I Request Five Years to Build a Strong Economy

• I Deserve Your Vote for Ending Shortages and Initiating Economic Reform.

• Remember to hold Sajith and Anura accountable on September 21 for abandoning the country.

• Sajith and Anura's policy mirrors Gotabaya's approach: reducing taxes and cutting government revenue will lead the country back to a time of shortages and queues- President.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe announced his candidacy for the presidential election this year with the goal of solidifying the economic progress achieved over the past two years. He is requesting a five-year term to establish strong economic stability.

The President highlighted his efforts to lay the groundwork for economic transformation by ending shortages, reducing the cost of living, and implementing tax concessions. He asserted his right to seek voter support and urged that politicians who abandoned the country during times of crisis should be remembered on September 21 and given their due recognition.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe made these remarks today (1) at the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" victory rally held at Vavuniya Young Star Stadium. The event, which drew a large crowd, was organized to affirm the President's anticipated victory in the upcoming presidential election.

In his address, President Wickremesinghe contrasted his policies with those of Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake, asserting that their approach mirrors Gotabaya Rajapaksa's tax cuts and reduction in state revenue. He emphasized that his strategy focuses on boosting production and increasing state income.

Commenting further, Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe noted:

“If Mr. Kader Mastan is given a responsibility, he will fulfill it successfully. If MP Dilipan starts a business, he brings it to a successful conclusion. Everyone here is highly organized. For a time, we were competitors, but now we are united.

Two years ago, the country faced severe shortages where there was no food, no fuel, no electricity, and no hope for the future. On May 9, Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa resigned. We expected Sajith Premadasa to take over the leadership, but by Tuesday night, we learned that he had declined, saying, 'I can't.' By Wednesday, Mr. Sarath Fonseka expressed his willingness to become Prime Minister, and I offered our support to whoever assumed the position. However, by Wednesday evening, he too had stepped back.

On Thursday, Mr. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa requested that I assume the role of Prime Minister and take the oath of office. I went alone, without any support or applause. Despite this, several Members of Parliament offered their assistance and encouraged me to take on the responsibility.

On July 9, the former president also had to step down, and I was called upon to take over the presidency. The opposition urged me not to assume the role, but when I asked who would, both Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake refused. Even the Speaker was asked to take charge, but he, too, declined. They chose not to step up during that critical time.

When the parliament was surrounded that day, many members were still speaking inside. As soon as they heard about the approach of the crowd, everyone fled. I instructed the army to protect the parliament. The Speaker said to me, "I will manage the Parliament; you take charge of the country and assume the presidency." If I had not taken that decisive step, this country might have ended up like Bangladesh today. Meanwhile, Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake went around the country claiming I was "Ranil Rajapaksa." However, now that the Rajapaksas have left, they have nothing more to say.

In the past two years, we have made significant progress. We reduced inflation from 70% to 2%. The price of red lentils decreased by 40%, wheat flour by 29%, poultry by 11%, diesel by 28%, and gas by 31%. The gross domestic product (GDP) grew from $76 billion in 2022 to $84 billion in 2023. We received support from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Within a year of assuming leadership, not only did the prices of goods decrease, but the allowances of government employees were also increased, first by Rs. 5,000 and then by Rs. 10,000 per month.

Based on Udaya Seneviratne's report, we increased salaries. Payments to retirees and the disabled were also increased, along with allowances for pregnant mothers. Through the Aswasuma program, we provided a threefold prosperity benefit to the people and increased the number of beneficiaries to 2.4 million. We arranged to provide free rice to low-income earners, reduced fertilizer prices, and issued free land deeds through the Urumaya program. Additionally, we are providing housing to low-income earners in Colombo, and new villages are being established for the plantation community.

Today, our country enjoys stability, and we have the opportunity to hold a presidential election. Unlike Bangladesh, I have prevented this country from descending into such a crisis. Currently, their parliament has been dissolved, 29 MPs have been killed, and the Chief Justice has been removed from office. So far, they have not been able to hold a vote. However, we will be voting on September 21.

