A Leader Must Have the Ability to Collaborate With Any Team

• Sajith is an Irresponsible Leader When It Comes to Teamwork.

• Sajith is Fulfilling His Agreement by Supporting Anura.

• He Led the Nation's Economic Recovery During a Crisis, Alongside a Unified Team.

• Clarification Needed on Defence Expenditure Revisions in SJB Blue Print Policy - President says in Matugama.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe emphasized that a true leader is someone who can work effectively with any team. He criticized Sajith Premadasa, stating that despite his talk about teamwork, he fails to take responsibility as a leader. Wickremesinghe also remarked that Sajith is currently fulfilling an agreement by supporting Anura Kumara Dissanayake.

Reflecting on his own leadership, the President highlighted how he successfully steered the country’s economy through a challenging period, working alongside a dedicated team focused on national recovery. He reaffirmed his commitment to advancing the country’s development program with the team chosen by the people in the next general election.

President Wickremesinghe made these remarks during his address at the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" victory rally held at the Matugama private bus station earlier today (05). The rally, organized to support his upcoming presidential bid, was attended by a large crowd, who warmly welcomed the President.

During the event, the "Five-Pronged" youth proposal was presented to the President, and a special song composed for him by Tarushi Anuttara Edirimanna was also performed.

In his speech, President Wickremesinghe addressed questions regarding his political team, clarifying that his candidacy for the presidential election is not about selecting a group, but rather demonstrating the strength and responsibility required for leadership. He emphasized that a capable leader does not necessarily need a team to talk about the responsibilities of the presidency.

The President also highlighted the proposal on the "re-examination and assessment of defence expenditure" outlined in the Samagi Jana Balawegaya's blueprint policy statement, urging them to provide an immediate explanation to the country regarding this matter.

Extending his remarks, President Ranil Wickremesinghe stated:

"Two years ago, if anyone had asked whether elections could be held or if economic stability could be achieved, the answer would have been 'no.' However, we have now established economic stability and are conducting elections. This election is about securing the people's mandate. I urge the public to support us in confirming this stability and launching an economic program that will prevent future bankruptcy.

We revived the country's collapsed economy in two years, but the journey is far from complete. We need another three to four years to finish this work, and we must continue with our planned initiatives. Our focus is on easing the burden on people's lives, strengthening the rupee, and lightening the tax load. Additionally, we aim to boost employment and shift towards an export-driven economy.

Through the Agriculture Modernization Program, we are developing this area into a new crop centre, and a tourist hub will also be established to promote tourism. We are initiating multiple investment zones across the country, which will generate many new job opportunities.

Today, young people handed me a letter outlining their demands, and I want to assure them that we are working to fulfil these requests, including the establishment of a technical college in this area.

Some people ask me about my team. This election is not about selecting groups but choosing a president. When J.R. Jayawardene, Chandrika Kumaratunga or Mahinda Rajapaksa ran for presidency neither of them looked at others. When Maithripala Sirisena was nominated, we urged the United National Party to support him, and that’s why he won.

The focus should be on selecting the president, someone capable of handling the responsibilities of the office. I am not running to form a group. According to the Constitution, the group is selected during parliamentary elections, where 225 members are chosen, and the one with the majority can become Prime Minister. It is the people’s responsibility to elect competent individuals to Parliament. With the new anti-corruption law in place, I will take action against anyone who commits wrongdoing.

I work with the team I have, as a leader should be able to collaborate with any group. Currently, the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) has not been able to present a unified election manifesto. Instead, there are two conflicting ones. On one side, there is Nalaka Godahewa and G.L. Peiris, while on the other, Harsha de Silva and Kabir Hashim represent different ideas. These manifestos have inconsistencies.

One of the policy statements mentions a re-examination and reassessment of defence expenditure, which implies a reduction in military spending. They need to explain this to the country.

Despite not having a clear manifesto, the SJB is telling us to unite as a group. However, there are two factions within the SJB; like twins born at different times. G.L. Peiris and Nalaka Godahewa represent one side, while Harsha de Silva, Eran Wickramaratne, and Kabir Hashim represent the other. The SJB must decide which direction to follow. Can the country really be entrusted to such a divided group?

