Government Reaches Agreement with IMF to Revise PAYE tax Policy

• Government Pledges to Provide Public Relief and Safeguard the Economy.

• Economic Collapse Could Threaten People’s Livelihoods

• Sajith and Anura Urged to Explain Their Economic Plans Amid Calls for Lower Taxes and Higher Spending.

• The Path Advocated by Sajith and Anura Could Lead to Shortages of Gas, Fuel, Medicine, Food.

• Citizens Must Choose Between Returning to 2022 Conditions or Supporting the Current Government- President says in Eheliyagoda.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe announced that the government has reached an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to revise the Pay As You Earn (PAYE)  tax, a significant concern for the public. He assured that following further discussions, relief measures would be implemented as soon as possible. The President made these remarks while addressing the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" victory rally held near the new market in Eheliyagoda this afternoon (28).

The rally, organized to affirm President Wickremesinghe's candidacy in the upcoming presidential election, saw a large turnout from the Eheliyagoda area. During his speech, the President emphasized the government's awareness of the challenges faced by the citizens and stressed the importance of providing relief while safeguarding the country's economy. He warned that if the economy were to collapse, there would be no country left for people to live in.

Furthermore, the President criticized Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake for making unrealistic promises about reducing taxes and easing the people's burdens. He cautioned that following their proposed path could lead to severe shortages, leaving the public once again without essential supplies such as gas, fuel, and medicine.

Expressing his views further the President said;

I have previously visited Eheliyagoda and held meetings where the focus was often on blaming and criticizing one another. However, today, we stand united on the same platform, having chosen to come together to save our country.

When we faced a crisis with shortages of gas, medicine and financial resources, we worked collectively to rebuild the nation. Unfortunately, the Jana Balawegaya, led by my friend Mr. Anura Kumara Dissanayake, and the Samagi Jana Balawegaya, led by my former deputy Mr. Sajith Premadasa, chose not to join us. They accused us of coming together for personal gain. This highlights a fundamental difference between us: while they prioritize their party interests, we remain committed to the country and its people.

I am running in this year's presidential election to seek a public mandate to continue the efforts we have made over the past two years to rebuild the country. There are two main political forces in this country, and although they may move quickly, they fail to grasp the struggles of the people. In contrast, we understand these struggles, which is why we have worked to stabilize the economy. Over the last two years, we have systematically reduced prices and provided relief to the public. However, we recognize that the people deserve even more support. This additional relief can only be achieved by strengthening the rupee and gradually advancing the economy.

With the appreciation of the rupee, the cost of goods can be reduced, allowing us to provide relief to the people. This is the path we must follow. Currently, income tax has become a significant issue. We have reached an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the need to revise it, and I can confirm that a basic decision has already been made. Both parties have submitted proposals, and once we have discussed and agreed on a common approach, we will be able to provide relief to the public.

As President, my mandate is to strengthen the country's economy and reduce the cost of living for our citizens. We aim to provide relief through tax reforms and cost-of-living adjustments. Additionally, we are focused on creating employment opportunities for young people and accelerating Sri Lanka's development to build a robust economy. I will outline this vision in my manifesto, which will be presented tomorrow.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake and Sajith Premadasa have recently claimed that they will reduce taxes and provide relief to the public. However, we must ask: is it truly possible to lower taxes and still offer relief? Lowering taxes would decrease government revenue, making it difficult to manage expenses and potentially increasing inflation.

If revenues decline while expenses rise, the economy risks collapsing again. Therefore, Mr. Dissanayake and Mr. Premadasa must explain how they intend to sustain the economy under these conditions. People need to recognize that the path they propose could lead to a situation where essential resources, such as gas, fuel, and medicine, are unavailable. I urge everyone to consider this carefully.

MP Akila Ellawala,

At the start of every election, we often emphasize its importance. However, this year’s Presidential Election is more critical than any previous one. Some suggest that even if someone else comes to power, their tenure will last only six months, after which President Ranil Wickremesinghe will need to assume leadership again.

Two years ago, the country faced severe challenges with queues everywhere, leading to widespread struggles and agitation. We cannot afford on-going disruptions, especially when it comes to our children’s education. Therefore, I urge you to vote wisely and not be swayed by social media posts or the number of flags on display.

MP Mudita Soysa,

In the past, we experienced a severe economic crisis, leading to shortages of essential goods like gas, fuel, food and milk powder for children. The country fell into an era of long queues, and the economy was in complete disarray. At that time, when President Gotabaya Rajapaksa requested the opposition to take over the government, today’s boasters Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake withdrew. The only leader who stepped forward to take charge during that crisis was President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Therefore, it is essential to support President Wickremesinghe in building a prosperous future for our country and its future generations.

State Minister Janaka Vakkambura,

In the last election, we secured 465,000 votes from Ratnapura. I am confident that we will surpass this number and secure victory for President Ranil Wickremesinghe in the Ratnapura district with over 500,000 votes. I assert this with conviction because you took charge of the country during a time of severe crises, including long gas and fuel queues and over 13-hour power cuts. You resolved these issues within three months, which is why the people of Ratnapura are rallying behind your success.

