Four Major Three-Wheeler Associations Pledge Support for President Ranil Wickremesinghe in Upcoming Presidential Election

• Thousand three-wheeler drivers rally at Galle Face.

• President Wickremesinghe resolves long-standing regulatory issues

• President ensures continuity for three-wheeler drivers.

• We express our commitment to the president for industry safety and national economic growth - Representatives of Three-Wheeler Associations.

• Cabinet approval has been secured for pension and social security schemes for three-wheeler drivers, set to be implemented by 2025.

• Debt relief for three-wheeler drivers will be provided through debt restructuring opportunities offered by both public and private banks- President

Representatives from four major three-wheeler associations have announced their fullest support for independent candidate Ranil Wickremesinghe in the upcoming presidential election.

The associations—The All Ceylon Three-Wheeler Drivers' Union (ACTWDU), the Union of National Taxi App Drivers, the United Passenger Transport Service Professionals Association, and the Western Provincial Three-Wheeler Drivers and Owners Cooperative Society—are united in their endorsement of the President.

Around a thousand representatives from these associations gathered at Galle Face Green in Colombo today (04), where President Ranil Wickremesinghe joined them for a friendly meeting at their request.

The three-wheeler drivers expressed their gratitude to President Ranil Wickremesinghe for resolving an issue that had gone unaddressed for 25 years under four executive presidents—the regulation of the three-wheeler industry—within just 24 hours. They recalled how, during the last season, they were unable to work and had to stand in fuel queues for days, and acknowledged that it was President Wickremesinghe who rescued them from that situation, vowing never to face such circumstances again.

During the event, President Ranil Wickremesinghe announced that the government will introduce a contributory pension scheme and social security for three-wheeler drivers starting in 2025. He also mentioned that state and private banks will offer the opportunity to restructure debt repayments for three-wheeler drivers struggling due to the economic crisis.

President Ranil wickremesinghe further explained;

When introducing three-wheelers to Sri Lanka, Late President J.R. Jayewardene showed a keen interest, and today, the success has surpassed expectations, with tens of thousands now owning three-wheelers. As a result, it is essential to organize the three-wheeler industry within a proper framework.

We have already addressed the regulatory issues that the industry was facing. Additionally, we've worked on introducing a pension scheme for three-wheeler drivers, which has received Cabinet approval.

We also plan to address the challenges the industry faced due to COVID-19 and the economic crisis, providing relief through the two state banks and discussing similar measures with private banks.

A more structured organization is necessary for the three-wheeler industry. We intend to form committees in each province, including representatives from these associations, the police, and provincial councils, to implement new development measures. Looking ahead, electric three-wheelers will be needed not only to reduce fuel dependency, and we should focus on these initiatives as we move forward.

Chairman of the All-Island Three-wheeler Drivers Association, Lalith Dharmasekara;

Four major three-wheeler associations came together today to express their collective gratitude to the President on behalf of all three-wheeler drivers. The government's intervention was crucial in addressing long-standing issues related to the quality and standards of the three-wheeler passenger service in the country.

For over 25 years, we have been advocating for these changes, but it was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who resolved the issue in less than 24 hours after we presented it to him. What couldn't be achieved in 25 years was made a reality within a single day, thanks to his efforts.

Furthermore, through his election manifesto, the President has shown a deep understanding of our challenges. He has taken steps to elevate the three-wheeler service to NVQ Level 4, provide NVQ certificates, implement a pension and social security program for three-wheeler drivers, and offer relief to the tricycle community burdened by debt due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The President's intervention in these matters is a significant service to the hundreds of thousands of three-wheeler owners. Therefore, we commit ourselves to supporting the President's victory in the upcoming presidential election and contributing to the country's economic development.

Chairman of the Union of National Taxi App Drivers, Jesmin Lanka,

For 46 years, the three-wheeler industry in this country operated informally. Our leaders fought for 25 years to regulate it, but it was President Ranil Wickremesinghe who finally achieved what four previous executive presidents could not. We are gathered here today to express our gratitude.

Recently, a business was launched through a taxi app, taking advantage of the informal nature of this industry, causing various difficulties for three-wheeler owners. However, with the legal framework established and gazetted by the President, these problems have now been resolved.

Two years ago, we were a group of people standing in fuel queues for weeks. Thanks to the President, we now have access to enough fuel, enabling us to work again. We believe that only the President can solve the country's future challenges—without his leadership, we might find ourselves back in those fuel queues.

Today, there are voices on the National People’s Power (NPP) campaign stage talking about introducing another taxi app if they come to power. I ask the authorities, are they planning to bring in something like the Pick Me Taxi app? They're also considering introducing motorcycles, which would further disrupt the three-wheeler community. It's clear that when a businessman is backing a presidential candidate, our future is uncertain. That's why we're committed to ensuring Ranil Wickremesinghe is re-elected as the President of this country.

Secretary to the United Passenger Transport Service Professionals Association, Rahuman Pallay,

We have decided to support the current President in the upcoming presidential election because he personally intervened to gazette regulations that ensure the safety of the three-wheeler industry. He has shown strong support for us and is committed to securing victory in the next election.

Although many regulations have been enacted in Sri Lanka concerning the three-wheeler industry, they have not been enforced. Notably, in the Western Province, regulations were gazetted in 2002 but have yet to be implemented. We believe that under the leadership of current president, this issue will be resolved next year, and he will be re-elected as President. As a tricycle community, we are fully dedicated to his victory.

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