Despite Sumantiran's Proposal, Sajith Premadasa Fled from Prime Ministerial Responsibility

• Had I Not Taken Over, the Country Would Have Become another Bangladesh.

• Plans to develop the Gampaha District will be implemented in the future - President.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated that when former Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa resigned from his position in May 2022, Minister M. A. Sumantiran requested that Sajith Premadasa be appointed as Prime Minister. However, Sajith Premadasa fled from this responsibility at that time.

The President also recalled that even when Gotabaya Rajapaksa stepped down from the presidency, Sajith Premadasa asked President Wickremesinghe not to assume the duties of the Presidency. The President emphasized that if he had not stepped in to take charge and work towards stabilizing the government, the country could have descended into a situation similar to Bangladesh, facing severe instability and crisis.

President Wickremesinghe made these statements while addressing the “Puluwan Sri Lanka” victory rally held at the Dompe bus stand today (01), which saw a massive turnout in support of his victory in the upcoming Presidential Election.

Addressing the Public Rally President Ranil Wickremesinghe further elaborated;

Dompe holds a special place in my heart. I recall how Suranimala Rajapaksa was actively involved in politics with us, and how Sarathchandra Rajakaruna joined the United National Party around 1975, taking the lead in the Dompe constituency while I was working in Biyagama. No one expected that both of us would eventually succeed. After Mr. Sarathchandra Rajakaruna's passing, I supported Harshana Rajakaruna in becoming a member of the provincial council.

Two years ago, all of you were standing in long queues for fuel, gas, and medicines. I, too, experienced the frustration and exhaustion of waiting in those lines, as did many others, some of whom tragically lost their lives. The situation grew so dire that Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa was forced to resign. According to tradition, the Leader of the Opposition should have been the next in line to become Prime Minister. In fact, a week before the resignation, we had a discussion where MP M. A. Sumanthiran mentioned that if the Prime Minister stepped down, the opposition would support the Leader of the Opposition in assuming the role.

But how was I supposed to form a government? At that time, I had no one; I was completely alone. Some people were even afraid to speak to me. I reached out to those in the government, and by Tuesday, I believed that Sajith would accept the position of Prime Minister and step in to help. However, by that evening, it became clear that the Leader of the Opposition had fled, fearing to take on the role. The next day, Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka was approached to take over as Prime Minister, but he too declined. Anura Kumara didn't even engage in the conversation.

At that critical time, I received a call asking me to accept the post of Prime Minister. There was no one to support me or cheer me on. I went alone, took the oath, and returned alone. It was only after that moment that others began to join the government. On July 9th, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa resigned. Although I was prepared to manage the duties of the presidency, Sajith insisted that I should not accept the role of acting president. I asked him if he would take it, and he refused. Then I asked Anura if he would step in, and he also declined. The Speaker was suggested as an alternative, but he too said he couldn't take on the responsibility.

While they were all arguing, a group was attempting to storm the Parliament. At that moment, all the leaders inside fled. I told the army commander to stop the situation immediately. If I hadn't acted to prevent the siege of Parliament, Sri Lanka would have faced a situation similar to Bangladesh. We wouldn't have had a functioning Parliament today. We managed to stabilize the country by taking charge of the government in that way.

We are committed to continuing this work. It's essential to solidify the economic stability we've achieved. Our goal is to ease the burden on people's lives. Over the past two years, as the rupee strengthened, we saw a decline in commodity prices. My focus is on further strengthening the rupee and increasing our gross domestic product. These efforts are crucial to reducing the tax burden and making life more manageable for everyone.

Anura and Sajith claim they will reduce taxes. But when taxes are reduced, government revenue declines. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa did the same, and as a result, people ended up in long queues. Do we really want to see the rupee fall to 370 or 400 against the dollar again? I say to them: stop making false promises.

What we need now is to strengthen the rupee and create jobs. Over the last four years, no new jobs have been provided, but the government is committed to creating 100,000 jobs in the coming year. We are focusing on the private sector and self-employment, sending personnel to private companies while providing training wages. These initiatives are designed to incentivize companies to retain these employees.

Additionally, we are directing personnel towards jobs in smart agriculture. My goal is to strengthen this country's economy by transforming it into an export-driven economy. We need to develop tourism, attract new investments, and boost export trade. There is a dedicated plan in place for this. Currently, we have the Biyagama A and B investment zones, and in the next phase, we will introduce Keragala as Zone C, covering approximately 120 acres. There are also 60-70 acres in the Ganekanda waththa, which will be allocated to companies for starting agricultural industries, creating numerous job opportunities. This will lead to the establishment of both a production zone and a product modernization zone.

We have a comprehensive plan to develop the Gampaha district, and in the coming days, I urge all of you to spread this message from house to house.

