Sri Lanka’s Political Platform Must Focus on Saving the Nation

• Can We Trust Leaders Who Flee During Tough Times?

• Sajith and Anura Likely to Abandon the Country in Future Crises

• A Vote for a Gas Cylinder is a Vote for Stability: It Also Shapes the Nation’s and Children’s Future - President says during Nugegoda Rally

President Ranil Wickremesinghe said that the political platform of "Puluwan Sri Lanka" is the platform to save the country, and politicians who thought that political gains should be made even if the people died are outside that platform.

The President also made an open challenge for anyone to come to the stage and answer him if he is wrong.

The President mentioned this while joining the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" victory rally held today (28) at the Ananda Samarakoon Open Air Theater in Nugegoda.

A large number of people attended this rally organized to confirm the victory of President Ranil Wickremesinghe in the upcoming presidential election. They welcomed the President here with great enthusiasm.

The President questioned how the leaders, who did not think about the people and had no solution then, can ask the people to appoint him as the President of the country today and said that Sajith and Anura will run away when this kind of difficulty arises in the country again.

Therefore, President Ranil Wickremesinghe said that the people should work to appoint a leader who was with them when they were in trouble and emphasized that the vote for the gas cylinder in this presidential election is a vote for the kitchen as well as the vote that will decide the future of the country and the children.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe further said;

I would like to ask whether, as political leaders, we should be standing on stage criticizing each other while the country's economy collapses, or if we should be working together to find a solution. When there is no gas to cook with, no fuel, and our fellow citizens are dying without access to medicine—regardless of our political affiliations—shouldn't we be seeking solutions together instead of engaging in endless debates?

The opposition criticizes us for coming together, but I ask, what have these critics actually done? Do they have solutions for the country's problems? Have they worked to provide relief to the people? No, when they were given responsibility, they chose to run away. In contrast, when I was given the responsibility as a single MP, I called on everyone to join me. I invited Sajith Premadasa and Anura Kumara Dissanayake to come together.

Today, on this stage, are those who chose to stand with me. Outside this stage are those who believe that political advantage is more important than the lives of the people. If they believe this is wrong, I challenge them to come to this platform and demand answers from me directly.

On this stage, we have people of different heights, skin colors, races, and religions. My first question is, why didn't all of you join us before?

How can leaders who did not care for the people and offered no solutions in the past now ask to be made President? If a crisis like this occurs again, they will be the first to flee the country. What would we do then? That's why it is crucial to choose a leader who will stand with you during tough times. If the country faces difficulties again, neither Sajith Premadasa nor Anura Kumara Dissanayake will be there for the people.

I also want to point out that it is pointless for leaders who were absent during difficult times to now come forward with promises and read from their prepared speeches. Today, they make various promises, like reducing the prices of goods and offering tax cuts, but they have not explained how they would finance these measures.

Therefore, your vote for the gas cylinder is not a vote for me; it is a vote for your household and daily needs. This election is not about my future; it is about creating a better quality of life for all and securing a brighter future for our children. I urge everyone to vote to support a stable and prosperous future.

Minister Dr. Susil Premajayantha,

Two and a half years ago, members of Parliament were hesitant to approach gas stations or petrol pumps. During that period, the Cabinet convened at the SLIDA Institute auditorium. Decisions made during that meeting have significantly advanced the country's economic recovery. Individuals from various parties have since united on a single platform to restore the economy, setting aside political differences.

In May, the President established a committee to address discrepancies in public service. According to the committee's report, the minimum salary for public servants is now set at Rs.55,000, reflecting a 35% increase in government employee salaries. These changes were implemented while recovering from a collapsed economy. Every economic decision has been made in consultation with the Treasury and the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. President Ranil Wickremesinghe has pursued sound decisions, even when they were not popular.

The violence and unrest of 1988-89 were revisited in 2022 by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), which saw houses set on fire and MPs attacked in the streets. Despite this, they now seek the Presidency. The people are not deceived by these actions.

Minister Dr. Bandula Gunawardena,

President Ranil Wickremesinghe stands out as the only leader who formulates a National Policy during the Presidential Election, enacts it into law, and then contests for the Presidency. Thanks to the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the country has made significant economic progress. When Sri Lanka’s economic situation was not recognized internationally, President Ranil Wickremesinghe's efforts to stabilize and uplift the economy garnered international appreciation.