As opposition leader, Sajith Premadasa only strengthened Anura Kumara Dissanayake, and now Anura has become a challenge for Sajith. For this reason, Sajith cannot win the upcoming presidential election. I would like to remind the UNP supporters that voting for Sajith is essentially providing support to Anura Kumara. People have even started calling the SJB "AKD Oxygen." So, on September 21st, I urge you to do your duty by cutting off that support.”

Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena;

Two years ago, Sri Lanka's economy experienced an unprecedented collapse, leaving the nation in despair and uncertainty about its future. Amid this turmoil, many leaders who could have steered the country fled. However, President Ranil Wickramasinghe stepped up to the challenge, providing crucial guidance and steering Sri Lanka back on track.

Assuming leadership during a period of political instability, President Wickramasinghe not only ended the tragic era of violence against MPs but also addressed the crisis in queues, where many lives were lost. His efforts to restore law and order have been instrumental in stabilizing the economy of the country.

As the presidential election approaches, no other candidate matches President Wickramasinghe's combination of ability, experience, and international relations. Given his proven track record and qualifications, President Ranil Wickramasinghe is the most suitable choice for President in the upcoming election.

Former Minister Manusha Nanayakkara;

A child from this area recently voiced a sentiment that resonates with many: the future of our country must be carefully considered. It’s clear that even the youngest understand the gravity of our situation today.

Today, everyone on this stage is united in their effort to ensure your victory. While “Kaiyanayaka” and “Puthano” dismissed the people like “Mahadana Muththay, Golayo Roththay”, President Ranil Wickramasinghe took on the challenge without hesitation, truly addressing your concerns.

Today, SJB has copied our manifesto and presented their own. It is evident that these individuals are not naive enough to entrust the country to someone who lacks the capability to lead effectively on their own. Examining the use of postal votes by government employees yesterday and today reveals the extent of Ranil Wickramasinghe's success. Following the casting of these votes, the JVP has announced that they will not be increasing salaries of the government employees’ salaries.

As a result, Sajith Premadasa has recognized that the momentum has shifted. He is now reaching out in various directions to align himself more closely with Ranil Wickramasinghe. Initially, the NPP led by JVP dismissed the IMF, but now they claim there is no alternative to the existing order. Meanwhile, members of the JVP are expressing conflicting opinions, with Anura and Harini presenting differing views. Despite their extensive poster campaign in the village, the JVP has been increasingly rejected by the community.

I assure you that President Ranil Wickramasinghe will continue to serve and support you beyond the election on the 21st, just as he has over the past two years. For that on-going commitment, all he asks is your decisive support at the polls by casting your vote for 'Gas Cylinder’.

State Minister Anupa Pasqual;

During the last election, we made several key promises. One of the most significant was addressing the longstanding issue of drinking water, which had been tainted with salt for decades, forcing residents to drink saltwater for 40 years. We are pleased to report that this problem has now been completely resolved.

Additionally, President Ranil Wickramasinghe introduced a promotion procedure for Samurdhi officials and has pledged to merge the “Aswesuma” and “Samurdhi” programs if he wins the upcoming presidential election. We have also arranged to provide our nurses with job opportunities in Japan.

MP Dr. Rajitha Senarathne;

Today, a major contest for the presidency has begun, involving significant expenditures. In May 2022, former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa was offered the presidency, but at that time, only President Ranil Wickramasinghe stepped up to accept it.

The opposition leader was initially invited to take on the presidency. After a three-hour discussion, they emerged and tweeted that only a strong leader could rescue the country from its economic crisis, implicitly acknowledging that they were not that leader.

After that, he spoke with Anura. But the leader of the proletariat did not assume the leadership of the country either. Now, they are traveling across the nation with proposals for rebuilding the country. If they were truly committed to this, they should have taken on the responsibility then.

General Fonseka was also approached and said he would take over only if the people did not oppose him, implying that a referendum would be necessary to confirm his presidency. Ultimately, he declined the offer. Similarly, the Frontline Socialists (Peratugameen) also refused to assume state power at that time.

