that giving Malimawa a chance would lead the country into an even deeper crisis than what we faced in May 2022. At that point, they admitted, "We hadn’t thought of it that way, Sir. If Malimawa gets a chance, we lose.

I know that the people of this country are not willing to risk their future by giving Malimawa a chance that could lead to the collapse of the nation's economy once again.

Are you prepared to make Anura president and pay an even higher price for the dollar? If so, you’ll find yourself in a situation more extreme than the Wessantara story. When I questioned Malima’s economic policy, Anura responded with an argument. I told him I was ready for a debate, but first, he must clarify whether his economic policy favours an import-driven economy or an export-driven one. I also asked him to resolve the differences between Sunil Handunnetti and Anura Kumara and get back to me. It's been three days since I posed the question, and I still haven’t received an answer.

We shouldn’t waste time calling each other thieves; instead, we need to focus on meaningful discussions—like how to generate revenue and protect the economy. The future of the country cannot be entrusted to a group that lacks clear direction on such critical issues.

On the other hand, Sajith promises to give everything for free, even claiming to provide free headache relief. But can a government really function that way? Only the U.S. government could afford such free giveaways—no one else can.

This country cannot be handed over to those who evade responsibility during an economic crisis and attempt to derail the economy. Therefore, I urge everyone to vote for the gas cylinder on September 21 and safeguard the program that will secure the future of our country.”

Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena,

It must be acknowledged that Ranil Wickremesinghe is a leader with extensive experience in Parliament. The rapid recovery of our country from devastation is due to his experience and expertise.

A government cannot be effectively managed without international confidence. The only leader who can directly receive any necessary assistance for the country through phone calls is the current President, Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Two years ago, there were devastating incidents where ministers' residences were set on fire, and even the President's personal residence was set on fire. A minister was assassinated, and the country was plunged into a crisis where people lost faith in a stable future. In that chaotic environment, President Ranil Wickremesinghe managed to rebuild the nation remarkably quickly. Today, he stands as the only leader in the world who has successfully revived a country from such a severe collapse in such a short time. This is why he has garnered support from various countries around the globe.

Under his leadership, significant steps have been taken to strengthen the economy and provide relief to the people. Measures such as increasing public sector salaries, providing fertilizer and allowing vehicle imports have been implemented.

Today, we have reached a level of bipartisan agreement where all parties stand united on one platform—an unprecedented unity in history. International cooperation is essential for moving the country forward, and our government is receiving substantial support. I assure you that after the Presidential Election on the 21st, President Ranil Wickremesinghe will continue to advance the progress we have made at an even greater pace.

Following President Wickremesinghe's victory on the 21st, the plans he has laid out for the country will be put into action. Additionally, the budget for 2025 will be presented next month, and he is already planning it. His far-sighted plans are beyond the imagination of the opposition.

Northern Province Governor Senthil Thondaman,

By 2022, this country had fallen into a deep crisis, an unprecedented situation in Sri Lankan history. Even during wartime, the country had not faced such a condition. At that time, no one other than President Ranil Wickremesinghe stepped up to save the country. Had he not taken action then, today the price of a Gas Cylinder would be around Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 20,000.

President Wickremesinghe stepped up with the promise of "Puluwan" (we can), and he has successfully secured and stabilized the country’s economy. Now, as we face calls to hand over the country to others, we cannot afford to take risks. The upcoming election on September 21 is not a test for President Wickremesinghe but for us.

Friends from countries like the Maldives, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan have told me that when their countries were in crisis, there was no one like Ranil Wickremesinghe to support them. Therefore, we must ensure that we protect our valuable leader.

State Minister Piyal Nishantha,

In a time of severe economic strain for our country, we have devoted our full strength to supporting President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s nation-building efforts.

While other party leaders, driven by narrow political interests and the guise of the economic crisis, have been squabbling for leadership and acting irresponsibly, President Wickremesinghe has demonstrated political maturity and a deep commitment to saving the nation.

Mr. President, your vision and dedication to this country are evident. Your responsibility for this nation and your commitment to prioritizing the country’s needs over partisan opinions set you apart. Our support stems from your unwavering dedication. On September 21, we believe you will secure a decisive victory, as the nation needs your steadfast commitment for the next five years.

MP Rajitha Senaratne,

In 2022, former Gotabaya Rajapaksa offered up the presidency, but no one stepped up to take on the responsibility. Now, those who shirked their duty when the country was in crisis have spent lavishly and are demanding the presidency. Some are even traveling the globe, campaigning for the role.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe, on the other hand, took on the immense task of rebuilding the nation. From the moment he accepted this challenge, he warned the people that tough times were ahead. Those difficult times came with rising fuel prices, increased electricity and water bills, a higher dollar value, and soaring food costs. He urged patience, and you endured those hardships.