In addition to economic recovery, the President has implemented relief measures, including ‘Aswesuma’, ‘Urumaya’ and rice subsidies. He has also halted money printing and effectively managed debt, and introduced the Economic Transformation Law. These actions were taken for the benefit of the people. Therefore, I urge everyone to support  President Ranil Wickremesinghe and contribute to his victory.

MP and Attorney-at-Law Premanath C. Dolawatta,

After enduring two years of hardship, the economy has finally started to recover. The crucial decision of whether we will return to a crisis or continue on the path of recovery will be made on September 21. The Samagi Jana Balawegaya, which claims to have economic expertise, failed to step up during the crisis to help save the country.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has never made unrealistic promises. He has avoided making empty promises and focused on tangible results. Thanks to the economic progress achieved, a committee has recommended increasing public employees' salaries by Rs.25,000 by 2025. President Wickremesinghe has challenged  Sajith Premadasa and Anura Dissanayake regarding the IMF agreement. Sajith Premadasa has publicly stated his inability to participate alone, and Anura Dissanayake has not provided any written statements.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe is the only national leader in Sri Lanka who can independently represent the country on the international stage. Therefore, let us support President Wickremesinghe as the leader who can steadfastly serve the people and ensure stability.

MP Major Pradeep Undugoda;

I came from the leftist political camp to support President Ranil Wickremesinghe, recognizing that it was President Wickremesinghe who stepped up to take control of the country when the economy was collapsing, and people were suffering. President Wickremesinghe also worked to safeguard democracy at a time when it was under threat. Had democracy not been preserved, the country could have faced a fate similar to Bangladesh's turmoil. We are committed to re-electing President Ranil Wickremesinghe, the leader who protected our nation, as President again.

Former Minister Ravi Karunanayake;

September 21st is the day when the people will decide whether President Ranil Wickremesinghe will continue rebuilding the economy. When faced with an economic crisis a year or two ago, many shied away from taking responsibility. True leaders, however, emerge in times of challenge, and President Ranil Wickremesinghe proved himself as a national leader during that critical period. Can leaders who are unable to face the International Monetary Fund (IMF) alone to discuss the economy truly build this country?

It’s easy to make promises when in opposition, but governing requires the courage to tackle challenges head-on. The public should carefully consider whether the opposition can deliver on their promises. If the decision on the 21st is misguided, the country may not recover. Therefore, it's crucial to make the right choice.

Former Minister Faizar Mustapha;

This year marks the first election in Sri Lanka where religion and casteism are not central issues. Previous elections have often cantered around racial or religious divisions, but in President Ranil Wickremesinghe's political history, he has never engaged in such divisive politics.

If Sajith Premadasa or Anura Dissanayake were to come to power in the upcoming presidential election, the country could face a return to gas and fuel shortages within six months. Therefore, it is crucial to re-elect President Ranil Wickremesinghe, the only leader who has successfully rebuilt the economy and has the capability to keep it moving forward.

Leader of the Nava Janatha Party Sugeeshwara Bandara;

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has brought Sri Lanka back from the brink, a situation that could have turned the country into another Bangladesh through the actions of figures like Sunil Handunnetti and Lalkantha. Those making promises from platform to platform today should be asked where they were when the economic crisis hit the nation. On July 10, 2022, until 6:32 pm, Sajith Premadasa stated that "Kabeer, Eran, and Harsha are not willing to take over the Premiership.

Nalaka Godahewa conveyed messages to Sajith Premadasa from the Presidential Secretariat that day, but it was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who stepped in, discussed the situation for 17 minutes, and took on the role of Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, Former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa tried to reach Anura Dissanayake multiple times, but he did not respond. Now, these same leaders are loudly campaigning for the presidency, claiming to represent the people. However, I trust that responsible citizens who understand the gravity of leadership will express their gratitude by ensuring President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s victory in the upcoming presidential election.

Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena, Minister Parasanna Ranatunga, MP Madhura Withanage, Yadamini Gunawardena, Rohitha Abegunawardhana, Chief of Presidential Staff and Senior Adviser on National Security Sagala Ratnayaka, Director General of Trade Unions to the President Saman Ratnapriya, Former Chief Minister of Western Province Isuru Dewapriya, Former Ministers Jeewan Kumaranatunga, Chandana Kathriarachchi, Former Mayor of Colombo Rosy Senanayake and representatives of the provincial political authority attended the event.

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