Following all these, President Ranil Wickramasinghe, who was then the single MP, was asked if he could lead the country. He affirmed that he could. In front of journalists, he confidently stated that the nation could be saved from its economic crisis, though it would require some time.

Today, he stands before you as a candidate for the upcoming presidential election, having demonstrated his capabilities during that critical period. Ranil Wickramasinghe is making history as the first leader to revive a bankrupt country within such a short span of two years.

In a developed country, there might be no other contenders for this presidential election. However, political dynamics in Sri Lanka involve complex party and individual interests. Donald Lu has referred to Sri Lanka's economic recovery as an 'economic miracle,' and former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison recently remarked that despite arriving in what he expected to be a bankrupt nation, he found significant change, calling it a miracle.

Moreover, the IMF recently advised Ethiopia, which faced a similar financial crisis, to adopt the methods employed by Ranil Wickramasinghe in Sri Lanka. This international recognition underscores the significant achievements of the current President.

Parliamentarian Rohitha Abeygunawardena,

On May 12, 2022, Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe was appointed as the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. Later, on July 20, 2022, he was elected as President with the support of 134 Members of Parliament. I would like to remind you to reflect for a moment on the state of the country at that time.

We experienced 17-hour power cuts daily. Gas cylinders were scarce, and people had to wait in queues for kilometres just to get one. Some even spent two or three days in the queue. Medicines for children were unavailable, and many could not afford to purchase them. There was no milk powder and people were unable to go to work. They had to search for basic necessities like gas, milk powder and rice. That was the reality of our country back then.

Today, those seeking the presidency were not willing to shoulder the responsibility at that time—they ran away. However, President Ranil Wickremesinghe, with only one seat in Parliament, took charge of the country. With his leadership and our support, the country is now on a stable path.

Our support for him in this election is not just for the past two years; he needs more time to complete the work he has started in rebuilding the country. That is why we are determined to help him win this Presidential Election. We can win this election. I urge you to take this message to those who stood in the fuel, gas and milk powder queues in your village. Let us ensure a prosperous future by supporting President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Minister Jeevan Thondaman,

For the first time, a Tamil school is being established in the Mathugama area. Additionally, the President has pledged to provide a viable solution to the wage issues faced by Estate workers. Our efforts are focused on creating opportunities for our people.

During the times of gas, electricity, and medicine shortages, Anura and Sajith were not present. The public had lost all hope. But President Ranil Wickremesinghe stepped forward to rebuild the country for the people. A daily wage of Rs. 1,700 is guaranteed for plantation workers. This achievement is a result of President Ranil Wickremesinghe's dedicated efforts and should be recognized as a significant success.

State Minister Piyal Nishantha,

Two years ago, the country was grappling with severe economic, social, and political crises. The leader who lifted the nation from that difficult situation is none other than President Ranil Wickremesinghe. He is a leader with clear goals, a vision, and a solid plan. That’s why we all stand united behind his leadership. Regardless of what others say or how loud their voices get, it is certain that the people's choice will make President Ranil Wickremesinghe victorious in this election.

There are many political parties in this country, and 39 Presidential candidates. I don't criticize any party or candidate. My approach to politics is different—what matters to me is working for the betterment of this country.

Back then, President Ranil Wickremesinghe, as Minister of Youth Affairs, established the National Youth Services Council to address youth issues. Similarly, through his 'Puluwan Sri Lanka' program, there are valuable proposals focused on revamping education for children and securing the future of young people. These initiatives must be implemented, as they are crucial for the country's progress.

The only leadership capable of executing a plan that truly fits this country is President Ranil Wickremesinghe. We recognize the need for his leadership, and that’s why we are committed to ensuring his victory.

Former Provincial Councillor Shenal Welgama, former Chairman of the Dodangoda Pradeshiya Sabha Tenil Vishwa Shanta, and Sri Lanka Freedom Party Organizer for Mathugama Sripal Wanniarachchi also shared their views at this event. A large group, including regional political leaders, organizers, and district organizers representing various political parties, attended the occasion.

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