Now, we can see the impact of Ranil Wickremesinghe's leadership. Therefore, I have the right to ask for your vote. But we should also remember those who left the country. Let's give them second and third place. We have rebuilt this economy, and I am running in the presidential election to ensure continued economic stability. We cannot rely on debt indefinitely, especially given the country's foreign exchange shortage. We must build an export-driven economy and create a surplus of foreign exchange.

If your house collapses, it must be rebuilt on a solid foundation. Any flaws in the foundation must be corrected. I am running in this election to continue the necessary work to rebuild the country in this way. So far, we have received support from the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Chinese Exim Bank, and 17 other countries. This is why nations such as the United States, India, Japan, and those in Europe have helped us.

I am asking for five years to stabilize this country, and I intend to complete this work in four. My goal is to reduce the cost of living, provide tax relief, and ease the overall tax burden. I aim to create more high-paying jobs, transform the economy into an export-oriented one, and implement programs focused on heritage and security.

I will ease the burden on people's lives by strengthening the rupee, which is achieved by increasing the gross domestic product (GDP). In 2022, the country's GDP was $76 billion, and by 2023, it increased to $84 billion. During this period, we provided essential support for crops and fertilizers, leading to a successful Yala and Maha Season harvest. Tourist arrivals have also increased, boosting production further into 2024. As a result, the rupee has strengthened from 370 to 300 against the dollar.

Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake argue that reducing taxes will lower the country's revenue. However, we saw the consequences of such a policy in 2019 when Gotabaya Rajapaksa reduced taxes, which led to a severe economic crisis. The country's revenue dropped, people queued for gas and petrol, and fertilizer became scarce. Do we want to return to that situation? Even without Anura or Sajith, the risk remains. As production increases, so does government revenue. With higher revenue, we can reduce the tax burden, and that is precisely what I plan to do in 2025-2026. We need to accelerate this progress.

Next year, we will provide 100,000 job opportunities for youth in both the public and private sectors. Young people will receive one year of training in the private sector, followed by placement in permanent jobs. We will also support self-employment initiatives. Additionally, 50,000 individuals will receive financial support for training in vocational training centers. Through these measures, we aim to achieve significant progress for the country. Other parties have not presented any clear policies on employment; they remain silent on the issue. However, we have a plan starting from September 22.

We are also working to develop this region. Agricultural innovation is being introduced, and water supply is being improved through the Malwatu Oya campaign. Development plans are in place for the Vavuniya, Mulathivu, and Mannar areas. As we increase tourist arrivals from 2.5 million to 5 million, these areas will also benefit from the growth in tourism.

We will establish investment zones in the Jaffna, Kilinochchi, and Mankulam areas, providing new opportunities for economic growth. Solar power will be developed as a viable source of income for the region. In addition, we plan to offer concessions to those who have taken loans for three-wheelers, providing financial relief in the future.

I am committed to transforming the economy, and part of this involves resolving the land issues in this region. We are also offering concessional loans to middle-class, low-income earners to help them build houses. This assistance extends to those living in the housing developments initiated by Sajith Premadasa, enabling them to construct sturdy homes with strong foundations.

Can Anura Kumara Dissanayake or Sajith Premadasa achieve these objectives? Do you want to see this program continue, or would you prefer to see the country move backward? Do you want to live in a prosperous Sri Lanka or risk becoming another Bangladesh? This crucial decision will be made on September 21.

Choose wisely, or else, like an unattended gas cylinder, this country could face an explosive crisis.”

Minister Ali Sabry,

It can be confidently stated that President Ranil Wickremesinghe is the only leader who has consistently worked to ensure that all citizens of this country can live together as one, without fear or doubt. I would like to highlight just a few of the significant achievements he has accomplished in a very short period, irrespective of caste, religion, or political affiliation.

