Anura Should Return to the Stage to Answer Key Questions

• Should we accept Anura’s or Hadunnetti’s stance on an export-driven economy?

• Why not support other related acts if the anti-corruption act I introduced is implemented?

• Criticizing the bond issue without understanding the court’s judgment.

• Sajith’s dual manifestos create confusion and challenges for the people today- President says in Welimada.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe raised questions about the economic stance of the National People's Power (NPP), highlighting inconsistencies in statements made by its leaders. He remarked that while Anura Kumara Dissanayake speaks of an export-oriented economy, Sunil Handunnetti discusses an import-based approach, leaving the true economic policy unclear. The President urged that Dissanayake should clarify this on his platform.

Referring to Dissanayake’s claim that the Anti-Corruption Act would be fully implemented to eliminate corruption, President Wickremesinghe emphasized that passing this law alone is insufficient. He pointed out that additional steps to fight corruption have been proposed under the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" program. The President questioned why Dissanayake limits himself to this single bill and does not support broader anti-corruption measures if he is serious about addressing the issue.

He further stressed that political debates should involve responses across platforms, and expressed hope that Anura Kumara Dissanayake would recover soon and address these concerns. President Wickremesinghe made these remarks during the "Ranil ta Puluwan" (Ranil Can ) victory rally in Welimada today (08), which saw a large turnout in support of his candidacy for the upcoming presidential election.

A notable moment during the rally was the appearance of Thalatha Athukorala, the Ratnapura District MP from the Samagi Jana Balawegaya Party, who resigned to join the President's campaign.

Additionally, the President addressed the dual manifestos of Sajith Premadasa, questioning the coherence of his policy direction and suggesting that the public has been left uncertain about his true intentions.

Addressing the public rally, President Ranil Wickremesinghe emphasized the need to continue the programs aimed at rebuilding the country. He stated:

"We must carry forward the initiative we began to develop Sri Lanka. A new phase of this program can start from September 22, and I am seeking your mandate to implement it. We have already taken steps to ease the burdens on people's lives and provide them with income opportunities. In addition, we have introduced Aswesuma and Urumaya programs, and next year, we will launch an initiative to create jobs for young people.

Real relief for the people can only come through our ‘Puluwan Sri Lanka,' and youth employment can only be ensured by promoting the country. Other candidates have not addressed these issues. We have also implemented a broad program to boost tourism and are paying particular attention to improving education in this region. Efforts are underway to raise the standards of Welimada Madhya Maha Vidyalaya and Uva Paranagama Cappetipola Vidyalaya to the level of top schools in Badulla and Bandarawela.

Sajith Premadasa currently has two policy statements—one called ‘Sathutu Deyak' and another called 'Blueprint 3.' People are left wondering which one to follow. I aim to build an export-oriented economy. Anura Kumara Dissanayake also expressed his intention to create an export economy, and I welcomed that. However, his manifesto proposes the abolition of free trade agreements, which are essential for exports.

Moreover, Sunil Handunnetti filed a case against the Economic Transformation Bill, arguing that establishing export industries contradicts the Constitution and that local industries should be protected. This shows a lack of coherent policy. Last Friday in Morawaka, Dissanayake asked me to respond to his concerns, and I expected him to do the same at his rally the following day. Instead, he spoke about the bond issue. Later, I learned he was unwell, so I sincerely wish him a speedy recovery to address these matters.

He hasn’t answered my question, but I have already responded to his comments during my speech in Jaffna. The people of this country deserve clarity—are we moving towards an export economy or an import economy? While Dissanayake talks about exports, Handunnetti promotes imports.

Regarding the bond issue, Anura Kumara is making accusations today. I had previously called for an investigation into the bond scandal, and we set up a commission. I stated that I had no involvement but suggested that those potentially guilty should be prosecuted. A case was filed, but the accused were acquitted as the charges were not proven in both the High Court and Court of Appeal.

Anura Kumara Dissanayake claims that those involved in the bond scandal will be brought to justice. However, the court has ruled that they are not guilty. I’ve stated that if Mr. Dissanayake wishes to take the case to the Supreme Court, he is welcome to do so and can send his lawyers. It's important to understand the facts before making statements—whether individuals were found guilty or acquitted.

Anura Kumara talks about eliminating corruption and implementing the Anti-Corruption Act. While that is commendable, I must point out that the Anti-Corruption Act alone is insufficient. We were the ones who introduced it, and we've outlined additional steps through the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" program. My question is, does he agree with this broader approach?

We have introduced the Criminal Property Bill. I ask whether Anura Kumara Dissanayake will support this bill or not. Next, we will implement the National Anti-Corruption Plan—does he support that as well?

