A Collaborative Path to Progress with Support from Friendly Nations

• Comprehensive Development in Trincomalee in Partnership with India.

• Kitchen Struggles will be Resolved by 2025.

• Sajith and Anura, Who Preach Patriotism Today, Abandoned the People During the Economic Crisis.

• After the Economy has been Stabilized, 38 Individuals are Contesting for the Nation- President states in Kantale.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe highlighted that, due to the government's efforts over the past two years to rebuild the economy, Sri Lanka has gained the support of friendly nations, including India and Japan, in its journey towards progress. Speaking at the "Ranil Can" (Ranil ta Puluwan) victory rally in front of the Kantale Railway Station this morning (16), he emphasized that, in partnership with the Indian government, Trincomalee will see extensive development. Additionally, he reaffirmed his commitment to addressing the nation's living conditions, aiming to resolve the "kitchen battle" by 2025.

A large crowd attended the rally, which was organized to support President Wickremesinghe's candidacy in the upcoming presidential election. Responding to public demands, the President announced plans to establish an industrial zone, restore the Kantale Sugar Factory, and construct the Verugal Aru Bridge.

During his address, President Wickremesinghe criticized Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake for abandoning the people during the previous economic crisis, despite now speaking about patriotism. He also noted that, following two years of economic stabilization, 38 individuals are currently working to rebuild the nation.

Addressing the public rally, President Ranil Wickremesinghe further said:

I ran as the UNP candidate in the 2005 presidential election, contesting against former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Unfortunately, I lost because the people of the North did not vote for me that day. I had presented a program called "Yali Pubudamu" to develop the country, but it came to an end with my defeat. I chose not to contest the 2019 presidential election. When Gotabaya Rajapaksa was running against Sajith Premadasa, I warned him not to reduce taxes.

In 2016, during a discussion I had with the International Monetary Fund as Prime Minister, they made it clear that reducing taxes would result in losing IMF support. I made this public at the time. Yet, when Gotabaya Rajapaksa came into power, he reduced taxes, and as expected, the IMF stopped providing relief.

During the 2020 parliamentary elections, I clearly stated that the country needed $6 billion to address its primary economic issues. No other party addressed this problem. Instead, promises were made to give everything for free, and as a result, we lost the 2020 elections.

As predicted, the economy collapsed in 2022. The people were left queuing for food, medicine, fuel, and gas. I don't need to repeat the hardships we faced. As a consequence, the government led by the SLPP crumbled.

At that moment, no one stepped forward to take over the government. I had to take on that responsibility. Both Sajith and Anura refused, leaving the people behind. That was their version of patriotism.

Now, after two years of stabilizing the country’s economy, 38 people are trying to take control, but they are incapable of moving the nation forward.

I brought together people from all parties to strengthen the economy. Neither Sajith nor Anura supported me, but the majority stood with me. Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa extended his support, as did Mr. Wajira Abeywardena from the United National Party. Members from various parties, including the Podujana Peramuna, also joined me. Despite this, they accused me of being part of the Rajapaksa government.

If this were truly a Rajapaksa government, Namal Rajapaksa would be standing on this platform with me. I appreciate the support they offered in times of need, but with the majority in hand, I took the lead in negotiating with the International Monetary Fund and successfully implemented the program.

I am fully aware of the suffering our people endured during the economic crisis. Some could barely afford one meal a day. Even today, challenges persist. However, thanks to the sound economic decisions we made, the rupee has strengthened and commodity prices have gradually decreased. But I’m not satisfied with that alone. We will take further steps to ease the burden on people’s lives in the coming year.

In many countries, it took 5 to 10 years to resolve such crises. Greece, for example, needed 8 years, during which a third of government employees were laid off and wages were slashed by 50%. I did not take such extreme measures. Instead, we stabilized the economy. While Sajith and Anura turned their backs and fled, they now promise tax cuts in exchange for power.

The truth is, there is no alternative to the program with the International Monetary Fund. We must protect and advance this program, which is why I am seeking a mandate for the next five years.

To move forward, we must shift towards a competitive export-driven economy. For this, we have initiated an agricultural modernization program. Durian cultivation should take root in this region. By exporting durians to China, we can mirror Thailand, which earns $1 billion annually from durian exports. Over the next five years, we aim to develop Kantale as a key agricultural area.

