Hambantota Emerging as a Key Hub for Tourism, Industry, Trade and Port Operations

• Enhancing Income Opportunities and Easing the Cost of Living for Citizens.

• Sustainable Economic Growth Achievable Through Effective Management.

• Leaders Who Offer Empty Promises and Lack Basic Economic Understanding Are Unfit for Presidential Roles - Says President in Hambantota.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe announced plans to develop Hambantota into a major hub for tourism, industry, trade and port activities. Emphasizing his commitment to improving citizens' livelihoods, he highlighted his strategy of providing economic relief by increasing income levels, setting himself apart from other presidential candidates.

The President stressed that safeguarding the nation's economy, which has been rebuilt with considerable effort, requires sound management practices. He underscored the importance of responsible leadership, stating that the country's future should not be entrusted to leaders who lack basic economic knowledge and make unrealistic promises.

President Wickremesinghe made these remarks during the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" victory rally held this afternoon at the stadium near the Hambantota bus station. The rally, aimed at reinforcing support for his candidacy in the upcoming presidential election, saw a large turnout of supporters.

Addressing the public rally, President Ranil Wickremesinghe shared his perspective on the challenges he faced and the progress made since taking office.

"In 2022, I took over a country in collapse. I invited everyone to join in rebuilding the nation. Some skeptics doubted our ability to recover, saying the country couldn't be saved and that I was finished. Despite this, the majority of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, led by Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa, stood by me. I have had their support from that day up until now, and for that, I am grateful.

I did not ask for their support for this election. Every party has the right to make its own decisions during elections. They can compete separately, and so can we. My decision to run in this year's presidential election is driven by the need to protect the economic stability we have worked so hard to establish.

The farmers of this country have played a crucial role in stabilizing the economy. The 2023 Maha and Yala seasons were successful, yielding high outputs thanks to the efforts of our farmers. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the farmers in these regions.

In 2023, we were able to bring the country's gross domestic product to USD 84 billion. With the financial resources we secured, we tripled the Samurdhi grant provided to the people under the Aswasuma program.

Today, we have provided concessions to every sector, including plans to offer a fertilizer subsidy for sugarcane cultivation. These subsidies help increase people's incomes, setting us apart from other parties. It raises the question: how can subsidies are provided without financial resources? To genuinely offer relief, we must focus on boosting incomes. I ask how individuals who lack basic arithmetic skills can aspire to become the country's president.

By increasing national production and strengthening the rupee, we can alleviate the financial burden on the people. We have recently initiated this program. Additionally, we have developed plans to create job opportunities for the youth, which are noticeably absent from the Samagi Jana Balavegaya manifesto.

Previously, I took responsibility for the development of the Hambantota Port. Now, both the China Merchant Company and Surbana Jurong have developed a comprehensive plan for its expansion. We have agreed to allocate 4,000 acres to establish a large-scale planning zone in Hambantota. Furthermore, the Sinopec refinery, which is the second refinery in Sri Lanka, has been introduced to this area. With these initiatives, we aim to transform Hambantota into a hub for tourism, industry, trade, and port activities over the next five years. Let us work together to achieve this progress.

Minister of Agriculture, Mahinda Amaraweera;

We support President Ranil Wickremesinghe because he stepped up during the crisis when the country was in dire straits. People were suffering and dying in queues, but he took on the immense responsibility of rebuilding the nation like a true leader.

After assuming the presidency, he sought our support and, as Minister of Agriculture, took significant steps to assist farmers and restore agricultural activity. Despite numerous challenges, including attempts by the JVP to obstruct our efforts, we continued to import and distribute fertilizers without interruption.

Thanks to the government’s agricultural modernization program, the country now has a surplus of rice. Under our future administration, we plan to boost the farmers' economy by exporting this surplus rice. We will also introduce programs to ensure that youth can earn between three to four lakhs. To further increase rice production for international markets, we have allocated funds to offer a bundle of fertilizer for just four thousand rupees starting next season.

Additionally, agreements are being finalized to provide free Bundy fertilizer to all farmers. President Ranil Wickremesinghe has made significant contributions to nation-building. We can’t afford to experiment any longer; we have a responsibility to ensure the success of the program that will advance this country.

Minister of Health and Industries, Ramesh Pathirana;

A country requires both national and health security. The recent crises led to a decline in tourism, and foreign remittances fell to just USD 04 billion, causing a loss of USD 7-8 billion from foreign workers.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has spearheaded an extraordinary economic transformation for the country. We should support President Wickremesinghe with gratitude, recognizing his role in rescuing the nation from economic turmoil.

During a challenging period, President Wickremesinghe took decisive actions to revitalize the economy quickly. Under his effective leadership, the rupee has stabilized and economic growth has resumed. We are all dedicated to ensuring that President Wickremesinghe continues in office for the next five years.

Deputy Speaker, Ajith Rajapakse;

Most of the regional leaders of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna from the Hambantota district have united on a single platform. A growing number of political forces are joining us in preparation for the upcoming presidential election.

Today we have begun a challenging journey. It is important to acknowledge that President Ranil Wickremesinghe has diligently fulfilled his duties and responsibilities over the past two years.

As a result, more than a hundred Members of Parliament have rallied around him to ensure his victory. As members of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, we have made this political decision with the country's best interests in mind.

Former Minister, Rajitha Senarathne;

There are 38 candidates in the upcoming presidential election, including President Ranil Wickremesinghe, highlighting the intense competition for the presidency. It’s worth noting the significant spending by Anura and Sajith on their campaigns.

At a critical time when no one was willing to take charge, Ranil Wickremesinghe stepped in with just USD 20 million, a sum insufficient to sustain the country even for a single day.

The capitalist leaders often resist transferring power to the working class, opting instead for armed struggles to achieve their goals. Today, we have the opportunity to vote because of the changes President Ranil Wickremesinghe has implemented. If we make a mistake in this election, Sri Lanka could face a situation similar to Greece’s economic crisis.

Former Minister, Manusha Nanayakkara;

It is important to recognize that the UNP has a long history of serving this country. President Ranil Wickremesinghe took charge during a severe crisis, effectively putting a pause on the situation. We must consider whether we will use this pause to overcome the crisis or risk leading the country back into turmoil. The instability seen in Bangladesh has now extended beyond Indonesia to the Maldives.

The JVP has established offices across the country and is bringing buses from all parts of the country to their rallies, spending large sums daily just on transportation. The source of these funding raises questions, as it is provided by forces aiming to create further instability in Sri Lanka. These forces do not want to see Sri Lanka prosper, which is why they are investing heavily in the JVP.

Therefore, we must prevent the nation from collectively suffering. If President Ranil Wickremesinghe is not reappointed, we face the risk of severe consequences and potential disaster.

Former Minister, Faizar Mustapha;

The upcoming presidential election is of utmost importance. While some individuals merely engage in politics, President Ranil Wickremesinghe stands out as a leader who genuinely cares for the people of this country. His approach sets him apart from other politicians.

Unlike those who create divisions between nations, President Wickremesinghe leads with a uniquely Sri Lankan perspective. No other leader in the world has undertaken the role he did when he assumed office, and the country’s economy is steadily improving as a result.

If Sajith Premadasa or Anura Dissanayake comes to power, we could face another crisis of shortages within six months. The Sri Lanka Freedom Party, which has always prioritized the nation’s well-being, supports President Wickremesinghe to ensure his continued leadership and secure a positive outcome for the country.

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