Another important question is whether Anura Kumara agrees to amend the National Audit Act No. 19 of 2018 to expand the Auditor General's powers. We are also committed to strengthening institutions like the Bribery or Corruption Investigation Commission. Will he back these efforts?

Additionally, information about assets and liabilities can now be accessed online. Does Anura Kumara support this level of transparency? And does he agree to tougher laws on financial crimes and money laundering, including amendments to company regulations?

The real issue here is why his anti-corruption agenda seems limited to a single law. Why hasn’t he supported the other bills we’ve passed? Tackling corruption requires a comprehensive set of laws, not just one.

So, I am addressing two key questions to my friend Anura Kumara Dissanayake. First, what is your stance on an export-oriented economy? Second, will you support our broader anti-corruption program or limit yourself to just one law?

I’ll continue asking these questions until we receive answers. Political debates are about addressing issues raised across platforms, and I hope Anura Kumara recovers soon and provides the necessary responses.”

Parliamentarian Major Sudarshana Denipitiya,

All parties are gathered at President Ranil Wickremesinghe's platform. At a time when the country was in bankruptcy and the economy had collapsed, no party leader stepped forward to take charge.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe took on the challenge without any conditions and worked to alleviate the people's suffering. Thanks to the measures implemented by the President over the past two years, the country's economy has gradually stabilized. With the establishment of economic reforms and a peaceful environment, the number of foreign tourists visiting Sri Lanka has increased, and the tourism industry has developed. Today, the Welimada area is also becoming a tourist zone. President Ranil Wickremesinghe's economic policies are essential for the next five years.

Former Minister Harin Fernando

This Presidential election is between the leader who saved the country and those who saved their own skin. We are well aware of the actions of the leaders from the National Peoples’ Power (NPP) led by JVP in history. The public must decide on the 21st whether we need that kind of devastation again.

When the country went bankrupt and public servants were unable to receive their salaries, the groups that prioritized their own safety are now attempting to present themselves as heroes on the stage.

During the ‘Aragalaya’ Sajith Premadasa came to Galle Face and urged the government to step down within a month. However, when Gotabaya Rajapaksa was prepared to take over the country, Sajith Premadasa fled. During that crisis, Sajith Premadasa came to Galle Face and criticized the government, promising to leave after a month. However, when Gotabaya Rajapaksa asked him to take over, he fled.

Sajith Premadasa showed no interest in helping to rebuild the economy during the time people were suffering in the queues. President Ranil Wickremesinghe took charge of the fallen country and moved it forward gradually. At that time, Sajith Premadasa and Anura Dissanayake only tried to hinder the progress. The nation witnessed Anura Dissanayake's group setting houses on fire within two hours. Such leaders cannot win an election in this country.

Currently, there are no issues with fuel, food, or medicine. President Ranil Wickremesinghe has started the election campaign with a target of 06 million votes. The President’s economic plan will soon bring the country to a point where it will not fall again. Therefore, you must decide whether to support a leader who has shown tangible results or to continue with those who merely make false promises from the podium. If the economic recovery achieved by President Ranil Wickremesinghe is forgotten within two years, the future of this country will be very bleak. I urge you to give the country to the only leader capable of taking on the challenge of lifting it up.

State Minister Chamara Sampath Dassanayake;

Recently, there was a JVP meeting at this same location. During that event, JVP leaders suggested holding a rally in Welimada if possible. Today’s rally has attracted more people than the JVP rally did. We have not drawn attendees from elsewhere; this turnout is entirely from Paranagama and Welimada.

The JVP claims to have secured 92% of the postal votes. However, even though Mahinda Rajapaksa won the war, he received only 58% of the votes. This discrepancy highlights the frequent inaccuracies in the JVP’s claims.

We have been adversely affected by the iRoad project, and construction on the Nadumgamuwa Road has halted. Therefore, I propose that, once President Ranil Wickremesinghe re-appointed as the next president, we allocate USD 50 million to the Badulla district in the Uva province. I am committed to addressing the needs of the Uva people and am confident that the president will secure a substantial victory in the Badulla district during the upcoming presidential election.

Former MP Thalatha Athukorala;

I have set aside a long-held burden and joined the campaign to support the independent candidate, President Ranil Wickremesinghe. With 20 years of political experience, I am well acquainted with both Sajith Premadasa and Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Two years ago, the former president fled the country amid an economic crisis, leaving the people to suffer from shortages of food and fuel. During that challenging time, President Ranil Wickremesinghe stepped up with courage and worked diligently to steer the country in the right direction. I am confident that, following this presidential election, President Ranil Wickremesinghe will continue to serve the people with dedication. Therefore, President Wickremesinghe’s popularity will transform into your victory.

Religious leaders, including the Maha Sangha, Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva, A. Aravindh Kumar, former PC Member Ravi Gunawardena, and several representatives from various political parties, attended the rally.

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