In addition, we are developing the Trincomalee port in partnership with India. Plans are underway to relocate the Sapugaskanda oil refinery to Trincomalee, while Sampur is being transformed into a solar energy hub. Trincomalee will also grow as a tourism destination, and we’ll establish trade and investment zones there. The governments of India and Sri Lanka are collaborating on this development.

Thanks to the efforts we began two years ago to rebuild the economy, we now have the support of nations like Japan, India, and others to continue this path. We must maintain this momentum.

So, I urge everyone to vote for the "gas cylinder" symbol to help resolve the ‘kitchen battle’ and continue this journey of recovery.

State Minister Suren Raghavan:

The culture of ragging in state universities was introduced by the JVP. Under the guidance of President Ranil Wickremesinghe, steps have been taken to put an end to this harmful practice. It's clear that what Sri Lanka needs now is an economic engineer, a leader with a deep understanding of the economy.

The only candidate in this election who possesses those qualifications is President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Even Harvard University has recognized the economic model he developed to rebuild Sri Lanka. There is interest in using this model for the development of African countries as well.

The Dissanayakes, who set the country on fire, and the traitors who abandoned us during times of chaos, have contributed nothing to this nation. That’s why we must rally together for the victory of the one leader who has truly worked for the nation – President Ranil Wickremesinghe. I urge all of you to commit to his victory.

Former Chief Minister of North Central Province Peshala Jayaratne:

We stand united as a nation to once again entrust President Ranil Wickremesinghe with the responsibility of rebuilding our country on September 21. Economic instability often leads to political turmoil, and during our country’s recent crises, neither Sajith Premadasa nor Anura Kumara stepped up to take on that crucial role. President Wickremesinghe is the only leader who has embraced this responsibility, and thanks to his efforts, the nation is beginning to recover.

Meanwhile, the presidential candidates who once avoided responsibility are now making grandiose claims about a 76-year curse. They should be reminded of the true curses that have plagued our country, such as the 30 War and the uprisings of 1971 and 1988/89. Had these devastations not occurred, our progress over the past 76 years would have been far greater. Despite their avoidance of the consequences of their actions, it’s important to note that the JVP, now represented by Anura Kumara, was responsible for the two rebellions that significantly hindered the country’s development. Given his role in such destruction, Anura Kumara has no standing to criticize our 76-year history.

Despite facing numerous subversive actions, Sri Lanka has emerged as a globally recognized nation, thanks to its commitment to free education and healthcare. It is clear that 75 years of dedicated efforts have elevated our country to an international level.

Notably, the White Paper introduced by President Ranil Wickremesinghe during his tenure as Minister of Education is now being echoed in the JVP's current policy statement. At that time, the White Paper faced strong opposition: university students protested, school education was disrupted, buses were set on fire, and state property was damaged. After many years, those who once caused such destruction are now following the policies of President Ranil Wickremesinghe. They have no other choice.

Given this context, we have no viable alternative. I urge you to cast your vote for the “Gas Cylinder” l on September 21 to ensure that President Ranil Wickremesinghe continues to lead and guide our country forward.

Parliamentarian Kapila Athukorala:

In 2022, the country faced a severe economic crisis. During this time of peril and famine, no leader stepped forward to take charge. Only President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who then held a single ministerial seat in Parliament, offered to protect the lives of the people. He received support from Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Pohottuwa group. During a time when even politicians could not venture out into the community, President Ranil Wickremesinghe provided the necessary relief to the people and also protected the right of politicians to engage in governance.

While some proposed solutions for the economic crisis involved inciting public protests, creating disturbances, and causing bloodshed, others ignored the issue altogether. Those who now criticize the situation from the side-lines failed to act when it mattered. It is crucial to remember this when casting your vote on the 21st.

Today, all those who appreciate President Wickremesinghe's dedication are rallying around him. If the country’s economy were to collapse again, none of the leaders who fled during the crisis would take responsibility. Therefore, I am confident that the people will not choose a path back to chaos.

Religious leaders led by Maha Sangha, former MP and Seruwawila UNP Chief Organizer Sandeep Samarasinghe, former Eastern Provincial Council Minister Ariyawathi Galappaththi, Seruwawila SJB Organizer Nalin Gunawardena, SLFP Seruwawila Chief Organizer Ananda Kasturiarachchi, along with other prominent figures and heads of governing bodies, were also present at the rally.

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