Today, thanks to his efforts, fuel prices have dropped, water bills have reduced, food costs have fallen, and the dollar value has stabilized. As you head to the polls, will you vote for the leader who has made significant progress in turning things around, or will you consider those who have been absent in times of need? The choice is yours.

When Greece faced bankruptcy, a leader took on the challenge of rebuilding the nation amidst severe hardships. Like the opposition leader here, Greece had a figure who promised to provide all necessary concessions if given power. The people granted him authority, but he failed to deliver relief, as his proposals were rejected by the International Monetary Fund, leading to his removal within three months. A similar situation unfolded when another leader, promising new solutions, also failed and was ousted after just four months. In total, Greece saw four governments toppled in one year, leaving the nation weary.

By 2022, Greece was grappling with a staggering 273% inflation rate, compared to our 71%. They were forced to cut civil servants' salaries, but President Ranil Wickremesinghe ensured that such measures were not needed here. Under his leadership, public servant salaries, the Mahapola scholarship, kidney allowance, and elder allowance were all maintained without reductions. Additionally, government employees received a salary increase of Rs.10, 000 last year.

In contrast, Joseph Stalin’s demand for a salary increase of Rs.25, 000 led to public unrest. I stand here to emphasize that President Wickremesinghe was instrumental in saving our country from severe economic turmoil. As we face an upcoming critical juncture on September 21, the stakes are high. Losing this battle could result in far greater suffering than what was experienced during the northern conflict.

Therefore, I urge you to vote for the "Gas Cylinder" and support President Ranil Wickremesinghe to continue his leadership.

Former Minister Harin Fernando,

In 2022, many of you remember standing in long lines for kilometres at petrol stations in Beruwala town. Some even considered passing their place in line to others. Are you ready to face that situation again? Now is not the time to be complacent.

Although we have not resolved all our issues, we are making gradual progress. During the crisis, President Ranil Wickremesinghe didn’t ask former American presidents for help with an oil tanker. At that time, the country was bankrupt, struggling with unpaid salaries and letters of credit. Yet, President Wickremesinghe managed to secure fuel and established a distribution system, helping to stabilize the nation.

The same individuals who now support the “Malimawa” are the ones who sold fuel for Rs.3, 000 per litre back then. President Wickremesinghe fought against that corruption by introducing the QR Code system, and gradually, the country began to recover. Food prices had surged by 100% then, but inflation has now been reduced to 2%.

If President Wickremesinghe loses this election, he will not be personally affected; he could easily find a prestigious position at any global university. However, we would face a return to the hardships of the past.

Regardless of the crowd size today, the silent majority of this country supports President Ranil Wickremesinghe. To avoid reliving the suffering of two years ago, cast your vote for him in the upcoming presidential election.

Artist Senaka Wijesinghe,

They claim that another faction wearing “Malimawa” T-shirts is capable of committing violence and causing unrest, similar to what occurred in 1988-89. Some argue that it is unfair to tarnish the reputation of the JVP, claiming they were not responsible for such atrocities.

However, since 1988-89, no one has denied the brutal actions of the JVP. I have been leading the JVP in Harispattuwa, Kandy district since 1986, and we cannot ignore the horrors committed by the JVP, especially those hidden from view.

During that period, 60, 000 people lost their lives. While the deaths of public figures like Wijaya Kumaratunga are well-known, there is a darker side to JVP's history. The JVP was notorious for its extreme measures, including the beheading of dissenters and burning bodies with tires, often falsely attributed to the army and police.

The situation remains troubling today. If you criticize the JVP on social media, expect harsh and violent responses. We are currently appealing to artists and actors for support, yet those associated with the “Malimawa” have their own issues. A few artists who supported the JVP in the last local elections only managed a minimal impact, achieving just 03% of the vote, which may increase slightly this time due to previous support from Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

Do not be misled by the JVP’s rhetoric. There are no deceptive claims from President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s side. This election is characterized by a silent but decisive vote. President Wickremesinghe is poised to win with a significant majority, thanks to his genuine commitment and track record.

Religious leaders including Maha Sangha, Ministers Ali Sabri, Vidura Wickramanayaka, Governor Senthil Thondaman, State Minister Anupa Pascual, MP Thalatha Athukorala, former Ministers Rohitha Abegunawardhana, Harin Fernando, UNP Kalutara District Chief Organizer Lakshman Wijemanna, former PC members and heads of Local Government Agencies, and a large number of people participated in the event.

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