President Wickremesinghe has taken steps to stabilize the economy by providing a fertilizer subsidy, which has resulted in a threefold increase in crop yield. Additionally, through the Urumaya programme, hundred thousand people have been granted freehold rights to their land, with plans to issue freehold land deeds to another 1.9 million individuals. Therefore, if you wish to secure freehold land for yourself, it is crucial to continue supporting President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

He has successfully navigated the country through numerous challenges, and he should be given the opportunity to build a robust and sustainable economy.

Minister Jeevan Thondaman,

This presidential election is a pivotal moment that will determine the future of Sri Lanka. It is important to acknowledge that, historically, the leaders of our country have spent beyond our means, leading to the economic crisis we recently experienced.

It should also be noted that, in our elections, people tend to vote based on emotions rather than principles. We often do not consider the financial policies or the agendas of the presidential candidates, nor do we think about the consequences of their future actions.

Although some may not want to hear this harsh truth, it is essential to be honest. It is easy to please by telling a comforting lie, but that does not serve us well. During the last economic crisis, many women struggled to support their families, and children were deprived of three meals a day. This is why I believe it is important to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who led the country out of that crisis.

I am confident that Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe, who has already provided various benefits to the people of Kandy; such as resolving land rights and salary issues and will also address other pressing issues, including the land rights of the people of Vavuniya.

Remember, in this election, you are voting for the future of your children, not just for a political party.

Minister of State Premitha Bandara Tennakoon,

For the first time in history, we have decided to step outside our traditional boundaries and support the current President, Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe, in his bid for victory. This decision is based on several important reasons. Even when our country was overwhelmed with a series of challenges, a leader emerged to guide us through that turmoil, he is President Ranil Wickremesinghe. It is important to note that we chose him only after the Leader of the Opposition and Anura Kumara Dissanayake declined our invitation to join forces.

President Wickremesinghe has demonstrated true leadership by confronting problems without fear. Those who avoid challenges cannot be considered true leaders. Unfortunately, some political parties exploited the public's difficulties for political gain, exacerbating the situation with strikes and protests. For instance, the Survey Department has been on strike for the past six months as a tactic to disrupt President Wickremesinghe's 'Urumaya' program, which aims to secure land rights for the people. Such strikes, motivated by political agendas, lack moral justification.

Despite these obstacles, we must commit ourselves to ensuring the success of President Ranil Wickremesinghe in the upcoming presidential election. His leadership is crucial for stabilizing the country's economy and securing a better future for all citizens.

State Minister Suren Raghavan,

When my motherland was in crisis, it was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who saved it. If the country faces difficulties again, he is the only leader capable of rescuing us. Just yesterday, a retired school principal told me that the Tamil people regret voting against Ranil Wickremesinghe in 2005. He said that back then, it was separatist terrorism that led to your defeat. This time, however, 70% of the people in the North, Vanni area and East will vote for President Ranil Wickremesinghe, ensuring his victory.

The current state of Lebanon is one that our country could have faced. However, because of your leadership, food inflation, which was once 87%, has now dropped to 3%. Interest rates, which were at 33%, have fallen to single digits. There was a time when we couldn’t even find fertilizer for Rs. 60,000, and people had to wait four days in line for a gas cylinder. Not only did you provide those cylinders, but you also saved our motherland from the brink of collapse. Our duty now is to re-elect this international leader who revived our nation. On September 21st, let’s cast our votes for Ranil Wickremesinghe and mark our ballot in front of the Gas Cylinder symbol.

State Minister Kader Masthan,

This election is about deciding whether the country will continue to progress or regress. Today, you are gathered here to express your gratitude for the work President Ranil Wickremesinghe has done for you over the past two years. Some people questioned whether we were selecting a candidate rejected by the public. However, we confidently chose Ranil Wickremesinghe as our Presidential candidate because now, more than ever, the people recognize his value.

He has become a globally recognized statesman and a pragmatic politician who can face any challenge to protect the country's democracy. He has also returned large portions of land in this region that were under government control. Meanwhile, the opposition is spreading false information and presenting misleading statistics. I question whether misleading the public is the opposition's continuous agenda.

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