To the UNP members, I want to say that now we have a divide with SJB. But remember, a vote for Sajith is essentially a vote for Anura. Encourage the UNP supporters to vote for me. Cast your vote for the “Gas Cylinder”, because if we don't, this country could explode just like a gas cylinder.

Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena:

We are gathered here today not for the victory of a single party, but to bring success to the people of this country. President Ranil Wickremesinghe is running as an independent candidate in this election. The future generation must be freed from the burden of debt. When the people were suffering, he didn’t back down. He took on the responsibility of leading a bankrupt country and restored it to stability.

When Sajith Premadasa and Anura Dissanayake, now contesting in this Presidential Election, had no plan to uplift the country, Ranil Wickremesinghe stepped in after they fled and accepted the challenge of rebuilding the country. Today, he has brought the country back to normalcy.

Thanks to his political experience and leadership, Sri Lanka has regained international recognition. The people suffered during the economic crisis, but due to his correct decisions, they are now receiving relief.

The country is on the path of growth, and programs to provide further relief are underway. Political stability has returned, and the public service is being strengthened.

Despite facing economic crises, he has increased the salaries of public servants. Plans are in place to raise salaries once again starting from January 2025.

Minister Prasanna Ranatunga:

Due to the bad weather conditions in this region, we advised the President not to attend this event, but he insisted on coming to support the people. The people of Dompe love their country, and the people of Gampaha District are ready to face challenges. Amid the economic crisis, many fled, claiming the country would collapse. But President Ranil Wickremesinghe took responsibility for the future of the country and its recovery.

As a team that accepted the challenge, we are working to ensure President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s victory becomes a triumph for the country. At every moment when the economy was falling apart, he took steps to stabilize it. Even in 2022, he stepped in and brought the country to a better state.

Anura Dissanayake and his group, who set the entire country ablaze in 1988-89, are now seeking power. During the time of the Aragalaya, their so-called 'helmet brigade' looted people's homes and set them on fire. If Ranil Wickremesinghe hadn't taken responsibility for the country during such a critical moment, Sri Lanka could have faced the same fate as Bangladesh.

Education Minister Susil Premajayantha;  

This Dompe seat has long been a stronghold of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), and that remains unchanged even today.

During a time of crisis, President Ranil Wickremesinghe stepped up to stabilize the country and is now running as an independent candidate in the upcoming presidential election. It is important to note that he intends to continue this progress over the next five years.

As Minister of Education, I faced challenges in providing schoolchildren with textbooks, uniforms, and shoes. Today, our government has the capacity to supply all of these, and we have already signed agreements to provide free uniforms to students starting next year.

We have the best team on our side. Have Sajith or Anura even managed a local council? Yet, they are now traveling around the country asking for power.

Since January, steps have been taken to eliminate the salary disputes among government employees that have persisted for 29 years. As a result, the basic salary for them has been increased to Rs. 55,000.

The NPP led by JVP offers no real solutions to the problems faced by government employees. Anura Kumara Dissanayake only knows how to organize protests and strikes.

State Minister Lasantha Alagiyawanna;  

We have participated in elections since 1994, with the people of Dompe seat casting over 77% of their votes in each one.

This platform is unlike any other in history. It brings together representatives from various parties, including many major ones, united for a common purpose. We stand together to ensure the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who bravely stabilized the country during a time of chaos. Party politics can wait; as a nation, we still have unresolved issues.

Some countries around the world have become politically unstable. Let's not repeat the mistakes of the past. There's no need for experiments. Nalaka Godahewa, who was elected to parliament from the Gampaha district, is nowhere to be found today. We can't afford to make the same errors again.

MP Milan Jayathilake;

The people of this country have endured various hardships. We all understand why you are standing here today, even in heavy rain. Over a hundred MPs have rallied behind President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who safeguarded both the property and lives of the people during the “Aragalaya”.

He is a leader who truly loves his country, and we are here today to support him, rather than following other leaders. The leaders of that time failed to protect the people during the crisis. Our citizens were left vulnerable, and we cannot stand by while the people are under threat.

We owe a great debt to President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Today, many countries around Sri Lanka have become unstable due to internal conflicts, leaving their people to suffer.

We must not let this opportunity slip away and risk becoming another Bangladesh. Sajith and Anura fled when the country needed those most, but what have they contributed since then? Anura Dissanayake continues to engage in hypocritical politics today.

UNP Deputy Leader, Ruwan Wijewardene;

First and foremost, I want to thank the large crowd that has gathered here today despite the bad weather. Dompe has traditionally been a left-wing stronghold, but today, all parties have come together on the same platform for the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has created a country where we can breathe freely today. If he had not been there during the crisis, what would have happened to the country now? He has a clear and effective plan for the nation's future. That is why we are united for his victory, regardless of party affiliations.

Former MP Ashu Marasinghe was aslo addressed the gathering, which was attended by a large number of political leaders, electorate organizers, district organizers, and representatives from various parties.

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