Today, if you ask ten people in this area, eight will express their intention to vote for President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Tomorrow, President Wickremesinghe will present the most practical and realistic manifesto of any candidate in this election. As a genuine independent candidate, he has chosen a symbol that resonates deeply with the people of this country—the Gas Cylinder. This symbol is highly appropriate for the election battle. I declare that we are all working to ensure his victory with this memorable symbol.

Minister Dr. Ramesh Pathirana,

While President Mahinda Rajapaksa deserves credit for ending the war in our country, President Ranil Wickremesinghe should be recognized for his efforts in addressing the economic challenges we face. The feedback we are receiving is overwhelmingly positive, and President Wickremesinghe is currently leading in most districts.

It is anticipated that President Ranil Wickremesinghe will be reappointed as President on September 22nd, following support from the Ratnapura District and the Eheliyagoda Constituency. Recently, I received a Lebanese -pound 100,000 note, which, despite its appearance, highlights the severity of the economic crisis. Venezuela has been grappling with economic turmoil for ten years, with people even dying for a loaf of bread. Greece, a pioneer of democracy, has experienced 20 government changes while still struggling with its economic crisis. Zimbabwe faces annual inflation rates of 200%.

I urge you to entrust the future of this country to President anil Wickremesinghe, an experienced and capable leader who has steered us away from such dire economic prospects and set us on the path to recovery.

MP Rohitha Abegunawardhana;

Previously, we saw presidents emerge from our party ranks, including Former Presidents Chandrika Kumaratunga, Mahinda Rajapaksa and Gotabhaya Rajapaksa. However, today, various parties have united to fulfil a national responsibility and work towards the success of our presidential candidate, President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is running as an independent for the upcoming presidential election.

Our collective effort is not about positions or titles; it’s about securing the country’s future and preventing anarchy. You may recall those two years ago, the country experienced a state of lawlessness. As the army and police were side-lined and former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa left the country, we handed over the prime ministership to you. During that time, activists of “Aragalaya” took control of key locations like the Temple Trees, the Presidential Secretariat and the Prime Minister’s Office. On May 09th, we saw violence extend even to hospitals where injured people were assaulted.

Mr. President, I personally support your victory to end this lawlessness and restore the rule of law for the safety and stability of our nation.

Governor of Sabaragamuwa Province, Navin Dissanayake;

As a person who is working for presidential elections since 1988, I believe this election is pivotal for the future of our country. It is a crucial moment that will determine the direction of our country.

Today, across all political divides, we have united to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe as our next leader on September 21. We all agree that the nation’s well-being outweighs party interests.

Although I am the son of a prominent leader from the United National Party (UNP), our shared goal transcends past affiliations. We are united in our mission to advance this country. Under the leadership of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, we have witnessed a revival of freedom and democracy over the past two years. His leadership has enabled us to hold election rallies and reduced violence.

President Wickremesinghe is a seasoned and visionary leader capable of uniting all factions. He has earned the respect and trust necessary to lead our nation. Therefore, I firmly believe that he is the most qualified candidate to guide Sri Lanka into the future.

Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi;

In the recently launched manifesto of Anura Kumara Dissanayake of the NPP, it is proposed that both direct and indirect taxes will be reduced, which would lead to a decrease in government revenue. This plan also suggests an increase in national expenditure. This is the vision laid out by Anura Kumara Dissanayake.

In contrast, the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) government, which we formed, faced significant economic challenges due to the policies of the NPP, resulting in national instability and decline. Under President Ranil Wickremesinghe's leadership, our economy, which was once in critical condition, has been stabilized and moved from intensive care to a recovery phase. Our current task is to fully rehabilitate this economic recovery and ensure a stable future.

As responsible citizens, we must avoid supporting policies like those proposed by the NPP, which could potentially jeopardize our progress and return us to economic instability. Anura Kumara Dissanayake is now stepping into the role previously held by Sajith Premadasa, each offering various promises. Our country needs a leader with a realistic vision to advance the economy, not one who relies on traditional political promises or seeks to win votes through superficial measures. On September 22, it is crucial that voters reject those who attempt to gain popularity through empty assurances and instead support a leader who can genuinely drive our nation forward.

Former Opposition Leader of Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council, Siripala Kiriella;

Today, some critics are targeting President Ranil Wickremesinghe, despite his extensive career spanning over 40 years as a MP, Minister, Prime Minister, and now President. Throughout his service, he has not taken a salary or vehicle license, demonstrating his integrity and dedication. Such a leader of high moral standing is rare in today’s presidential race.

I hope that under President Ranil Wickremesinghe's leadership, we will see a prosperous future for all citizens of this country, transcending political divides and uniting people beyond the colours of green, blue, and yellow.

Former Provincial Council Minister, Athula Kumara Rahubadda;

President Ranil Wickremesinghe assumed responsibility during a period when forming a government and addressing the country’s crises seemed impossible. When other leaders in Parliament were unable to take control, he stepped up to the challenge and undertook the monumental task of ending shortages of gas, fuel, and food.

Now, as the country, which had faced significant setbacks, begins to recover, we are once again approaching a presidential election. As the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), we are fully committed to supporting President Wickremesinghe. We are working together to ensure his victory and will contribute our utmost support and dedication to this effort.

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